
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

Really Busy and Hijacked Bus

Two Rasengan appeared in each hand, the kind that had no size limit, both with a diameter of about one meter. Renault directly slammed them into the chest of the giant.

Seizing the opportunity during the attack, he pushed the giant back in the direction he came from, preventing him from causing further destruction.

At this moment, Ryukyu arrived at the scene with Tsuyu and Uraraka. Upon seeing him effortlessly controlling one villain, she rushed towards another.

While flying, Ryukyu said to Uraraka and Tsuyu on her back, "For this operation, the two of you will assist Nejire. I'll provide cover from below. Show me your skills in action."


The two girls exchanged glances and leaped without hesitation.

On Renault's side, he continued to dominate the situation after pushing the giant backward with a single move. Due to the previous commotion and the absence of civilians in the area, he could focus on dealing with the giant without worry.

Pulling his hands back, Renault shot upward and delivered a punch that seemed disproportionately small compared to the giant's size. The punch struck him squarely on the chin, causing the giant to stagger backward.

Strike while the iron is hot, seize the opportunity.

Renault naturally understood the meaning behind this phrase, especially since he was currently carrying out a hero mission.

Even after using the Gigantification Quirk, the giant's defensive capabilities had clearly increased by more than double. Despite Renault's attacks not inflicting critical damage, the giant hadn't lost consciousness yet.

The giant was shocked as he stared at the tiny figure floating before him, with a clearly noticeable depression in the chest.

Then, with a roar, the giant charged once again.


In an instant, a punch struck the shark-headed giant who hadn't even raised his large hand, causing him to collapse and lose consciousness.

On the other side, the three girls wasted no time.

After evading a wave of attacks, they utilized Uraraka's Floating Quirk to control the shattered wall debris and smashed it onto the giant's head. With Hado's final blow, the giant was completely overwhelmed and subdued on the ground.

Although the surrounding area suffered significant damage from the two giants, thanks to Ryukyu's prompt arrival, the destruction did not spread further upon reaching this intersection. The police and a few Pro Heroes swiftly evacuated the civilians. While a few people sustained minor injuries, no casualties occurred.

Dragging the shark-headed man, who had reverted to his original size after losing consciousness, Renault placed him next to another similarly restored man. He then approached Ryukyu and the others.

Upon seeing his arrival, Ryukyu, who had regained her human form, nodded in satisfaction. "Well done. All of you have performed excellently. As for Renault, I had high expectations of you from the beginning, so the result was as expected. As for Tsuyu-chan and Ochacho-chan, your performance and coordination exceeded my expectations."

"Thank you for the praise, but it's mainly because Hado-senpai led the attack that we had the opportunity to act," Tsuyu humbly replied.

Uraraka also nodded and said, "If we were to face it alone, it would be impossible to do this well. We still have a lot to learn!"

Renault shrugged and looked around before speaking, "Although we've dealt with the two main troublemakers, we should help clean up the surrounding area. We can't leave the main road blocked."

"Exactly, since we're here, let's take care of the aftermath. We can't leave things unfinished."

Next, the group started assisting with the cleanup, working tirelessly for nearly two hours.

By evening, the three of them, who had finished a day's work, returned to the school.

When they arrived at the dormitory, many people had already returned and were exchanging their experiences from the day.

Upon seeing the Renault trio, Kaminari immediately picked up his phone and said, "Hey! You three already made a name for yourselves on the first day!"

On the phone was an article that detailed the Gigantification Quirk incident that Renault and the others had encountered earlier, with photos of the three of them featured in the report.

"It's normal to be in the news; after all, the damage caused by this incident was quite significant."

Sitting on the sofa, Renault took Kaminari's phone, glanced at it, and then handed it to the two girls.

After looking at it, Uraraka's face blushed slightly. "Hehe, it's the first time I've been featured like this. It's a bit embarrassing."

"But your performance was indeed impressive, and according to the report, the public has been praising your actions," Yaoyorozu expressed her happiness at the praise the three of them received.

Afterward, everyone continued discussing their experiences from the day.

In the evening, Midoriya returned to the dormitory, but no one noticed that his expression was off, displaying a hint of... discontentment.


And so, time passed day by day, and the first week of off-campus activities came to an end.

After resting for a whole day on Sunday, Renault once again headed to Ryukyu's office to start the second week of off-campus activities.

Unexpectedly, today Renault and the others were no longer acting together but were divided into groups.

Uraraka and Hado formed one group, while Renault was grouped with Tsuyu to begin their patrols.

However, sudden occurrences came faster than expected.

After listening to the message transmitted by the office support personnel on his phone, Renault said, "A bus has been hijacked and is currently on the highway with an unknown destination."

"We need to go for the rescue, right?"

"Absolutely, we'll still go from the air. Tsuyu-chan, I'll take you with me."

After obtaining Tsuyu's consent, he carried her in a princess carry and flew directly into the sky.

Due to the reflective layer of isolated wind formed by his Quirk around their bodies, she didn't feel any discomfort in mid-air. But. any slight embarrassment within her heart was immediately suppressed upon seeing the hijacked bus.

"Renault-kun, down there!"

"I see it." Renault nodded and began to approach from the air and then said, "When we're close, I'll place you on top of the bus. Use your camouflage to reach the driver's side window and I'll go straight to the front to force them to stop. Once the vehicle stops, you find an opportunity to subdue the culprit directly."

"Got it!"

There was only one villain which was a middle-aged man, as mentioned in the intelligence report. His Quirk was useless bubbles, and it was unclear how he managed to hijack the bus.

The operation commenced as Tsuyu silently landed on the bus, employing her camouflage and reaching the window beside the driver's seat, waiting.

Meanwhile, Renault quickly appeared on the route the bus was taking, keeping a close eye on the hijacker inside the vehicle.

"Stop right there! No passage allowed in this area!"


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