
My Idle Immortal Path

Lin Hang never thought he would be able to cultivate become an Immortal. He thought his path to immortality would be arduous and full of hardship. But, the truth is always surprising to know. You have broken Spiritual Roots? No problem, you could refine it yourself till Divine Roots. You have worst aptitude in cultivation? No problem, there is Heavenly Book that upgrade yours. You have a small Sea of Spirits and its absorbtion is too slow? No problem, there is Mantra. You afraid of Heaven Tribulation would struck you? No problem, there is pill for every realm tribulation. You don't have skill to do that? No problem, each level of skill is compiled in one book. This is My Idle Immortal Path. _______________ Donate Link: https://linktr.ee/RyuzakiRIN

PathfinderForest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The repertoire of rejection

After taking a strike from Heavenly Lightning. He becomes sensitive to the energy wave in the surrounding. An abnormal wave of energy come from behind the cliff.

Unfortunately, he suddenly feels a disturbance of energy wave from others direction far from here. He could be more or less understand this. It means some cultivator or martial artist with same cultivation or higher coming toward his direction.

He directly went to civilian residences. Looking for a residence backyard with a clothesline outside.

Lin Hang took a pair of pants and shirt before leaving hurriedly.

"Sorry, I would pay for this in the future."


He vanished from the backyard.


02.00 AM.

2KM away from Lin Hang's family residence.

Lin Hang already sneak in Gunungjati Peak's perimeter for ten minutes. He seems to be taken around half an hour to finish his first tribulation.

There are two people standing right before the place he used to transcend his first Heavenly Tribulation.

"What do you think, Sir?" the big person with black coat ask to another man in the very respected manner.

"Someone is challenging the heaven here. In terms of those Hua cultivator, this is called Heavenly Tribulation." said the one shorter solemnly.

The big man taken aback when he heard this. He wanted to say, "Are you sure?" But, gulped down his word before it comes out of his throat, right when seeing his superior make such a serious look.

"Usually, one need to transcend Heavenly Tribulation within one to three days. So, they would be guarded by their protector and transcend their tribulation in secluded area. But, this guy, did it so openly within the territory of Saint Gunungjati's descendant..."

"He done it and transcend Heavenly Tribulation in just an hour at most. This guy would either be a foolish' ignorant or absolute genius in cultivation. Clear this place, don't let Elder from Family throw his anger at us. Our Faction is already dwindling in number all these year. If this guy really survives, you need to invite him to join us properly."

He directly vanishes from that place, before long, Lin Hang catch a glimpse of his shadow a few hundred meters away in the north.

AS the left over from Heavenly Lightning strikes, the ground around boulder was in a mess condition. The big guy needs to use mystical art and restore the ground, drain him nearly half of his energy.

"Even with that big build of him. He still drains himself for such a simple job." Lin Hang murmured while his eyes focused on big guy mystical art.

What he didn't know was, the big guy drains himself so he could get back to his superior faster. If not, he could just do it with some basic earth mending trick which requires less energy but more time.

After finishing his job, the big guy turns back and left to follow his superior. While behind the shadow, Lin Hang learned quite a few things from their conversation and mystical art displayed by the big guy. Then, with just a bit of analysis, he would be able to use it himself. A deeper analysis would make him alleviate the energy usage, shorten the expenditure energy of mystical art.

Lin Hang calculates for a moment and he got a shocking result. If he uses this mystical art after forcefully learns it. He would use a third of all his energy.

Of course, it doesn't really proof that his power stronger than that big guy. But at the least, it tells him one fact; his energy storage was much bigger than this bunch of people.

He returns his attention to the mysterious place behind the cliff. This is his first time to meet this type of place, and this would be his first time taking an adventure at such a place too. He could feel his heart palpitating in excitement.

After confirming no one else around, Lin Hang dive directly toward the cliff.

Un, un... In the novels. Usually the main character would have to jump down the cliff before they meet heaven defying treasure right. May be I would be able to make a fortuitous encounter, like a mystic ring with a grandpa inside it. Or an Origin Core with heaven defying ability.

All in all, every main character that jump down the cliff would able make a comeback with a lot of treasure. So, without much thinking, he jumped in free fall toward bottom ravine.

