
My Hybrid King

KayLeeRosee_Gaming · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

  Brianna POV

I sat in my flower room where I took care of the flowers and other plants and herbs. I have studied medicine since I was 8. My parents were strict on my studies and wanted me to become a pack doctor and since I didn't want to disappoint them I studied as hard as I could. I spend most of my time here since Khalil made the palace my jail. It's the place I felt most comfortable.

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and I instantly knew it was Khalil as he buried his nose in the crook of my neck. I couldn't help my give a small smile as I felt so safe in his arms but I quickly snapped out of it and attempted to push him off me causing him to let out a sigh.

"How long are you going to be angry with me Bri?" Khalil asked, clearly annoyed.

"When you stop treating me like a prisoner in my own home." I told him nonchalantly.

Rolling his eyes he groaned in frustration. "How else am I to assure you won't leave me? I give you the freedom you ask for and then I never see you again."

"You say it like it's a bad thing." Now maybe I shouldn't have said that but he wasn't going to budge anyways so might as well piss him off while I'm at it.

"Brianna." The way my name slid off his lips made my heart jump. His tone was pleading with me to listen. "I know I have caused you nothing but pain since I met you with the demise of your parents being the main thing keeping you from loving me but every move I made thus far was so I could provide my mate the life she deserved. Truthfully if I knew you were my mate before the war I would have changed my plans Bri but that's not the reality we were given." Khalil attempted to reason with me

"Even so Khalil--"

"Bri I won't be able to live on this earth without you. I want to create a life and family with you. For you to carry my pups. You continue to fight our bond knowing how I feel and you get angry with me because I want you to stay with me. I'm honestly unsure of what to do with you."

"I refuse to give birth to your pups and I will continue to fight our bond. I truly hate it here and I hate you." my voice was soft but cold

"You don't mean that Brianna. I'm going to act like you didn't just say that bullshit to me."

"Oh believe me I meant it because I fucking hate you!" I snapped and within a second I found myself pressed against a wall, his hand around my neck squeezing so hard I had to gasp for breath, my eyes widening in fear as I looked at my mate. He was in control but he was very angry and I could see it all over his face.

"I do not want to hear those words come from your mouth again! I am your MATE! And ALPHA! YOU WILL LEARN TO SUBMIT WHEN TOLD OR I WILL PUNISH YOU!"

"Well to bad because I hate you Khalil I hate your fucking guts!" I screamed at him as tears rolled down my face. I suddenly felt myself lift off the ground and I was thrown over Khalil's shoulder. "Put me down!" I pounded on his back.

He ignored me and continued on his journey down the stairs suddenly we left the palace and we were in the prison cellars. It smelled of blood and death and that sent shivers up my spine. "Oww!" I cried as I felt my body hit the ground, a cell door closed in front of me and I watched as Khalil locked it as he looked at me.

I took in my surroundings and two cells down I saw a rogue looking at me like I was a snack and when it snapped it canines at me and growled I couldn't help but scream in fear. I wasn't trained in combat. My father concealed me from any type of violence. I looked back up at Khalil. "You're not gonna leave me down here right?" I asked him.

"Why not? You hate me so there's no reason for you to be in my bed. There's also no reason for you to go to another bedroom considering who your father is. You deserve to be in a cell."

I looked at him in complete disbelief. "You can't be serious?" This can't be the same man who was pounding into me the other day. There's just no way.

"Oh I'm very serious Bri, if you're not my mate then you are nothing." he replied coldly then turning around and leaving me here. I screamed after him but he didn't come back. He left me here when he was the one in the wrong. I was being punished. I hated him. I truly hated him.

1 week later( Brianna's escape)

  I had been in this cellar for a week. Khalil made sure I ate daily and he visited me a few times but ignored him each time. My wolf Brielle begged me to go to him and submit but I refused. She wants me to submit because I'm pregnant and we need our mates protection more than ever but I plan to run before he finds out about my pregnancy. 

There's a guard who's been lusting after me I already made a date with him tonight he's gonna take me out of the cells for fresh air as I told him in exchange for sexual services I told him to make sure we are near the border so it's easy for me to run off he should be coming tonight.. I'm just praying it works or I'm royally fucked.

"Time for your run, let's go." I looked up at him pitifully before getting up and following him. I couldn't actually let this guard touch me. Khalil would definitely feel it so I had to figure something out fast or this is gonna go south very quickly.

Took us about 10 minutes to get to our destination and once we got there he immediately grabbed my waist and pushed me up against a tree.

"W-w-wait can I at least get comfortable? I want to enjoy this."

