
UA Festival pt7: Spacing

----Simply chapter, enjoy-----

I had missed the fight between Deku and Shoto. As soon as me and Erin left the waiting room. We met Deku being carried off with some pretty serious injuries. His skin looked a little rashed and his fingers were broken. His arm was also very twisted, it seemed he wasn't broken as he normally was after using his quirk...

"I found some of the classmates following along."

"Hey guys what the hell did we miss?"

Tsu stopped, "You guys go on ahead. I'll explain what happen."

The frog girl was very friendly, I actually really wanted to hug her for some reason. I shrugged, must be some other worldly feeling. "Thanks Tsu."

"No problem, I think Midoriya will be fine anyway. You missed two fights actually, Hagakure fought Ibara Shiozaki. You know the girl Kaminari lost to."

Me and Erin nodded, "So who won that?"

"Shiozaki did, she covered the arena to capture Hagakure and toss her out of bounds." That made sense, "And Deku? He fought Shoto right?"

Tsu whistled, "Yup, it got pretty crazy. Todoroki refused to use the other half of his quirk, so Midoriya forced him. I don't think he should've done that, but I guess he was happy with the outcome."

"Xcept he was all broken up, how was that a good outcome. Shouldn't you avoid getting hurt?"

Tsu shrugged, "I don't know, I think if you want all the answers you have to ask those two. Anyway that's about it, you should head to the stadium. Tokoyami is fighting Kacchan and I don't think that will be a very long fight."

"Thanks Tsu, give good favors for us." She nodded getting what I meant hopping away.

"What does give good favors mean?" I stared at Erin, "You know like well wishes? Its like how you can say either sleep tight or dream good dreams. As they both imply having a goo nights rest."

"Who says dream good dreams?" I just walked away from Erin. "Hey wait up!"

I would be fighting Eijiro, I debated about how I should fight him. I guess I should be a tad honorable and beat him with my fists. His quirk might even prove useful to increase my strength or something. After that would likely be me vs Shoto? Yeah, I would be fighting him next. I had to wonder a bit more with his fight then Eijiro's.

Shoto's quirk wasn't very good against what I could do, I could melt his ice and absorb his fire. I also wanted a tad bit of revenge for him dropping a building on me. The guy was smart, but in a flat arena I had the easy advantage. If Deku lost his fight against Shoto it meant he likely kept himself in the arena while Deku was knocked out of it. I could keep myself in the arena through digging my feet into the ground, but Shoto could create a wall of Ice behind him...

I think I knew what I wanted to do to fight Shoto. Tsu said he refused to use fire, so that likely meant something special. Erin kept tapping my shoulder as I thought about this. I grabbed her hand and twisted her around, "Stop that, I am thinking."

"About what?" i sighed, "About my fights, I think I will just be honorable in the fight with Eijiro and for Shoto I'm still thinking about it. I think I might use fire against him."

Erin looked at me weird, "That would be funny, I guess it would be symbolic for his hatred for his father... Psychological warfare I like it! Is that revenge for the time during the pretendy hero test thing?"

Hatred for his father? His father was Endeavor right? Wait... "Erin do you have personal information on your classmates?"

"Uhuh, like I have notes about your quirk and your parents quirk. I also know you have someone you consider a girlfriend. Though I believe you are the type to chase multiple girls at once. Which is actually one of the reason I believe you are special, since I might fulfill a part of my purpose."

I stopped Erin from talking, "I am gonna go ahead and say I likely don't want to know what you consider or what more accurate your family confider's your purpose. Give me your notes on the class and then burn any copies you have."

"What Why?" Erin was...not that bright. I really was standing in shit with her, "Your collecting information on possible future heroes. Is that not the type of important information a villain would want to know to use against said heroes? There is literally an Orphanage Fund called the Children of Heroes. Things happen, and people lose families. Do you get it Erin?"

She tapped her fingers again, it must be her sign of thinking about something deeply. She perked back up, "I get it, I guess you really do have a perfect memory then?" I wasn't actually sure, I mean I could recall most things easily. I only need to read books once and I could recall them, that's what I did with my text books at least. "Sure, let's go with that."

"Okay I'll give you them later. I shouldn't keep notes anymore should I?"

I shook my head, "Deku takes notes, abilities, skills, quirks. About heroes and our classmates, You can do the same, just don't have family information." Erin nodded, "Ah I get it, since technically heroes and there abilities are usually known to the public anyway. So its the less public information that should be kept a secret!"

I wanted to slam my head in the wall, how did she seem so smart and yet have so little awareness. "Anyway, how about we steer back to the talk about the festival?"

"Oh really, it has been great hasn't it? I've been having so much fun. Like when we were all racing across that obstacle course! I was surprised how many had to use their quirks to get past some of the obstacles. Like I get some making it easier for them, but like jeez! How can people fail tight rope walking? Oh and when that guy used his quirk on me when I spoke to him. That WAS CRAZY! That's guy is going in my notes."

I now understood how Mineta cried blood, I absorbed all sound coming toward me and made the world deaf. I could no longer hear anything, it was beautiful, it was tranquil. I could think...