
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

Big Situation

Two criminals involved in a robbery were quickly arrested by the police who arrived after receiving the alert. They were taken back into custody.

Ryukyu was already very familiar with the procedures involved in such cases. With Renault by her side, they quickly completed a simple chronology with the polices by the roadside and continued with their work for the day.

As they walked, Ryukyu spoke up, "Although exaggerated cases and significant destruction may not occur frequently, small-scale individual or group crimes like the one just now are gradually increasing in number. It's not a good sign."

Renault nodded in agreement, "It seems to have started after Hero Killer Stain, and during the battle of Kamino when All Might's physical condition was exposed and he faced retirement. The situation has become more evident. Losing the suppressive effect of the once invincible Symbol of Peace has unleashed the lurking darkness."

Recalling the events, Tsuyu said, "Principal Nezu was absolutely right. Although I have experienced several attack incidents, it still makes me uneasy when such incidents occur in the streets, around civilians. If the scope expands even slightly, it could have severe consequences."

"That's why we need Pro Heroes to step up," Ryukyu sighed. "Even though we patrol the streets like this on a daily basis, we can still provide a warning to these small-time villains in the area, reminding them not to get too reckless. Unfortunately, although the number of Pro Heroes is not small nowadays, only a few of them can truly suppress the villains."

Ryukyu's words were accurate. While there were many registered Pro Heroes nationwide, the disparity in strength between the top-tier heroes and the rest was still immense.

For example, Gunhead, the Pro Hero Uraraka previously interned with, had decent skills and was good at teaching, but he still fell short compared to the top heroes. Among all the heroes, he could probably only be ranked in the middle.

This was a common phenomenon in the current hero society. Many people became Pro Heroes, but only a handful reached the top tier. This was not only due to talent but also a result of personal effort and individual goals.

Some became Pro Heroes solely for monetary gain, and after achieving what they perceived as decent accomplishments, they chose to remain stagnant and content with their current status, unable to make further progress.

Others aimed to become stronger, to better combat villains, and learn from the old-generation Pro Heroes they admired. It was these individuals who continued to move forward. Almost all the heroes in the top ten rankings, and even the top thirty, possessed such qualities and mindset.

"But it's like a drop in the bucket," Renault shook his head. "Villains won't play by the rules, peacefully staying in one place and openly initiating actions. Most of the time, we don't have the advantage of making the first move."

"Being a Pro Hero requires being mentally prepared for that," Ryukyu agreed wholeheartedly with his statement.

Continuing their patrol for about half an hour, Ryukyu's phone rang, and an urgent contact came through.

"What's the situation? Alright, I understand. We'll head there immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Ryukyu looked at the location on her phone and said seriously, "It's time to take action. There are two big guys fighting in the next block, and the affected area is expanding. The Pro Heroes over there are struggling to handle it. We need to go support them right away."

After sending the location to everyone's phones, Ryukyu said, "Nejire and Renault-kun, you both have great speed. Go ahead and evaluate the situation from the air. We'll follow shortly."

"Understood." Renault and Hado didn't hesitate. They took control of the air and flew towards the target location.

"Alright, it's our turn now."

Watching the two people leave, Ryukyu activated her Quirk, transforming from a tall beauty into a massive dragon.

Her wings trembled slightly behind her, and Ryukyu crouched down, saying to Tsuyu and Uraraka, "Both of you, come up here. I'll take you over."

The two girls showed excitement on their faces and immediately climbed onto the spacious back of Ryukyu. With her leading the way, they took to the sky.

Flying in the air had an obvious advantage; they wouldn't be hindered by the congestion of the city, especially in a situation where an incident had occurred. It would be even more challenging to travel by land.

Soon, Renault and Hado arrived at the scene.

"Wow! It's quite a commotion!" Hovering in mid-air, Hado, wearing a tight hero costume, released waves to maintain her levitation. She looked down at the two colossal figures below, engaged in a fierce battle on the streets of the bustling city, occasionally demolishing walls and roads.

The two giants, both utilizing their Gigantification Quirks, one with a humanoid appearance, sharp teeth, and a ferocious gaze, while the other had a shark-like head and narrow eyes fixed on their opponent.

Both people, after using their Gigantification Quirks, stood at nearly seven stories tall, roughly 20 meters in height.

"This is truly..."

Shaking his head, Renault looked at the two people before him and couldn't help but think of Pro Hero Mt. Lady. With a Quirk like theirs, they would be reliable allies if they became Pro Heroes. But if they turned into villains, it would be a massive problem.

And now, there were two of them appearing at once.

"Senpai, let's take one each. I'll handle the shark-headed one."

"Then I'll take the other. I'll divert their attention first. Although I'm curious why they fight each other, everyone around seems to be afraid." Though her words still sounded a bit scatterbrained, Hado clearly observed the situation around them.

Once the task was confirmed, the two of them immediately dove into action, each selecting their target.

Renault took the lead and charged toward the giant with the shark head, shouting loudly, "Stop right there! The streets aren't the place for your brawl!"

"Hmm?" The enormous, narrow eyes glanced briefly at Renault. A hint of displeasure flashed in the giant's eyes, and with a roar, his massive hand swiped directly toward Renault.

"Heh, if you won't listen to reason, then don't blame me." Renault squinted his eyes and without dodging, he activated his Quirk and collided head-on.



An audible cracking sound came from the wrist, and immediately, the giant let out a wail, and his movements turned instantly violent.

"You little punk, I'll kill you!!!"

On the other side, Hado, relying on her agile movements, was harassing the other giant.

Once Renault saw that she was not in danger, he officially began his attack. He couldn't let this behemoth wreak havoc any longer.


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