
MY HUBBY PARK : Park Jimin

y/n and jimin a married couple..there wedding will long last or not?

jesmin_ · Teen
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7 Chs


Jungkook:eonnie you're from India right so can you teach me speak your language?

Y/n:yeah, but it will be kinda hard for you

Jk:really (smiles with nervousness) okay then we'll do that another day

Y/n:hahahh (laughed), you thought it is too hard right?


{Ding dong}


Jimin:I said I I'll try tocame earlier see I'm here..

Y/n:that's nyc and see who is waiting for you

Jk:hey mochi!

Jimin:huh this boy.. Don't call me mochi! (With frustrated face) , it's jimin Park jimin okay

Jk:okay okay, now come and sit with me

Jimin:I'm tired I'll go and freshen up...

Y/n:jimin, I think jungkook should have dinner with us right?

Jimin:yeah I was thinking to say that, kookie stay for the dinner I'll go and freshen up(say's while going upstairs)

Jungkook:oky but I'm not kookie.. (Rolled his eyes)

Y/n:you two are literally kids hahaa (laughed) stop it..

Jk and jimin: we're not kids (says at the same time)

Jimin:if I'm mochi then you're kookie (raise his eyebrows) byee

Jungkook:did you saw that eonnie he always irritate me

Y/n:okay okay kookie you seat I'll prepare the dinner

Jk:eonnie you too, you're also calling me kookie?!

Y/n:hahhaha , sry, sry..

------time skips ------10mins later---------

Y/n:what are you doing here what if jungkook saw us like this

Jimin:his watching Netflix don't worry (say's while back hugging her)

Y/n:I'm doing work now so

(say's while showing her victory face)

Jimin:okay okay ma'am

Take this to the dining table..


Y/n:jungkook dinner is ready!

Jungkook:woahhh eonnie it's looking delicious..

Jimin:it will be you idiot after all my wife made this..

Jungkook:whatever but my eonnie made this it has to be delicious

Y/n:okay okay, you can talk later let's have dinner first..

----they had dinner while talking about their life's work etc----



-------at living room-------

Jungkook :I should go now see it's 9pm

Jimin:okay, I'll meet you at office then tomorrow..

Jungkook:by eonnie, by jimin

Jimin:pheww, now we hve some privacy I miss you alot y/nieee

Y/n:really, but I was with your every second and you missed me huh?

Jimin :yeah but not that close nahh


Jimin:umm (nodded with his head) like a child...

Jimin:so let's go to our bed room

Y/n:woahh wht are you doing..

(Jimin take her in bridal style)

Jimin:I'm just giving my wife princess treatment

Y/n:oh really..

Jimin:yeah, of course

--------to be continued -------

jesmin_creators' thoughts