
2nd outing***

The stars were shining upon me. The stuff with Haru and Kokura had nothing to do with me. Soon aka tomorrow would be the last day of school. I'd have to go to the graduation of course, but that was still about a week later. I found a different way to cover my face and I would soon hunt down the last two little bastards. A pair of brothers, honestly if they hadn't hung out with Gatsumi and participated in the whole ordeal.

The two of them would have been perfect pop-idols. One of their quirks was called open-mic and the other was called dance-routine. The first allowed one to essentially be a perfect singer, the other allowed one to memorize dance routines. Combine these two, and you have a seriously powerful combination.

So I went through the day as quickly as possible. I exercised just as much though, I didn't want to skip a single day to get stronger. Not anymore, I would make sure I was stronger than every foe I ever faced. 

I had even taken to purposely laying my hand on top of the stove. As expected I could absorb the heat from the electric burner. However I could absorb it all and my hand was still burned. However I had regeneration, so a little burn was nothing.

The only downside to this was that Rumi looked at me funny while she ate dinner. I think, once I explained, she nodded. She said nothing after that which made me slightly concerned. As despite not saying anything, the look in her eyes was almost sadistic.

I chose to ignore that, and once dinner was finished I went to take a shower. Once that was done I told Rumi I'd be visiting a friend. She was watching some TV. She gave a wave, "Wear a condom."

She had a devious smile and I chose to ignore that too. So I went off to see Jess briefly, walking her home and then left. It was kind of fucked up to use Jess as an alibi. Except, I very much would need one now.

I was planning on breaking into the home of the two brothers. Their parents were out of town, I was almost certain that their home would be locked up though. However, that wouldn't stop me from breaking in. After all, their home was in a quiet neighborhood. Not because it was peaceful, but because it was poor.

I smiled as I arrived. They lived in a dingy apartment building, on the 2nd floor. I was already wearing a mask on my face. Another All Might mask, same type I got last time. I climbed the staircase and walked straight for the door.

It was in fact locked. Not like that would stop me. I grabbed the door handle and broke it. I could hear movement inside, but I swung the door open. I met the eyes of one of the brothers. He jumped in shock and he tried to call out to his brother. However I cracked his fist against his jaw and he collapsed. Unfortunately his brother was in the hallway.

He swung at me and I scoffed. I slammed my knee into his stomach. I was shocked to see him dodge. It seems this was the brother with dancing quirk. I figured it would be a little like this. Too bad he didn't have much else. I kicked up and straight into his crotch.

He crumpled into moans and I swung backwards knocking out the first brother again. They had good quirks, truly as I didn't expect the brother with the dancing quirk to be able to dodge. If he trained maybe he could've used it in combat. Made me wonder what the other brother could do if he trained his quirk. Too bad, for them though.

I grabbed a knife from a wooden cutting board. Seems they used it recently to cut veggies. I twisted it in my hand and stabbed it into the first brother's neck. Specifically his vocal cords. I cut into them carefully and yanked a bit of muscle out. He would never use his quirk properly again.

His brother screamed and I shook my head. Before he moved I stabbed him in the knee. I would cut his tendons. Not just the ones in his knees though. As he cried out I sliced into other joints. I left his arms alone. That way he could still get to a phone and call for help.

If he failed his brother would bleed out after all. I threw the knife into the wall and left. I could hear him crying. Maybe he wouldn't call for help since he was too distracted. Perhaps his neighbors might call. After all, I could hear whispers behind the doors. No way they couldn't hear the crying.

I skipped down the street and decided to take a few shortcuts home. I stopped short though in an alleyway. I found a dying man. I looked at the All Might mask and sighed. I shoved it back onto my face and ran over.

 I spoke in a hushed tone, "Sir? Sir? Are you okay? Can you speak? Do you need help to stand?"

He whispered, "C-Can't move."

I realized he was in costume, this was a hero. I cursed in my head, how the hell was this guy dying here?

He mumbled, "Run, he's st-"

I saw a flash of light just barely. I caught a knife before it struck the man in the neck. I pierced the information together. This guy was on a patrol and was attacked. He got away, but his attacker caught up.

I was so not ready for something like this. I spoke out to the darkness, "Don't think that you can take on every person you see."

