
Chapter 25 out for dinner 1*

Tina paced angrily around her room, her face contorted with rage. "How can Maxwell love someone else? I thought he loved me! No, no, I won't let this happen. I will make sure Maxwell loves me and only me." Tina murmured, her mind set on her mission. She walked to her desk and grabbed her phone. She dialled the number of the leader of the goons and waited until the call was picked up.

"Hello, I have a new job for you," Tina said. "I promise to pay you with interest, please do this job for me."

"All my men got killed because of the last job you asked me to do," the leader of the goons replied coldly. "This time if you want me to do any job for you, I want something else as payment, if you are up for that you know where to find me." The leader of the goons hung up the call.

Tina threw her phone on the bed, her anger boiling over. "I guess I have no other choice," she said through gritted teeth. Knowing that she had no choice, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.
