
Chapter 2: Pain in the Butt

Working with this new guy is so hard! Ever since ha started working, he has been insulting me! " Yah Tiffany, less daydreaming, more making coffee!" " You're not the boss, so you technically don't hae any right to tell me what to do!" " Or you know, Mrs. Jung is in the back!" " Oh right, but this isn't over, Hoseok!"

"Oh trust me, it won't be! It'll be lots of fun coming to work to tease you!" Hmph!! Why is this Hoseok guy so stubborn!? I can't quit my job, either! I need money to audition for BigHit! "God, I can't wait to audition!" " For what?" "What the heck, stop ease dropping, weirdo!" " The least you could do, is be nice! Now, what are you auditioning for?" " To become an idol under the BigHit agency." " Wow idol.. Wait WHAT!!??" " Are you judging me?" " You can't audition!" " Why not?" " I am already under BigHit!!!" Are you SERIOUS!!? I aspire to be an idol, but not with him under my same agecy!!! "How about, when you get enough money, I take you in?" " What's the catch?" " Well,.. you have to buy me a nice steak dinner!" "Deal!" We shake on it. Once it is settled, there's no turning back! This could either go good, or bad.