
Blown Water

I turned off the news from the mess it was. From my own doing and from the creature the news had dubbed Wenrysich. Technobabble had tracked Kate to a newspaper making a big deal out of the 'vigilante' Tarot Card. The article connected it to stain and his ideology. It seemed the people she was in league with wanted to use Stain's name to recruit villains.

I was used to connect that some didn't agree with the current way of how villains were handled. Talking about how taking justice into their own hands was becoming more common. How most heroes were unworthy and how much hero aligned institutions were failing to teach kids right. I could agree with some of the article, but the news Kate some how manipulated was seriously controversial. A girl who was murdering people, a serial arsonist, and some reptile man all were documented in the news as well.

Possible aspiring Stain copycats they called them. I was included in this as Tarot Card. Even the creature Wenrysich had been included. Though how or why I couldn't begin to understand. Some thought he was some kind of quirk enabled dog or wolf. Some more nutty people called him an alien which I found funny. Rumi couldn't tell me about Wenrysich due to it becoming an object of fear.

Which meant this Wenrysich was also either already aligned with league of villains or was being recruited. I sighed, getting up. Today was my workout day, I would run around the city or something. Actually now that I think about it... I should actually call the class. See who would want to spar or something.


That name, I guess it worked. Not everyone called me it, but those people. The ones from the building they were the cause of this for sure. I didn't remember my real name, but I got a small itch about it.

I was fine for food for now. I had found some homeless people I could eat. It had been so long since a proper meal. I wish I could have a boiled lobster or even just a burger, but those couldn't satisfy me. Speaking of satisfaction those Nomu had made me stronger. I had eaten a gorilla before and those Nomu packed more muscle then the gorilla. I even seemed to gained some sort of higher regeneration.

I honestly thought I should accept their proposal just for the Nomu. Waiting here for them was also taking forever. They said they would contact me right? How would they even do that. I shook my head small droplets of water got everywhere. I smelled awful as well, traveling by sewer was far regrettable.

I perked my ears up hearing to people closing into the building I was sleeping in. Hiding away from sight i watched to rough looking men come in. When I say rough they looked horrible and carrying a box of some liquid. I hadn't searched the other boxes in the building, perhaps I should've?

I reached out grabbing one of the men while biting down on the other. Tearing the two apart they had dropped the boxes. They had no lids and the green fluid spilled. I certainly didn't want to lick it up, it seemed like some kind of drug. Looking over the other boxes and breaking open them. More liquid was stored in them. This was a quirk enhancing drug, I wondered how this was all managed?

I ate the two men and nearly gagged on a small case of something. Choking it back out it came out severally burned. Little red beads? No bullets? How weird were these. It was likely a quirk drug as well whatever it was. I could only sigh, I was cursed with my quirk and I knew quirk enhancing drugs had side effects.

I would destroy all these crates. It would take some time, but I could throw up my stomach acid to melt all the crates and permanently destroying the drugs. I didn't want others drugged and cursed like myself. Starting to cough up my insides and keeping my digested food down was difficult. None the less I started melting the wooden crates.

After a few boxes I saw one of the boxes had a label. A small sticker on the side reading it off. The crates were related to some pharmacy. Conners Pharmaceuticals, a name to remember I guess. I wasn't a hero, but I didn't like quirk drugs. If I found more I would destroy them. Hopefully in a better way then this though. Not that it could be helped my stomach acid was the best way to get rid of it without me having to digest it.

----So it was a little short of a chapter, but I decided on the name for ??? as you can imagine. Wanted to get this out before I would need to exit my house for a open house for people. I'll try to make the next chapter longer.------