"Sure, just hurry up. We have 15 minutes before we have to get back."

I nodded, I took a deep breath then I stripped completely naked in front of him. Trying to hide the fear that enveloped me I allowed him to take hold of my waist. He kissed my neck and I shifted uncomfortably. Khalil has been alerted for sure already the minute his lips touched my neck. I let my wolf Brielle have control for the first time in ages and let her work while I watched from the inside..

Brielle is way more fierce than I am.  I wish I had her bravery. I watched closely as she proceeded to pounce on the guard causing him to fall onto his back. Startled by her sudden actions he yells "The fuck are you do-- Brielle didn't allow him to finish as she raised her right hand extending her claws running them across his face with all the strength she had. 

"AGhh!!" He screamed 

"Shut up before you attract attention!" Grabbing his head and snapping it to the right, killing him instantly. 

"You here that? Silence. Now was that so hard?"

I felt a sense of adrenaline run through my body as I shifted for the second time in my life. Brielle didn't agree with leaving our mate but she said that I will come to my senses soon after we've lost his protection on the outside world. She may be right but I don't care I just know I need to leave and I need to leave now. So I ran until I couldn't anymore. I tired out at around 50 miles north and stopped to rest in a nearby cave. 

I Heard voices and beeping sounds. "Do you think she's a rogue?" I heard a woman say "She looks really young and she's pregant theres no way she'd harm a fly." I heard another woman say. My eyes snapped open and I frantically looked around I was in a hospital room and my wrist where chained to the bed. The first thought that came to my mind was that Khalil found me and he know about the baby and I started to panic.

"Hey Hey calm down sweetie no one is gonna hurt you." a soothing voice that instantly calmed me

I look up at the beautiful woman standing next to me "Who are you? Where am I?" I ask immediately

"I am Alpha Viola and this is my beta Jayla. You are in the Eden pack. My border patrol found you in a cave just near the border. You looked a bit weak so I had them bring you back to the pack hospital." She replied

"Ok. Can I ask why I'm handcuffed to the bed?"

"Because You are an unidentified female wolf that was found in a cave on my territory and I can't seem to find your face in the database because it's classified top grade information. You want to explain that?"

I thought about it for a second and Figured if she wanted to harm me she would have already. She's an Alpha so she wouldn't have a problem using her Alpha tone on me. I may be the Alpha king's Daughter but I'm an Omega. That shit feels like a knife going through our necks so I would rather avoid it.

"My name is Brianna Reed…. I inhaled, taking a deep breath to calm myself before continuing to speak. "I'm the daughter of the former Alpha King. The New King is my husband and mate. I ran from him after finding out I was pregnant."

"You ran from being the queen?" Jayla asked in a judging tone, I rolled my eyes at her question not replying.

"You're our Queen? I don't sense a lie coming from you but why would you run away from the palace? What could he have done that's so bad." Viola questioned

"Did you not hear me say I'm the former king and queen's daughter? He killed my parents, my brothers, My entire Family yet he believes he's done no wrong and expects me to just accept him. I refuse."

"You're pregnant which says you were intimate with him, no?" Alpha Viola asked

"We've only had sex a few times. The mate bond is strong so it's really hard to resist his advances sometimes but he never gave me a choice if he wanted me he would have me. I rejected him when we met and he declined like the asswhole he is."

Viola nodded in understanding. "Does he know about the pregnancy?"

I shook my head. "No, I was stuck in a cell for not submitting to my mate when I found out my wolf told me and I had been locked up for a week. I tricked a guard with some advances and killed him and ran nonstop till I found that cave."

"Ok I will allow you to take refuge here until after the child is born then you are to make the decision on if you would like to become a permanent member or return to your mate who I know is certainly losing his mind as we speak."

I give her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Alphas need their mates' honey and you have abandoned yours. First his Wolf will be uncontrollable and if he's angry enough the wolf will abandon him all together unless you return leaving the kingdom defenseless. And as time goes by his wolf will go feral but it takes two years for that to happen." She explained

Brielle howled on the inside. "If you allow Blaze to go feral I will not forgive you."

I sighed knowing Brielle was in pain and it was my fault really hurt But I need her to understand I can't be with Khalil while my family's death is so fresh on my mind.

"I will go back but only after I've properly grieved my family and can accept him without feeling like I'm betraying them by lying with the enemy."

"Yeah, that's definitely the best for you and the baby." Jayla replied

I gave a small hopeful smile. "Are you guys gonna uncuff me or am I just stuck here?" I asked

"Oh!" They both scrambled looking for the keys. I laughed knowing I might like it here.