
Chapter 24 Chat with Shina

Maxwell had a subtle smirk as he listened to Mellisa, knowing that she was only trying to help him out. He was delighted to hear her proclaim that she was his future wife, even though she was unaware of it. Clearing his throat, he realized that everyone was awaiting his response. "I am grateful to you, Mellisa, for chasing her out of my house," Maxwell said as he rose from the chair. "Now, please go and take your medicine and rest. After I am finished with my work, we can all go for dinner as Linda suggested." He then turned to Michelle and said, "Michelle, please come to my study room; there is something I need to discuss with you." After saying this, Maxwell left the dining room and headed to his study.

" Melissa goes to your room and gets some rest okay, " Michelle said to Mellisa. " Please don't stress yourself, okay remember the promise you made to me. I will go there shortly. " Michelle said and followed behind Maxwell.