
My Horror System {I reincarnated OP with a Horror System}

In a world where technology and all humanity had built dilapidated by a mysterious abyss. Supernatural forces reign as humans awaken with incredible powers and face off against mutated creatures. Eri discovers he's a Vampire with a Horror System, thrusting him into a dangerous new reality. As Eri navigates this treacherous world, he must master his abilities and confront dark forces threatening humanity's very existence. Join Eri on an epic adventure filled with magic, mystery, and redemption in a world where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred. Get ready for a thrilling journey where the impossible becomes possible.

AuthorEriElegbede · Fantasy
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145 Chs

Chapter 15: What Exists

Chapter 15: What Exists

Knocking? Why would their enemies be knocking if not to tease them. Eri readied himself taking the lead as he felt he was the right person to do so.

'Really I can't let a kid walk into this danger, even though I am freaked out!' Eri let his sweat enthrall his face, he should normally feel reassured with the amount of vampiric strength he attained overnight but still that nightmare had struck some sense in his muscles.

"I guess It can't be helped," Eri stopped in his steps after hearing Carl who stylishly made his way past him and up to the door.

He moved Gambit a bit from it with minimal noise and all bravery.

'Where the young kids find this audacity now I this era?'

Eri straightened himself but kept his eyes on the door not to caught off guard by whatever was there.

After Carl was done he turned and whispered to Eri, "there is a wide probability that the knocking was meant to check if any of us was awake so the enemy has temporarily receded for the final attack."

Eri blew out air from his lungs, he hated the night especially more as scary stuff were about occuring there, 'I can't seem to get myself together, at this rate Iwill be useless to Carl! I need to brave up...'

Hitting him out of his inspirational quotes into a state of fear was the door swinging entirely open at once.

At first sight he could have sworn his heart had catapulted out if his mouth to escape but that was just an illusion.

The door had surely swung open but it was Carl stepping outside.

"What are you doing, we have to wake the others!" Eri tried as much to keep his voice low while goading this kid to stop but as he recieved a glare from him Eri froze up.

"The probabilities of them waking up are very slim, rather this should not be much of a problem for me to handle," Carl pocketed his hands and acted as though he was Eri's senior, he certainly was belittling him.

Eri nodded slightly, after all Carl appeared to be one if the most powerful members of the group, so he could take care if himself, his bravery would do him well.

After this Carl shut the door behind him and a resonation of footsteps quickly heard dissapeared instantly.

'I should be dissapointed in myself, I got scared and sent a kid all by himself on a dangerous mission!' Eri fell to his bottom hoping this would end soon, night battles were the worst to him and this made him a bit grateful to have Carl by his side....


The notification appeared during his 'me time!' it read.

[Congratulations you have recieved mission from the system]

[Gruesomely kill all enemies, Scare your Surbodinate and do all this as a monster]

'What the heck is this notification? From the system, why am I being gold to act like some crazed horror monster?' Eri shook his head disapproving it, "I refuse to act that way."

[Who said we were asking]


Carl peeked down another end of the next room, it looked totally deserted with no single soul to tell the tale.

So far he only found out how disgusting this place could be, cigarettes, women's underwear, blood and the weirdest stuff which was human skin, like the face of a man torn off smoothly.

'Are those Survivals the ones that trapped us in this dimension or are they other mutants?' After short contemplation and running through some rooms he final came up with his final verdicts, "mutants are not as smart, this are aliens."

Finally stopping in his last peek as he caught all four men in a segment of the room having butchering knives and a pot boiling with such an amazing seasoning that made Carl's tongue tingle.

'Maybe it was a false alarm, they just wanted to give us some food, and by the smell, man must eat to survive.....'

Carl shut down his thought and mind as the real horror began, the four men's face finally shown in the poorly lit room and he could see them perfectly.

Their faces were all the same, not in the sense of relatedness but like masks just over realistic.

That was neither the shock if the moment, as they sliced the meat on the table into small eatable sizes and poured into the pot which was almost filled with flesh already.

The men grabbed the woman which they had seen earlier but this time she was dead, her hands sliced off and do was most of her body part like she was an animal.

"Shit! This bastards!" Carl was right about the aliens, they probably owned the spot to get new Survivals and stew them or try them as flavours to enjoy, a brutal trap and death to experience.

"Seems someone woke up before dinner time," the three men crowed their neck 180 degree around to stare at Carl awkwardly.

'Shit, I gasped that time and gave out my element of surprise what kind of liability am I becoming?'

"That's the kid that noticed us that time too, his flesh would be too delicious!" One spoke licking his mouth with his extremely long one foot tongue.

Noticing their eyes on him and the Mana output they exhumed Carlbegan to doubt the probability of winning, "maybe I should have gotten back up."

Two bonus Chapters

AuthorEriElegbedecreators' thoughts