
Dave Montemayor (2)

Dave can sense the question in her face.

"Its okay your safe now."

"Can you stand up and change your clothes so that you cant catched a cold"?

Amber lack of response once again give panic to Dave.

He slightly tap Amber shoulder "you need to change your clothes".

Still no response. He slowly lean forward and picked up Amber who is in dazed. He see that she closed her eyes. And unwilling to talk to him.

He walk to the cabin and carefully drop amber to the couch. He carefully get the bath towel and give it to amber. But she is still in dazed.

"Here" as he give the towel.

Amber frown as she wandered her eyes all over the cabin. Yeah she is in the cabin now and in front of her is a white bath towel.

She remembered she was picked up by a strong and masculine arms, It gives her enough warm since she is wet, not to mention the fragrance of this guys is refreshing. For some reason she cant understand how she felt. And all of a sudden she did not know how to react.

"Stop day dreaming, do you want me to undid your clothes?"

That sentence snap her to reality. That was rude.

She focus her attention to the white bath towel on her face. She snatched the towel.

"Leave" The only word she send. She got up and lead her way to the bathroom. With a sharp "bang" the door to the bathroom closed. And a click sound, so the door was lock.

As she closed the bathroom she can see the reflection of her self at the mirror. She open the water tap, and she slowly washed up her face. She inhaled and exhaled to calmed down. I am insane how can I day dreaming to this kind of situation? What now? What will happened to me?

The series of question pop up to her mind.

Dave did not leave the cabin, Her mind also wandered to what happened earlier. As he heard the flowing water in the bathroom he felt relaxed. Since he is wet also he walk out of the cabin and

change also his clothes.

He go to the kitchen area to prepared thier lunch. He knows that Rey prepared the food before they depart earlier. He checked it and prepared to the deck.

Maybe she is done. He said to himself. When he check the meal and see that thier is no problem. We walk to the cabin.

Wearing a bathrobe Amber slowly got out at the bathroom she slowly comb her hair. Using a towel she is drying her hair. As she is prepared to change her clothes she heard a knock on the door.


"toktok two"

"toktok three"

She know that It is Dave, she want to ignore it.

For the forth knock, she can fell the impatient from it.

"Amber" called by Dave.

She began to walk at the door. And open it.

Mid air of knocking the door open. Dave direct his

eye on her, Just like that they have eye contact, It is brown and sparkle, it is eye catching and alluring as if she has something to tell him. For who know how many minutes have pass she is shocked for the eye contact she slowly averted her eyes.

To killed the ackwardness Dave clear his voice before saying "Are you alright"?

He check also her appearance from head to toe, she is still wearing bathrobe she did not change her clothes.

No response.

Amber hold the door and push it to be closed.

Knowing what was she is trying to do Dave try to opened the door. And push it also with his arm.

Since he is a man and much stronger than her the door open again.

"Stop it"

"Just leave"

"Hang on, Im here to tell you that we should eat our lunch" said by Dave.

"Im not going to eat with you" that was firm.

Dave can fell the stubborness on that word.

"Im not a bad guy, Can you please calm down, you almost killed yourself trying to swam and go back to the villa. I wont hurt you." Seeing that the force to the door is still thier Dave slightly shook his head.

"Okay I wont force you to eat, I will get the food and place it in front of the cabin. If you dont want to go to the deck."

And he turned around.

Amber sighed as she watch the back of Dave walking further. She closed the door once again.

"achoo" she sneeze. But did not think about it.

Casually sit down to the near sofa. She make sure to dry her hair.

Soon she heard a knock again.

She opened the door half, but no one outside. Before she could react she noticed the tray of food on the edge of the door.She fixed her eyes on the food for sometime.

So he knock and placed the food here. The food is all her favorite, but she dont have appetite to eat. As her mind is debating if she would pick up or leave the food behind.

"achoo" once again she sneeze. She dont want to picked up the food but if she wont picked it Dave will knock her room once more right? And I want to talk to him niether see him again.

So she pick up the tray and before she closed the door another "achoo" can be heard.

Dave knows that even if he knocks to the door Amber will not face him so he chooses to drop the food tray infront of the cabin.

After he knock. He turned around and hide in the corner.

He can see the odd look for Amber face and slowly her eye lay down to the food tray.

He waited sometime Seeing that she pick up the food tray Dave relaxed. He can also heard the sneezing of Amber. Not only once but twice.

Is she catched a cold earlier?

As he ask to his self he lead the way and go back to the deck.