
My Hybrid King

KayLeeRosee_Gaming · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 The Mating Ceremony

Brianna Pov

I was extremely nervous. I didn't want to marry khalil and I thought I could escape before the wedding but khalil had way more security than I anticipated as if he was expecting me to run at any given second. I was standing on the other side of the entrance to the ballroom in my wedding dress. Beautiful white sleeveless with diamonds on it. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the palace guard.

"My Queen They are ready for you."

I sucked in a breath but nodded nun the less. I watched as the doors opened and I locked eyes with Khalil who stood at the end of the walk way. I felt my eyes start to water as I knew that in this moment there was no escape. He would never allow it. I walked down the aisle ignoring the gossip as I passed until I was in front of Khalil. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye and I kept my head slightly down until I felt the veil over my face lift.

"You are my Queen. You are to look me in my eyes mate." Khalil said softly. I did as he said and Looked him in the eyes and the priest started to speak.

"Do you Alpha King Khalil Reeds Take Brianna as Your Queen Luna and Mate?"

"I do."He replied his eyes never leaving mine

"Brianna, do you accept Khalil reeds as your Alpha King and Husband."

"NO" My brain shouted. "I do." I replied softly, still looking into Khalil's eyes.

  Everything else the Priest said was a blur I spaced out into the back of my mind until I felt Khalil's Lips on mine and The loud cheers that snapped me back to reality.

"Your New king and Queen Everyone!" Yelled the priest

I didn't even have time to fully process anything as Khalil picked me up bridal style and left the ballroom. 

"W-w-wait! Shouldn't we stay and mingle with the guests?" I tried to plead

"No, we have to finish the mating ceremony then we will mingle tomorrow morning over breakfast."

Khalil Pov

I knew she wanted to wait a little longer for our union as she was nervous but I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to be buried inside her and if  I had to wait any longer I would lose my mind completely.

When I got to our bedroom removed her dress from her body, then I laid her down gently onto the bed. "So beautiful." I murmured as I looked over her body. Removing her bra and underwear I purred victoriously.

Sensing her uncomfort I looked at her eyes it was clear she did not want to give herself to me. But she will scream for me nonetheless. I spread her legs open wide and took a look at her delicious pink folds. I lowered my head and took her clit into my mouth causing her to jerk and gasp. I let my tongue glide through her folds relishing in the beautiful cries and moans coming from her lips. I continued to devour her until her legs began to shake and fluid gushed from her as she came on my face. I smirked at her as she blushed furiously and apologized to me.

Licking my lips as I pulled down my boxers showing her my full length.  "There's nothing to apologize for baby that was supposed to happen. It means you're ready to take me now."

  I settled myself in between her legs and tried to back away from me. My hands caught her leg and pulled her back down. "It will only hurt for a second. The pain should subside soon." I told her softly and without a second I entered her breaking her virginal barrier and making sure she was taking me fully. 

I heard her sniffle as a few tears escaped her eyes. I wiped them away and placed a small kiss under her eye. "Shh it's ok." I whispered 

I didn't wait for her signal. I started at a slow pace for her to help her adjust. She was so tight her walls were clenching around me like I was a foreign object. And the sparks were on a whole nother level. The saying that sex with your mate was unlike anything in this world was correct. Brianna's soft moan snapped me out of my trance and I lost all control I had left as I started pounding into her with long deep strokes.

"Fu-Oh fuck Khalil!" Bianna screamed out

  I smirked and kept going her cries went on the entire night  as our skin slapped together.

"Oh my god I'm coming!" Brianna screamed as I pounded into her core, her legs tightening around my waist.

"Hold it." I told her to adjust her legs and put them over my shoulders then continued to pound into her.

"Fuck khalil I can't hold it!" She moaned

"You can and you will" I growled, causing her to whimper but she listened.

I felt my climax coming and on instinct I plunged my canines into her neck marking her as mine for all eternity. We climaxed together and Brianna quickly dosed off to sleep. 

  I couldn't be any happier. I am Now the Alpha King with a Queen by my side. I've killed all the people who dared to cross me and my family. Now I will rule and no one can stop me.

Brianna Pov

The moment Khalil's tongue touched my wet folds the electricity I felt was unreal. In that moment everything he said was true and I was his. He continued to devour me as if I was his desert and my cries of pleasure filled the room. I didn't think I could get any louder until he started his attack on my clit. My body began to jerk viciously like I was about to erupt next thing I knew I was coting Khalil in my juices as they squirted out of me. I was so embarrassed I apologized. I watched as he Licked his lips and  pulled down his boxers showing me his full length and I gasped at the size.  "There's nothing to apologize for baby that was supposed to happen. It means you're ready to take me now." He said his voice filled with lust

He settled himself in between my legs and I tried to back away from him. his hands caught my leg and pulled me back down. "It will only hurt for a second. The pain should subside soon." He told me softly and without a second he entered me breaking my virginal barrier and making sure I was taking him fully.