Gunungjati Peak has never been so high in the first place, so even if he jumps down like that. He thought, he would be alright with some injuries at most, he was a cultivator after all.

There is a crack a few meters before the ground of the ravine.

Lin Hang directly catch a tree branch near that crack. He landed lightly on the ground before the crack. The crack hole height only half of his with half meters wide. The ground around it only takes a few feet square, while beside it, there is a small tree act as that crack hole shades.

After taking a peek of the crack, more or less he could be sure, this was a.....

"A Treasure Trove Cave! Um, This mustn't be wrong. The crack hole under the cliff, above the ravine ground."

This guy really reads fantasy novels a bit too much.

"With such a big space inside, to think this cave hidden so well from peoples' eyes. HM? This is... How come?"

There is a wave of energy in it? The surrounding of the crack hole was so sparse of energy while the inner mouth cave—the crack hole, full of world spiritual energy.

"Is this why no one takes a notice about this crack hole? This place is over three meters from the ravine ground, above it was a bit over a hundred meters high cliff. Moreover, no one would care about the broken tree above this small footing ground."

"Right. Normal people would be fooled by just this arrangement. But, it is a bit too underestimating for this arrangement to be able fooled a veteran like a rogue martial artist or even practitioner from this territory owner."

He carefully crawls inside the crack hole. The inner crack hole seems to be not over than two meters.

"Like I thought..." A thick energy contained whole room of the cave.

He saw a formation of pillars and Ancient Javanese rune. This is used to gather world spiritual energy. Like an ancient array from Hua Nation, Qi Gathering Array.

"With energy gathered here. I could use this place for secluded cultivation. But, what is the use of gathering this much energy?"

He suddenly remembered that broken tree beside the crack hole.

"Ah! So, that it is! It should be so... That tree should be there for more than a centuries if not a few hundreds of years. For it to be able maintain such a shape and still being unremarkable tree for years without anyone noticing it."

He is right. A tree with such natural concealment ability. If someone able to redirect this ability to conceal that crack hole, then something needs to supply an energy required.

In the pillars formation center, a stalagmite raised one and a half meter high. There is a concave above it, filled with white cloud waters.

Lin Hang senses a condensed world energy from water.

"What is this? Liquid state of world energy? Something like Spiritual Milky Marrow?"

A few meters on the opposite side, out of the pillar formation rings. There is a pair of red block of brick that usually called as "Red Gapura", attached right to cave walls. A thick black Jati Wood act as pair of door leaf.

His intuition tells him that touching this door carelessly would make him regret afterward. So he could only sigh before return his attention toward stalagmite again.

"Either it was truly Spiritual Milky Marrow or not. This should be something precious. An ordinary container would only spoil these goods. Something like jade ware should do, but jade bottle or the likes are too expensive. Also, no one would sell jade ware in this City."

After spinning his brain for a good minutes. He still couldn't find a way to substitute jade ware with others container. He could only return home bare handed.


02.30 AM.

Lin Hang's family residence.

Lin Hang safely returned home in 5 minutes. Different from the way he runs to Gunungjati Peak, on the way back he run more relaxed.

He took a bath, change a clothes and rested after taking a bite of breads.


Cirebon' Sixth High School.

In front of school gate.

A group of students encircles a sleepless pretty boy, while other students who was curious gathered one by one.

They are curiously taking a peek at pretty boy. His face was a bit familiar to them. Like that half bred boy from Hua land.

Eh? Hua land?

Isn't he Lin Hang the transferred student? How come he suddenly become so pretty like a girl?

Right, this pretty boy with a sleepless face is actually Lin Hang.

After he comes back from his tour at that mysterious cave. He directly sleep after taking a bath and a bite, so he didn't know the change in his whole body.

Who would know, after he wakes up so late in the morning. His foster parents shocked when looking at his face. They're nearly mistaken him for a thief if not for his clear facial features.

Then when he comes at schools. While his looks been changed, with his navy jacket and backpack someone would be able to identify him. Like these groups of boys who lead by a sunshine boy.

