
UA festival pt6: Recovery

-----I hope you like reading! This is a Erin Chapter!-----

Erin woke up eventually, I had to wait for so looong! I was missing the other fights and I was hearing crazy sounds coming from the direction of the stadium. Erin was explaining her liquid concoction to recovery girl. I still had very little feeling so I really wanted to punch Erin in her face.

"So coming up with a way to take down Des was really hard. I mean what if he just melted the things I shot at him? I needed a efficient method that would both not be affected by his abilities while being affected by his abilities. So I made needles out of a gallium alloy which was fairly difficult as you can imagine as I had to keep its lukewarm melting point while also being solid enough to be used as ammo. I could use normal bullets either due to the restrictions and I wasn't entirely sure that bullets would work. The Knife was similar to this in its design..."

"Honey please slow down and focus on what you loaded the ammo with."

"Oh right! Sorry Recovery Girl, The liquid I guess could be considered a poison of sorts. Oh wait I should mention the deliver method since it explains my chemical creation. You see the liquid would melt out of the needles when they came in contact with his acidic blood. This allowed me to not only poison him through the alloy, but the liquid in the alloy. As the needles were made from gallium iron and a tad bit of radioactive material! Hahahaha...That was a joke..." Me and recovery girl stared at Erin and she looked down and parted her hair.

"Okay that's fair, However continuing the liquid was basically went into him through the entrance point and also covering the wound. Using some advance mixture of well Toxins and chemicals it is a truly brilliant concoction. Though I am highly surprised Des resisted it to the point he did though." I flipped Erin the bird.

"I deserve that, Anyway the stuff I mixed together was...Oh shoot, I should probably give you the antidote." Recovery girl looked like she was about to face palm. I wanted to cry unable to move having to listen to the torture of Erin. Erin pulled out a clear liquid and handed to Recovery girl. "I couldn't make the antidote myself so I had actually had to ask my dad to make it. I hope to be able to do things like he can one day you know!"

Recovery girl injected me with the vial and it hurt like hell making all the places I was shot or stabbed flare up in pain. I was suppressing the pain and it felt like my body hated itself. While I suffered Erin just continued on with her half scrambled rant.

"So back to the liquid I had mixed some things like Tetrodotoxin which comes from some aquatic animals. You know like some puffer-fish and the blue ringed octopus. That was defiantly the most dangerous thing I added in. I had some funnel web spider venom which I mixed in...You know honestly I just used a bunch of toxins and venom from Australia. That place is horrible if you think about it! I heard there was a Emu colony that that evolved quirks and were hyper intelligent, but that might be only a rumor... Anyway, Chloride trifluoride which was the real kicker! I used very little of that mind you."

I blinked thinking about that for a second. "Isn't that like rocket fuel? How did you even get your hands on that?"

"Erin I think we need to have another conversation with the Principal, perhaps about what chemicals you are allowed to use." Another conversation? I was able to sit up again, and I cracked my neck.

"Yeah I don't know the details there, but how the fuck did you get rocket fuel. I can understand like animal toxins and shit, but like Rocket fuel?"

Erin just shrugged, "My family has a catalogue of imported chemicals and stuff...." Erin tapped her legs and started to due some nervous habits like rubbing her thighs. "I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH THAT STUFF ON MY OWN! PLEASE DON'T TELL MY DAD!"

Recovery girl sighed, "Calm down Erin. We'll talk later okay. Destiny you can move right? Erin why don't you help your friend get back to the stadium. I believe you owe it to him?" Erin hopped up and hooked her arm around mine and dragged me out of the room.

"I love that old lady, she's so nice. I'm so sorry Des I think I went to far on my creation..." Erin walked me not toward the stadium, but to a waiting room. "This isn't the stadium Erin."

"i know I know, i just... I need to explain somethings. I think I really need to explain somethings. Is that okay? That's okay right?"

I sighed, "Sure go ahead Erin." I looked into her emotions and saw pure panic and nervousness. She still had a sort of emptiness in her emotions, but she was freaking out.

"Okay to start, I was like home-schooled for most of my life, learning all kinds of things really. That obviously includes knowing how to mix certain substances. My dad uhh, his quirk is the ability to make antidotes or like recovery agents from various things. The toxins I used in the liquid i used on you were some of the filtered ingredients. So my family has a lot of rules about doing certain things you know? And I really really need you to not mention me using those things. My dad wasn't very happy that I wanted to become a hero so if I mess up to badly I might be taken out of school...."

"I'm guessing you messed up already then Erin? Right?"

She paced back and forth, "Three times actually including this one. I was just really really excited to plan out how to beat all you guys. You know our classmates, you were one of the ones I was most excited about because I consider you my friend! And obviously I know you aren't supposed to you know try and destroy your friends. Except that was how I was raised and I don't really...Uh Hooo, Slow down Erin. Think like a normal person... So basically the principal, Nezu the little bear dog man. He wants me to become a hero for the sake of proving something about villains do not spawn villains and that heroes can come from anywhere. As there is like a low percent of heroes coming out of lower class areas and stuff like that. So currently I am being protected from my fuck ups, but obviously I only have so many times I can mess up!"

Erin stopped to breath in more air, and I just stared at her sort of half processing, half trying not to hurt her feelings or something. "So finally! It comes to the part about my family that I obviously not sure I should mention..."

"You're family or mostly your dad are criminals? I mean I imagine if your dad can make antidotes and stuff, he can also make drugs right?" Erin tapped her fingers together, "Yeah that's about right, Are we still friends?"

I sighed and stood up, "Sure, but... Let's just say you are on a wire. If I ask you to do something you do it okay? I'll help you be what a normal girl? and you help me with some...other stuff deal?"


I shook my head, "No need to yell Erin, now I likely have my next match soon so let's go."

"Yes! We are gonna BE BEST FRIENDS!"

It was a little fucked up to use Erin like this, but... She just might be pretty helpful in my vigilante actions. Erin's emotions swapped to glee. It seemed I was entering a new level of... chaos? also I already figured Erin couldn't lie with her big mouth.

I would need to find a good balance with my relationship with Erin. She was certainly a strange one.