I sniffled in pain from the sudden intrusion, tears falling freely and he wiped them away and placed a small kiss under my eye. "Shh it's ok." he whispered oh so gently

He started at a slow pace to help me adjust to his length. He's so big I can feel my walla clenching around him like he was a foreign object. I couldn't help but start to loose my mind as his strokes got harder and longer. He was sinking so deep Inside me and my juices could be heard with each thrust as he pounded into me our skin slapping together filling the room.

"Fu-Oh fuck Khalil!" I screamed out

"Oh my god I'm coming!" I screamed as he pounded into my soaking wet core, my legs tightening around his waist.

"Hold it." he told me as he adjusted my legs over his shoulders then continued to pound into me mercilessly as he was balls deep inside of me now.

"Fuck I can't hold it!" I moaned

"You can and you will" he growled, causing me to whimper but I listened.

I felt him speed up in his thrusts and he suddenly plunged his canines into my neck the pain/pleasure from the marking causing me to let out the orgasm he told me to hold forcing him to cum with me even after coming tho he continued to a slow pace inside me once again and he nipped my ear

"You're mine now."He whispered, sending a shiver down my spine. I was too tired to say anything and passed out right there.

I woke up a few hours later feeling like I was on the verge of a climax. Then imagine my surprise as I let out a surprisingly loud moan as I looked at my mate Khalil as he devoured me. I threw my head back and let him as it felt way too good to fight him and I grinded my hips into his face causing him to let out an approving growl. I was a moaning mess with my legs shaking uncontrollably. A few minutes later he was buried deep inside of me and I was in pure bliss. How was I supposed to hate this man when he fucked me so well. I continued my cries as he pounded me, his thick length filling me to the brim.

The next morning

After Khalil had his morning fill of me we took a shower and headed down for breakfast where everyone who attended our ceremony was waiting for us. I heard the claps and cheers of the guests and while Khalil had a huge smile on his face I simply stood by him with a smile just as big but I was not happy. 

I allowed Khalil to guide me to the table and he pulled me into his lap as he sat down.  Once our plates were set in front of us and Khalil took his first bite of food we all followed after him as the Alpha King always starts to eat first. I ate but I didn't eat much since I wasn't really hungry. I was too busy wallowing in my despair and trying to keep a smile on for everyone. I was now Queen Luna of my pack. Too much was expected of me. Luckily I had Luna training from my mother as she suspected my mate would be an Alpha. 

Brianna Pov 

I was all dressed up ready to go to the mall with Ciara for an epic shopping spree when the guards told me by order of my mate I can't leave the premises. And they refuse to tell me why so I attempt to use my alpha voice on him and he's about to comply until I feel my mates presence behind me.

"Brianna stop it." My mates raspy voice gets my attention

"Khalil, I was going to the mall. And the guards are telling me I can't leave!" I was genuinely confused. I haven't done anything to be put on lockdown. I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"Word gets around the palace quickly, mate. I'm realizing I have to keep my eye on you a little longer than I originally planned."

"What are you even talking about? I haven't done anything you can't keep me locked up in this palace I won't allow--"

He swiftly cut me off and let out a threatening growl causing me to jump back with a slight yelp escaping my lips. "You are lucky I don't lock you in our bedroom! You will do as I say and not leave this palace!" he growled out making me jump startled by his sudden behavior when he was just making love to me this morning.

I felt my eyes start to water and I don't know if it was because of the growl, that he yelled at me, or the fact that I'm now confined to the palace for no apparent reason. "I hate you I hope you know that.  Didn't give khalil a moment to say another word. I ran up the stairs to our bedroom and changed into some comfortable clothes and laid down in bed letting the tears fall freely. There was nothing else to do and I didn't feel like watching TV.

I heard the bedroom door open a few moments later. I immediately knew it was Khalil as his scent basically attacked me. I felt the bed dip and his hand grabs my waist and he attempts to turn me toward him which makes me slap his hand away.

"You've lost the right to touch me." I told him coldly

Another threatening growl erupted from his throat as he wanted me to submit and do whatever he wanted, no questions asked. But that's not what's gonna happen. I turned and looked at him.

"What do you want Khalil? I'm not leaving the palace as you said so there's no reason for you to be in front of me right now." 

"Must you always be so difficult? When I ask something of you, why can't you just do it?" He questioned

  "I just wanted to go to the fucking mall!" I snapped "What the fuck is difficult about that!" 

"Brianna I'm trying to keep my anger in check so watch who your talking to" His tone firm and slightly threatening  "I still can't trust that you won't run off so no you can't leave the palace grounds without me with you."

"Khalil, you're being unreasonable. But you know what it's fine. I'm going to bed." I turned my back to him and closed my eyes. Hearing him let out an irritated growl I ignored him.

"It's taken me 8 long years to find you Brianna. You are my other half losing you would destroy me baby. You may dislike my methods but they are necessary." His tone was soft. His hot breath warmed my ear before kissing my cheek and leaving the room I let sleep take me.