
MY HUBBY PARK : Park Jimin

y/n and jimin a married couple..there wedding will long last or not?

jesmin_ · Teen
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7 Chs


Jimin:yes of course


[Y/ns pov]

We cuddled and felt asleep in each other's arms...

At morning ---------

A normal day.. Jimin went to office and y/n too

[Note: y/n was a fashion designer and went to her boutique... ]

-------at boutique--------

Lisa:hey y/n gd mrng

Y/n:gd mrng ..

Lisa:actually we've new order, of a gown ..

Y/n:ohh, does the customer hve any reference or idea?

Lisa:yeah, see this (she took out her phone and showed a beautiful dress)

Y/n:woahh it's beautiful

Lisa:but customer want it with little sequence and red color..

Y/n:I'll start the work from tomorrow

Lisa :okay

[Note: Lisa is a receptionist in y/ns boutique infact not a receptionist she was bestfrnd of y/n ]



----time skips at 6:30pm----

Y/n:Lisa I'm going home ..see you tomorrow

Lisa:okay by see you

----y/n was driving car----

Ringgring ringgg

*phone rings*

Y/n:oh jimin

*she picks up*

Jimin:hello wify

Y/n:hello Mr husband

Jimin:wht are doing

Y/n : I'm just driving to home...

Jimin:so can you pick me up from my office

Y/n:yeah but wht to your car...

Jimin:umm, jk took my car he said he hve some work

Y/n:ohh, well I'm coming in 5mins.


*they hung up the call*

***Y/ns reaches to jimin office***

Y/n thought:he's looking hot as always ...

[Y/ns pov]

I went near to him when he noticed me he runs to me and hugged me

Jimin:I'm so tired let's go home baby

Y/n:okay I'll drive for you my majesty.. I bowed and said with a smile

Jimin:he gave me a smile back... Let's go

----we get up inside the car----

[Y/ns pov ]

I was driving when I felt his warm hand on my lap... As I was wearing a short pencil skirt I could his hand .. And it gave me butterflies on my stomach.. I tried to tease him by moving his hand more upper...

Jimin:baby you wnt to do here (he whispered in my ear)

Y/n:if you wish ... I said while teasing him back

Jimin:woahh someone is getting wild

We both laughed

Y/n:control your emotions jiminahh (I laughed)

Jimin:okay I'll but when once we reach home you can't stop me... Deal (he smirked)

Y/n:really, okaieee ( with a nervous smile)



Jimin went outside and opened the door for me and said

Jimin:you want a piggy bag ridemiss?

Y/n:why not but you were tired right

Jimin:yeah but when I'm with you I'm not.. So let's go?

Y/n:okie said whilw jumping in happiness

He gave me a biggy bag ride till the lift and after lift to the door of our flat...

to be continued guy's please give some ideas if you ve in the comments the creations are hard so cheer me up please

jesmin_creators' thoughts