
Battery Deku

I had gathered my classmates to do some training. When I mean gathered classmates I really mean I just tricked Deku. "Where is everyone else?"

"Just us Midoriya."

"Uhhh, I thought you said you wanted to invite the class to do some pre-summer training."

"I do, but besides you and me. Do you really think they would do something other than studying for the finals?"

I walked a circle around Deku and took a few steps away. "Your quirk isn't your quirk. It is, but let's be honest here it isn't."

"Wh-What do you mean, I-"

I shrugged and interrupted him. "Looking at the facts Kacchan says you didn't have a quirk. So unless you are a really late bloomer it means a secondary cause. Number one you quirk had some dormant state like mine and required time to produce results. Number two you were given your quirk some how."

Deku looked panicked and started to sweat nervously. Not to mention the tornado of his emotions flickering through him. "Now if we are talking about how I got to my conclusions... Its simple really. Whenever your quirk is brought up you have a slight anxiousness and when compared to All Might's quirk. Well that anxiety of yours spikes. Second is your control over it, when you first started at UA. It was basically a bomb in your hand, I tried to give you some advice on it, but well it isn't until your internship that you used it. Which means you didn't believe my advice, but more the advice of one you either respect or see as a mentor."

"Look Destiny I really have to go actually and uhh..."

I grabbed Deku's shoulder, "you are also terrible at hiding things. Lastly when I analyze you and Almight. You mimic him, I mean sure you idolize him. However... it doesn't take a genius to re-watch old Almight clips and see the same green sparks your quirk has. I feel like that is the dead giveaway, the only reason know one would connect that is simply because every quirk is unique. So minor similarities can be passed off."

Deku seemed to think for a second or more exactly remember. He no doubt knew the Almight clips I was talking about. Eventually he sighed, "Please don't tell anyone!"

I shrugged, "I won't, but... you do what I say. If I tell you to jump you ask how high. I tell you to punch me, you be my kinetic battery. Get it?"

He blinked, "Wait, are- Am I being blackmailed?"

"I mean yeah, I thought that was obvious?"

Deku scratched his head, and I just sort of stared through him. He broke the silence, "Why now? I mean like it sounds like you put this together a while ago."

I wasn't gonna tell him that I was doing my own blackmailable activities. So my best accuse was a simple one. "I had hit a wall. A limit per se, My quirk requires more energy than I can use. So figured I could get a minion as well as a energy generator. You spar with me and I absorb the kinetic energy of your punches. Gets me energy and you can practice your quirk more. maybe you'll discover something I don't know. Nor do I really care, and if you ask why use blackmail?"

"Hmm, you don't want the teacher's to know. Since if you store a enough you could wipe out a city or something."

"A little dark there and not the reason...probably. Its more about control, I tend to experiment with my abilities far more than others. They want me to cut back on that. Just like Kacchan using his armlet things to create a big blast indoors. You breaking your fingers over and over again, and finally Todoroki not using his full potential. They want to us to become stronger without endangering ourselves or others."

"That makes more sense...N-Now what?"

I threw a punch sending Deku backwards. "You survive Gofer."

Right after saying that I pressed forward preforming an axe kick. Deku barely managed to roll out of the way. I saw the sparks of his quirk and prepared myself. I caught his fist making it die off with its energy.

Deku was surprised and I threw him across the room. "Wh-what about this room?"

I rolled my eyes, "it is part of a gym used to train quirks."

Deku nodded, "Fine...but I don't really want to be anyone's gofer."

I smiled, "Then beat me. If you can do that, I won't force anything."

Deku launched forward copying what looked like Ida's moves. I blocked and threw a punch, hitting him int the stomach and sending him back. I cracked my knuckles and smiled some more. Deku shouted, "15% Full Cowling!" It seemed he was using the limit of the strength he had right now.

Which were happy days for me as I blocked and more importantly absorbed the kinetic energy of his attacks. I let him always get at least one hit off before I would throw a jab to his face or stomach. Sometimes he would block, but honestly it didn't matter.

If I had to estimate how his strength compared against mine? I guess he would require 35% of his full quirk. Which annoyed me a little because it meant I could still get stronger physically. Though not much I knew on how to increase that strength of mine.

I sent a punch to Deku's face slamming him into the ground. He however grabbed my arm and tried to throw me. I didn't go far nor did I really get hurt. However it was still interesting to see how fast he adapted.

----Battery Deku-----