When they saw his face, their response exactly same as his foster parents. Moreover, they seem a bit astounded while looking at him. That sunshine boy face filled with determination, more after seeing Lin Hang's face today.

The clueless Lin Hang never feels ashamed than today. "To think, even these boys charmed by my looks..." murmured him.

The sunshine boy called Randy Dermawan, waiting Lin Hang with his buddies since 7 am. As Lin Hang wearing his jacket hoods. When he stops him, they think he has such a familiar face, but prettier than their target. They nearly thought they got the wrong person.

Randy musters his courage to say something.

"I, I—"

Lin Hang raises his hand, stops him before he finished his sentence.

"I am truly sorry. I already have someone... bye~"

He leaves these boys while waving his hands, walked straight to his class.

The group of boys and the onlooker dumbfounded at the conclusion. Some people feel like a déjà vu at this moment. Right, aren't yesterday, this guy rejected by Princess Ratu Arum in the same way too.

What a repertoire of event?


Ding, ding, ding... The first break time arrived.

Today, Lin Hang has been turned into a celebrity in one night.

The Heavenly Tribulation and his Foundation Realm cultivation, has been reforming his body. His skins become so smooth like white jade, his black-colored eyes become more profound, and his height becomes taller. Right now, he turned into the pretty boy from a good looking kid.

His classmates looking at him like seeing a celebrity model.

He even heard a passing by talk like; "Being in the same class with Lin Hang never get us bored..." whisper someone with her friends.

He really turned into celebrities, but a comedian type ones that entertain others by looking at them.

Lin Hang could only sigh, while taking out his love bento made by his foster mother. Lin Hang's Mama, made special bento in high spirit after looking at her son new change.

Um, this is what they say about, "Good looking guy would get favored." meaning.

He opened it carefully, there are a lot of his favorite foods. A chicken drum, a thin sweet-sour potatoes stick, capcay tauge and a chicken katsu.

"Umn~ Bon appetite~"


"Princess Arum is here!"

"The Goddess come to Science One looking her man..."


"It seems Lin Hang ignoring Princess..."

"... Does there something happen between them. So, Lin Hang retaliates by ignoring Our Goddess?"

Their discussion becomes more and more chaotic. While the center of discussion, Lin Hang, still enjoying his foods.

"Umn~ Delish~"


"Hey, Lin Hang! Don't ignore me!"

Thud! She slapped the table shocking clueless guy who was trying to shallow his foods.

Cough, cough, cough...

Lin Hang took an idle bottle of water not far from his seat and drink it hurriedly.


"Hah... Are you crazy? I nearly choked myself to death because of you!" shout him facing a pretty girl before him.

Um? She is... If I am not wrong, her name should be Ratu Arum. Ratu? Is she descendant of Palaces?

Ratu Arum angrily glared at him like yesterday.

"What? What do you want now? Isn't yesterday enough?"

When she heard it, her stare becomes more intense.

She thought, he should be at the peak of Qi Gathering Realm yesterday right. Then, how come his cultivation become more profound in just one night? Did he use cheat again like yesterday?

"Did you... umm," she shook her head and said in a serious tone, "Lin Hang, come with me after school. I need to talk about something with you."

Then she leaves his class with a serious expression still plastered on her face.

Lin Hang confused and muttered, "What did she wanna do this time?"

Well, I think I'll meet her after school. She should be one of Palaces' descendant.

"Did you guys have a fight?" class rep. asked him in concerned.

"Don't worry, Lin Hang. Our class would cheer you, even if you broke with her."

With a concerned look, he left him to enjoy his time.


Sometime, I don't understand what these guys thinking about in their heads. Are we talking in different frequency each time?



Tap, tap, tap...

He lightly knocks the table with his middle finger while thinks about the container to substitute jade ware in the middle of class lesson.

"Lin Hang, stop your finger! We were in the middle of class. Behave yourself!" Teacher Muji said in a stern voice.

It was chemistry class. While he isn't good at it since the beginning, he still careless each time at his lecture. He would get scolded at least one time by Teacher Muji.

"Haha~" his classmates laughing at his confused face.

"Ah... I am sorry, Teacher." Then he looked at his finger.

Right. Why don't I think about it... There is [Merit Store]!

