
UA Festival pt9: Chapter 70

-----So if you read my other fics aka my ATLA one, you might know I am writing to equal chapter amounts right now so I can better set my schedule for writing my fics. This is chapter 70 of MHA fic and this means it is now even in chapters with DBZ and ATLA. There will be more chapters after this one, but once I am done with those I will be continuing DBZ and then ATLA. So if I write let's say 20 more chapters for this fic, afterward I will write 20 for DBZ and ATLA. Now back to the fic, and Enjoy.-----

I sat back down in the stands, with a 5th hot dog and a burger. I had to admit whoever made those knew what they were doing. I gave Erin the burger and she checked through its contents. "Good it doesn't have lettuce, I hate lettuce."

"Where are you buying those?" I looked at Sato, his quirk made him stronger based on sugar right? Does he eat a lot? "I bought them from the business course students. Those guys are important later in life so I used the chance to talk them up. Got one of there numbers and I got the hamburger for Erin for free."

"Oh that's pretty smart, did you see any funnel cake or something?"

"Oh shit, I wish. They had wrapped honey buns and some canned sorbet, but nothing else."

"Ah I hate those canned sorbet things. Thanks anyway Destiny." I shrugged biting into my hotdog.

Looking at the stage the next fight had already started. It was Kacchan's fight, he was against Tokoyami. It was a terrible match up in my eyes. This was what the last fight? Before the Semi-Final. It would likely be pretty quick which meant another break. Before the Semi-Finals, I wondered what that would be...A teacher event maybe? The festival was watched lived maybe the teachers would advertise the school and their classes so new students would have an idea of what happens. That would also reassure some of those more stick in the mud parents.

Ida got up and answered the phone. He had called his brother so I assume this was the follow up call from him. I looked back at the arena, Tokoyami was struggling to get near Kacchan much like Ochaco struggled. I was right about Tokoyami his quirk seemed affected by light, that shadow of his had a personality so it was odd to see it.

I guess I should go get ready for my fight with Todoroki this was gonna be a short fight after all. "Hey Erin I am gonna go wait for my next match. If anything interesting happens tell me." She nodded as she shoved her burger in her mouth. Honestly I think she might be able to fit her fist in her mouth... "Hey Erin, you should slow down so you don't choke." She gave a thumbs up and swallowed, "Don't worry I once ate a whole 4 ounce steak whole when my family went on vacation to America. I didn't choke then, I won't choke now."

I stared at Erin and turned and left. She might actually have brain damage I-I truly don't know. She had something wrong with her and I truly had no idea. Waling back into the hallway i saw Ida still on the phone. I was gonna just walk past him, but... He didn't actually look okay.

"Ida what's up? You seem...I'll just say not okay." I could see into his emotions and there was a lot going on. He turned with a pretty heavy expression and lowered the phone.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I am just on hold waiting for something." I blinked, he could see I didn't believe him. he faked a smile and elaborated, "My brother is in the hospital I am waiting for the nurse to be able to put him on the phone."

"Ah! I can understand that, Except..." He wouldn't have his current expression if it wasn't really bad. The whole class knew his brother was a hero, Ida was really proud his brother. Since his brother clearly wasn't dead... It hit me, I knew what the expression was. I wanted to see that expression on the fuckers who tried to murder me and killed my parents.

"Your brother was attacked wasn't he. I assume in a way he can't be a hero anymore." Ida looked pretty shocked so I knew I hit the mark. I pointed to a door, "Enter that door and follow the hallway. You will see a sign for the mic booth. Kacchan should be finish his fight with Tokoyami, so you can ask Mr.Aizawa if you can leave early."

Ida looked where I had pointed, "That's...Thanks Destiny, I'll go do that actually I didn't even think about asking to leave." Ida held up his phone and put it to his ear as he ran down the hallway.

I should actually watch Ida. I didn't feel much when my parents died, I missed them. Except I had just accepted it and moved on. I barely even remember their funeral. Ida truly connected with his brother and Ida was a far better person than I. So I had a feeling he would fall into a similar path for revenge on whoever attacked his brother.

Perhaps i should tell Deku and Ochaco, those two were certainly closer friends to Ida then I. Me giving help might make Ida unable to continue down the path of a hero. I sighed, Yeah it wasn't really a problem for me to solve. Best I could do is give him a piece advice if he does go for revenge...

I shook my head and entered an empty waiting room. I stretched out and sat down, taking out my phone. I wasn't doing a whole lot right now and I would hear the call for me easily. I twitched slightly, and looked around the room. I had heard something just then...

I looked over the table and found the stripped uniform of someone. I had just walked in not paying attention. Though that wasn't really my fault I had walked in on Toru. "So what are you doing in here?"

It was silent, but I used my extra sense stop watch the invisible girl. She had a hand below her waist and... "Huh, you know I can see in infrared right? Not to mention a whole gallery of other senses."

"Okay FINE! What do you want D? Why did you come in here? Just trying to perv on a girl?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not the one who was masturbating in a unlocked waiting room. After all its not like you are waiting for a match like I am."

"If you can't tell I am flipping you off with the same finger." I blinked and looked back at my phone.

"Whatever Toru, just don't be so loud." I tapped my phone opening a puzzle game, it was a simple game, but it was entertaining. Toru obviously didn't like my cold reaction.

"You discovered I was masturbating and you just decide to play a game on your phone? What is wrong with you."

I sighed, and looked at her. "I can actually see people's emotions, I can see that you got more excited at the prospect of me staying and watching you. Though ironic in a sense because I can't actually see you. So Toru, what do you think turns me on?"

I could practically see her face due to her blushing no doubt... It was her move now.

------So Ahem, obviously next chapter is gonna be a r-18 chapter with Toru. This chapter is kind of short, but I needed another spacing chapter between the last one and the Todoroki centered one. So I figured I could package a few possible future chapters with the Ida part of this chapter and do a transition into a r-18 chapter. More chapter's coming after this one, I just need some sleep first.------

This has been added as an after thought. I know obviosuly not everyone will read my Dbz fic as its a little wonky and started awfully. However i do really love DBZ so I can't just stop with that one as I actually really enjoy writing it. So bare with me on that one guys, and Keep enjoying my stuff : )

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts