
My Hero in a Dungeon?

Izuku died one day and reincarnated into the body of a baby. The problem is that the world he reincarnated into is very harsh and cruel. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what most could even dream of, he was killed. Now he finds himself at where it all began. Plus he is a dungeon. I do not own My Hero Academia, just the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, I just type what comes to my mind, so it will not be very consistent or good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who sees people as his way to get money, this isn’t for you.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Others
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18 Chs

Chapter 18

What they saw before them were some Americans and Asian people walking around the streets of the exchange floor, looking at things and buying some items.

"Excuse me, but how does this place work?" The leader asked someone.

"Like a normal exchange market, the people here sell magical items, you buy them with dungeon points, something you can get by killing monsters. To see the amount of dungeon points you have, think 'dungeon points' and you will see a panel with your points, worry not, no one else can see it." The man said as he left. He had gotten a necklace with him.

At this, everyone checked their dungeon points, which was quite good, they ranged from ninety to three hundred.

"Let's buy some stuff." The leader said, the others agreed and started to spread out. What they did not know was that the exchange floor was having a discount for the opening of the second dungeon, everything for the next week would be half price.

They bought what they could, spending it all, just like kids who got their allowance, in a moment the money was all gone, but they had received much money for the time they spent in the dungeon. The people in China did not receive as much as them, only about a tenth of what they did a day, the reason for that is because they didn't use what they have more effectively, they made no good walls, their walls were meant to keep things out, the ones the Americans made not only helped keep things out, but made it easy for people to kill the monsters.

They used weapons from anything they could get and armed themselves. They also only fought weak monsters and have not traveled far from the center, where most of the weak monsters were. The orc was only a ninth stage basic. It was stronger than human ninth stage bacause the cores worked like multipliers, not addition. So it was difficult to fight it.

Not only that, but Alexander purposefully added the dungeon points, making it more likely for people to shop for something, and more likely to remember this place. This would be like advertisement for the dungeon. Other wise they would have fifty less dungeon points.

Soon people bought their stuff, many of them bought weapons to look cool, and with the remaining money they bought a pill or two, mostly because they were cheaper. The pills were the core expansions pills and the like, maybe a few rejuvenation pill here and there for the women.

They then gathered together at the exit of the exchange floor. The leader stood at the front. He then gave a small speech, and with a cheer, they left the dungeon.

They left the dungeon, and appeared before many people who were being contained by the police and heroes, the reporters were at the very edge, trying to see what happened, and boy were they happy when they saw people leave the dungeon. Not only that, but they had weird equipment on, like the ones in a video game.

"More came out! Please, a word!" One of the reporters shouted. They broke through the line the police made and rushed to the people.

"What was it like in there?!" One of the reporters shouted.

"It was a grassland full of monsters." The leader answered. At this the people got more organizations and started to asked more questions.

"What types of monsters are there?" A female reporter asked.

"There are quite few, there might be more we do not know, what we do know is that there were goblins, wolves, boars, snakes, and orcs. They were not just normal but enchanted, a wolf could cut a person in half with a single attack, a boar could cause a tree to collapse in a few hits." The leader answered.

"How did you escape?" Another asked.

"Monsters sometimes dropped a stone that glows blue, these stones allow someone to leave."

"What is it that you are wearing?" Another asked.

"This is something that I bought on the exchange floor of the dungeon."

"An exchange floor, what is that?"

"A market full of stuff from the dungeon, each having magical effects on the user. This armor I have allows me to do this." He said as he clenched his one of his fist, a light green wind filled with dust started to spin around his forearm.

He bought this because he believed it would go well with his Gale Fist skill.

"Wow, how did you manage to buy this?" A curious man asked.

"When you kill a monster in the dungeon you get these points you can use in the exchange floor, when in the exchange floor you just look until you see something you might like."

The government who were watching this from the cameras were shocked, they had heard of this from the spies in China, except the monsters and environment were different, besides that, this dungeon was that the one in China, and they would be fools if they didn't make use of this opportunity.

"I think we should mobilize the heroes and military, can you imagine the riches and power that can be received from this." Someone asked.

"But one of my reports state that guns are ineffective in the dungeon, most support items don't work as well, we will need to equip them with other things like machetes and swords." Another stated.

"Maybe we can hire one of them to lead us, after all, their experience can help the military and heroes." Someone suggested.

"If we got the military into the dungeon and used them to get more items, we could sell them to some countries, Lanny people would pay thousands, maybe even millions for an item like that." Someone said pointing to the item on the person's arms.

"I agree, the money from this is huge. We need to make use of this before more dungeons start to appear around the world, I suspect that the governments of some places will buy the items to use in the dungeon if one appears in their land."

Alexander like the attention of this, he watched as people were curious about the dungeon. Trying to gather more info. But he had a way to stir up even more curiosity, with a small quest. To both China and America.

He used over ten thousand points, sponsored by the Americans who entered and died in his dungeon. He would send monsters outside, each monster costing even more points for them to get out. He would then drop chests of treasure right in front of millions of people, for them to see the riches they could gain.

In China however, he had difficulty thinking of how he was going to get the attention of the people, and getting the government the okay for them to enter. He could only think of a large mass of monsters coming from the dungeon, and he would do that in the dungeon tide, using monsters from the second floor. So he would do that later.

A crack appeared in front of the dungeon, right before the eyes of thousands of people at the cite and millions of people that were watching from the television.

A large green hand reached out of the crack and and started to pull itself out of the space. It then appeared as it left the crack, an orc. Not just one, but five of them.

"Is that a monster?" Someone asked while pointing behind the escapees. They turned around and saw five orcs. Their eyes widened, they quickly got into formation. The police who were on board also pointed their guns at the orcs.

The orcs looked up and with their weapons in hand they looked at all the prey before them.