
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

All Might, As Kamen Rider 1?

After finishing his phone call and reading the textbook content he needed to read, Renault stretched and yawned.

"Is it already 10 o'clock? There's still some time left, I should draw out the previous rewards with a 10-pull gacha."

He didn't feel like doing it one by one, so he decided to do a 10-pull gacha all at once.

Half a minute later.


Sitting on the bed, Renault ignored all the useless clutter and looked directly at the remaining two valuable items.

[Hyper Muteki Gashat: An upgrade cartridge used by Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, which can transform the user into Muteki Gamer (Requires Gamer Driver and Maximum Mighty X Gashat)]

It was a pity that this thing could only be looked at for now, as he had no idea when he could get the driver and the Maximum Gashat. Moreover, the appearance of the Hyper Muteki's form was also a bit off-putting. The gold-colored suit was still bearable, but the sea breeze hairstyle was simply unbearable.

And the other...

[Typhoon Belt: A belt used by Kamen Rider 1 Hongo Takeshi, which can transform the user into Kamen Rider 1]

This was a good item, but he already had the Build Driver and W's Lostdriver, so he didn't have much interest in Kamen Rider 1's driver anymore.

"Should I just treat it as a collectible? That would be a shame."

Picking up the belt, he lay down on the bed.

Compared to his other two belts, Kamen Rider 1's belt was much simpler, with a silver-white body and a red windmill-like circular structure in the center. When transformed, this part would also change and emit a transformation light.

Turning over, he slowly flipped through it.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted to the All Might figurine on his desk.

"All Might... wait, All Might?"

Renault suddenly had a wicked idea and immediately sat up, looking at the belt in his hand, and once again looked at the explanation of the belt through the system.

"No notes, no restrictions, which means that this belt can be used without any condition, right?"

However, after the initial excitement, he calmed down.

"However, All Might's physical condition isn't good, and the belt doesn't have much strengthening effect either."

Thinking about it, he contacted Evolto and Sento.

"Oh? Kamen Rider 1's belt? Are you planning to give it to All Might?" After hearing Renault's plan, Evolto was also pleased. "So, you already know about our progress. Is that why you suggested it?"

"What progress? Wait, could it be..."

At this point, Sento took over and said, "There has indeed been some progress. We already found a cure to heal All Might, but at most, it can only restore his lost organs. Moreover, this thing is an unexpected byproduct, and only one tube was made. It was originally intended for you to use to save your life."

"All For One has already been dealt with, and this thing is not very useful to me, so let's give it to All Might first. After all, I have promised to help him find a way to heal his injuries."

"Okay, you're the boss, you decide." Evolto had no objections and transferred the item over.

The next day, at noon.

Renault contacted All Might over the phone and secretly handed him something in a forest area behind the school.

"Young Renault, why did you call me here? I was planning to find Midoriya and ask him about his choices for hero work studies," All Might said as he laid out a picnic blanket and opened his bento box. "By the way, your choice is good. Ryukyu's office often gets challenging jobs."

"I called you here because there's something very important I need to tell you."

Pressing down on All Might's bento box, Renault looked at him and handed him a green medicine.

"Drink this. It can heal your injuries."


All Might stared at the pale green medicine and then at Renault, gradually getting excited. "You... you mean?"

"It should be effective. Try it. Didn't we agree on this?"

"Young Renault, this..."

"As All Might, don't be so hesitant," Renault said, handing All Might a belt from his bag. "I suggest you find a room with good sound insulation to take the medicine. The reaction might be strong. You can try using this belt after you've recovered. It might provide some help. One For All was passed on to Midoriya, but he still needs a lot of time to grow. This might give you some protection in case of unexpected events."

All Might fell silent, looking at the belt. He had already guessed what it was used for.

Looking directly into Renault's eyes, All Might finally exhaled and laughed. "You really surprise me. I was planning to retire."

"All Might may retire as a hero, but you're still a teacher, right?"

"That's true. Well then, I won't be polite. I'll borrow this and try it out."

"I think you'll be satisfied with the result."

Renault was slightly excited, wondering if All Might would become the strong 'Kamen Rider 1'.


In the next few days, all Class A students except for Todoroki and Bakugo confirmed their hero offices for work studies.

After spending a rare weekend at home with Mikoto, Renault set off to Ryukyu's office on Monday.


Stopping his motorcycle at the entrance of the office, Renault saw three girls who had also come to the office - Hado Nejire, Asui Tsuyu, and Uraraka Ochaco.

"Tsuyu-chan, Uraraka? Are you guys interning here too?" Renault asked.

"Renault-kun!" Uraraka said in surprise.

"Renault is here too? I'm somewhat relieved now," Tsuyu said happily upon seeing him.

Before the students had completed their registrations, Aizawa did not reveal their respective work study locations and prohibited students from exchanging this information with each other. Therefore, the two girls didn't know where Renault was going.

Hado was also extremely happy. "Ah! So Ryukyu really invited you, Renault-kun? I thought she hadn't contacted you yet!" she exclaimed.

"I knew it was you who convinced her," Renault said as he got off his motorcycle.

"I just thought it would be interesting if you joined us, Kohai!" Hado laughed. "Let's go in, Ryukyu is waiting for us!"

A new experience outside of school and more formal hero activities?

He was truly looking forward to it.


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