The hero whispered, "Blood, its blood." His face was pale, he had lost a lot of blood. However I don't think that's what he meant. I looked at my hand. It was cut, and I was bleeding. It's the blood…

I wiped the blood cleanly on my pants. Just as the attacker walked out of the shadows. I spat onto the ground. "What happened to your nose."

The attacker laughed, "HA! Haven't heard that before." His tone was sarcastic. He had a red bandana covering most of his face. He had multiple cutting weapons. His quirk was related to blood. Either mine or his, I have to be extra careful.

He looked at the hero and then at me. I was covering him mostly, but I didn't have the confidence in actually protecting him. "So, this is awkward."

The attacker moved and I twitched. "You are a lot more heroic than the man you protect. You even wear the mask of a True Hero! However you are clearly still young. Not understanding the gospel, you protect a false hero child. For I am STAIN!"

He dashed forward with a jagged katana. I whipped the knife into the man's knee and he deflected it. However I grabbed the hero and began running. I was pretty confident, however, fighting some guy who stabbed a hero. Like hell, man. 

I heard a shift in the air and I dodged yet another knife. However it cut my cheek, I had no clue where the knife went so I couldn't even try to get rid of it if his quirk affected my blood. The hero moaned. His voice though was clearer and he began to move once again.

The hero spoke, "Kid, run left, down the road. The Laundry mat is a hero agency. It's just a fake building hurry!" So I followed along and turned the corner. However I felt my whole body go numb.

"Oh shit!" I fell face first. Somewhere I had lost the mask I was wearing. The hero sighed, it seems he gave up especially since he still couldn't move anything, but a small twitch and me who now couldn't move at all.

Stain as he called himself, walked up and dug a spiked shoe into my side and pushed me away from the hero. "Good try, but you are still too young." I huffed, and struggled to move. My body just wouldn't listen. I saw Stain stab the hero and lick the blade… So that's his quirk. The hero was now frozen in place. Just like I was.

"It's time for you to die as a false hero."

I breathed in, just because my body couldn't move. Didn't mean shit for my lungs. "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

So I screamed as loud as I could. The hero said up ahead was a hero agency didn't he? The scream was so loud it startled Stain, "Even now you struggle with all you might. I am impressed child, you are truly hero material."

He looked up, and it seems luck is on your side. Stain turned and began to run away. The hero next to me was still breathing. That guy was right, we were lucky. I could hear footsteps through the running kind. Which means someone else saved us.

I felt someone check my pulse and he then checked the pulse of the hero. "Oh, you are awake." The hero lifted me up and propped me up. He then grabbed the hero who was bleeding and started to patch him up. The man looked over to me, "You did a good job with that scream kid."

My voice felt hoarse now, but I still spoke. "Yeah, am I gonna go to the hospital again?"

The man blinked, "Ha! Again?"

I fell backwards and passed out.

<Mass exposure to external stimuli. Parent quirk working fix dangerous Minor Stimuli possible address with the extra energy… new sub-quirks created.< p>

Sub Quirk category Enhancement: High Regeneration, Minor Body enhancements, Tentative-thought, Based Blood

Sub Quirk category Acquisition: Energy absorption(Light and Heat), Weighted Storage, Exposure Stimuli, Stimuli Dependency, Stimuli Replication

Sub Quirk category Survival: Dormancy, Fire Resistance, Cognitive Check, Energy recycling, Pain Suppression, Energy Expulsion

New Sub Quirks: Based blood is a quirk that makes someone's blood similar to a based liquid, one can strengthen the ability by consuming based liquids, though this will harm the user.

Exposure Stimuli a sub-quirk based solo for the benefit of the parent quirk. This quirk saves stimuli like a database, the exposure doesn't need to be direct.

Stimuli Dependency a quirk based solely for the parent quirk and use with Exposure Stimuli. This quirk replicates sub-quirks based on other people's quirks.

Stimuli Replication is for the parent quirk to be able to replicate new sub-quirks based on different stimuli saved by Exposure Stimuli and Stimuli Dependency. As parent quirk focuses mostly on dangerous stimulus while saved exposures have minor risk.

Energy recycling works in tandem with Energy absorption to absorb more energy or re-use energy directed at the user.

Pain Suppression allows the suppression of pain. This sub-quirk is self-explanatory.

Energy Expulsion, absorbed energy can be released from the body. This can be used for offense or defense, however this drains the user of energy used for evolution.>

Should I add sounds like *PShhh* *Shing* *Bang* and stuff like that?

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts