
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs


Ryukyu's office was not much different from a typical hero office. She didn't choose luxurious decorations like Endeavor's, instead opting for a more moderate feeling.

Inside the office, many staff members were busy collecting or passing information to Pro Heroes on missions. After passing through the working area, a few people finally arrived at Ryukyu's private office.

Hado didn't even knock on the door; she just pushed it open and exclaimed, "Ryukyu, I brought them all here!"

Ryukyu looked at Hado with a helpless expression and shook her head. Then, she saw the three people following behind Hado and smiled, standing up.

Renault's first impression of Ryukyu was that she was tall. Although he knew what she looked like, he wasn't interested in how tall Pro Heroes were, other than knowing that they were not short. But now that they were face to face, he realized that she was truly tall - over 1.8 meters, almost 1.85 meters?

Oh, she was wearing boots, but even without them, he would still have to look up at her. The three girls beside him, Hado were about 1.65 meters tall, and the other two were even shorter, making Ryukyu's height more pronounced.

Wearing a red and black cheongsam, Ryukyu came to the group and said with a light laugh, "Welcome to my office. For a long time to come, you will all follow me into the front line of Pro Heroes, participating in various rescue and subjugation missions. Don't complain about being tired!"

"I won't... I will definitely work hard!" Uraraka squeezed her hands tightly, her expression serious.

"After a semester of learning, I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can contribute," Tsuyu also said seriously.

Ryukyu's first impression of these two girls was good, and she nodded in satisfaction. Then she looked at the only boy, Renault.

Facing her gaze, Renault smiled and said confidently, "My goal is not just to follow you and learn. I hope to be able to complete missions alone in the shortest time possible."

"Oh? You have big ambitions," Ryukyu couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. If it were someone else saying this, she would probably be angry. But coming from him, who she had a general idea of his strength; she was mostly convinced for about 90%.

As for the remaining 10%, it would depend on his performance.

Clapping her hands, Ryukyu said, "Today is the first day of reporting, so I won't let you go out on a mission yet. Nejire, you take these three to familiarize themselves with the office. As for me, I have to go out for a bit today. Starting tomorrow, I will assign missions for you all to participate in together."

"Leave it to me!" Hado raised her hand happily.

But Renault and the others were still worried about her personality as a senpai.

Ryukyu also saw their concerns but just smiled and let them leave the office.

Once again, only Ryukyu remained alone in the office and went back to work, opening a document.

"If I remember correctly, the Shie Hassaikai is a Yakuza, right? Nighteye is actually investigating them, which means he must have found some clues indicating that something bad is going to happen. Well, we'll find out when he discovers more. For now, let's see if these new kids have what it takes to join."

On the other hand, Renault and the two girls followed Hado and toured the entire office, getting to know everyone inside.

He also noticed that the male-female ratio in the office was unbalanced, with 80% of the workers being women and only 20% being men.

As expected, the leader of the office is a female Pro Hero, so it's inevitable that this kind of thing would happen.

However, everyone in the office is elite and has very strong work abilities, which makes him very satisfied. It seems that he won't have to worry about support in the future.

In the afternoon, since today was just for reporting, the three of them left the office and went back to school.

Tsuyu and Uraraka took the bus while Renault drove his own motorcycle and returned to school alone.

Just as he arrived, he received a message from All Might and went straight to the forest where they had met before.

"Hey there, Young Renault."

Upon seeing Renault arrive, All Might waved and greeted him with a smile.

Although he still looked thin and weak on the outside, Renault could clearly feel that All Might's spirit and energy were different now.

"It looks like the effect is better than I imagined."

"Hahaha, indeed. I feel like I can work for a few more years now, not as a Pro Hero, but as a teacher at U.A., to cultivate more excellent heroes." After laughing, All Might lifted the hem of his shirt to show that there were no wounds on his abdomen. "However, the recovery process is really painful. If it were someone who had not experienced the pain that I have, they would probably be half-dead by now."

Renault thought about it and agreed. This was rapid regeneration of internal organs, not just a simple healing like the recovery medicine he had given to Iida in the past. It was definitely not something that could be compared.

"Congratulations, All Might. What about the other one?"

"Well, about that..."

All Might's mouth curved into a mysterious smile as he took a belt out of a nearby bag and put it around his waist.

"You can see it with your own eyes. Honestly, this is what surprised me the most. As far as I'm concerned, this is something that can't be made with current technology."

Renault stared at All Might's body emitting a dazzling light, as he transformed from a thin, weak figure into a strong one, donning the familiar armor. Renault also grinned with excitement.

Kamen Rider 1 is even more fitting for All Might than he imagined.

After a while, All Might canceled the transformation, stretched his arms, and said, "Although this thing is great, I still need to adjust. The increase in strength after henshin requires me, someone who has lost their Quirk, to adjust well. Hmm?"

As he put the belt back, All Might saw his phone ringing.

"Young Midoriya?"

"It looks like someone is reporting something to you. I won't bother you, All Might."

"Well, thank you, Young Renault. Please do your best in the off-campus activities." All Might waved goodbye to Renault and answered the call.


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