
Dave Montemayor (3)

Dave sat down to the bench, lost in thought. No appetite to eat the food he prepared.

His mind is full of images of Amber.

The scared in her eyes. The unfamiliar behavior. It's not what he wants but things did not fall into his plan.

Who would have thought that she would dive to the ocean in the middle of nowhere? Even though she did not know him.

That is not a good idea. Is she that scared about me? And willing to sacrifice her own life, If He did not catch her earlier maybe.. maybe..

Dave dont want to think about it anymore. Thankfully he is a good swimmer.

He never imagined that she would do that. Realizing that Amber did not know him for the past years he felt sad deep in his heart.

He said his name earlier but to his dismay it did not rang to her mind.

He let a sigh and comb his wavy hair by his right hand.

He adjusted the way he seat and put on his sunglasses. As he looked up to the sun he murmured to his self.

"Amber did you know I never forget you"

"Every time I'm lost I'll think about you"

"And I want to spend my whole life protecting you"

As Dave thinks those words his deep brown eye is starting to warm and he can feel his heart relaxed a bit. For him its not only a word that he ramdomly said. For him it is a promise.

And no matter what happened He will fulfill it.

After all thats the only dream he has in his whole life.

And whatever struggle he may face for that dream he will do that just to see her to be happy.

Bit by bit I will help her forget Anthony.


That word change of his face expression. That parasite and user who climbs to his status with the help of Amber. And when he is on the peak of his career he discarded Amber out of nowhere. Making her heart broken.

When He heard that the engagement was cancelled he felt overjoyed but when he learned that Amber can't continue to be the carefree and lovable she is, He can't watch and do nothing about it, that's why he's here right?

To make her happy and have a chance to develop this relationship with her. Alas thats not the situation right now, He is alone in the deck and Amber is in the cabin room.

His feet feeling numb. The wind is starting to cool down.

Its already late afternoon, The sky is glowing and it indicates that the sun is slowly setting down. He also rises on the bench and gets down to the cabin.

He started to engine and slowly the yacht moved.

With his knowledge to maneuver the boat he slowly navigated it to the small island.

Soon they arrived and he adjusted the boat. And make sure that is park correctly to the seashore. So that there is no problem late at night even if they are hit by a big wave.

When he sees that there is no problem with it. He turn off the engine.

He goes to the kitchen to prepare food for their dinner.