
My hero academia: Unlimited quirk selection system in MHA

Can select unlimited quirk: "Quirk-Manipulating Water Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Fire Element"   "Quirk-Controlling the Ice Element"   "Quirk-Manipulation of Gold Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulating Wooden Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Earth Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Thunder Element" Author note: This is more than a fan fic. Note: I don't own the cover picture.

Sital_dangi · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


A few dark clouds covered the moon, making the already dark sky darker.

  On a swing in a park somewhere, a teenager dangling stopped the swing, looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "It's time to go back."

  However, just when he jumped off the swing and was about to leave, three punks came out from the corner, holding wooden short sticks in their hands, slapped them in their hands, and walked towards the boy.

"Hand over your pocket money boy," The bastard, who took the lead, was in his 20's, with a scumbag face. At this moment, the more he talks, the stick in his hand grows up and down, and it looks like a golden hoop.

The lonely boy Noah, 15 year old, was a traverser. When he came to this world he thought that he was reborn in another part of his Earth, but after experiencing this world for a few days he came to know that he is in another Earth.

Eighty percent of the people in this world have supernatural powers. Gifted people can awaken their power in kindergarten, those with high giftedness in elementary school, and those with ordinary giftedness only in middle or high school.

The superpower in this world is called "Quirk" by humans.

  Noah has been in this world for a month, and he has not yet been able to awaken his Quirk. However, to his surprise, he has awakened the system instead.

 Speaking of this system, Noah is so angry that this system is called the rescue system. As the name suggests, the word "save" refers to saving someone. But Who is it to save? Isn't clear. Is it animal, human, thief, villains or any living thing in danzer? In short, it is just one sentence, save the lives of those who are caught in dire straits.

After each rescue, the host will earn a rescue point and can redeem it with a card in the system.

The three bastards are still looking at Noah, swinging the wooden stick in their hand.

"My mom didn't give me any pocket money, instead she sent three stupids to protect me." Noah said.

" Who? Are they here??" One of the boys said.

Noah looked at him like a fool, smiled and said, "Here."

 "Where is it?" The boy looked left and right.

However, Noah looked at him without speaking. Finally the boy understood, he immediately raised the stick and rushed up, shouting: "Little bastard, dare to play with your senior!"

"Hahahaha senior, you weren't even a sperm egg when I was cultivating on the mountain." As soon as the voice fell, Noah swiped down with one foot, and came to the opponent's foot in a strange arc, and then supported his both hands. , Kicked his feet directly on the opponent's chin.

 The boy never thought that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child would perform such a move. He was beaten unexpectedly. The upper and lower teeth knocked together, and he fell directly to the ground in pain and screamed.

 And the two boys behind him were dumbfounded and kept thinking "Could this little guy know how to do martial arts? Even the boss was defeated."

Noah did not give up, and immediately rushed forward, trying to knock down the other two guys.

"Save yourself". However, the two gangsters seemed to be frightened, glanced at each other subconsciously, and then squeezed out two people, "Run!" The two ran away without a trace, even ignoring their bosses.

"Damn, they're both stupid!" Said the fallen boy angrily and grabbed his chin, looking at Noah with great horror. If he guessed correctly, this young man hasn't awakened a Quirk yet, he's just an ordinary kid, but his movements look like that of a high class martial artist.

"Why am I just so unlucky that something like this had to happen to me?" The fallen boy said.

Noah walked in front of him, knelt down, and smiled harmlessly: "Do you know you are wrong?"

He didn't respond, how could he respond when facing such humiliation by a baby several years younger than himself.

"It looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet." Noah shook his head, then casually raised his right hand and slapped the thug face.

"You..." Thug was stupefied by this slap, and then he reacted with anger. He touched a leaf with his right hand. The leaf grew rapidly at the speed of the naked eye. He actually wanted to use the leaf to slap Noah.

Noah saw him using his quirk, then he


Noah slapped him 8 times more without saying a word, and the leaf in thug hand fell to the ground and his face was swollen.

 "Are you wrong?"

Still no response from the thug.

"Spill it out..are you wrong?" Noah shouts in anger.

"I beg you to stop beating"

"Poop wrong answer...now give me your pocket money."

No sooner had he said this than the racket began to cry. Noah was also a little embarrassed to see such a man crying.

"Ok...ok...don't cry...I don't need your money...I'll count to five you get out of my sight. If I find you still lying on the floor I will beat you so bad you will lose more teeth."

After counting five the thug had already disappeared from Noah's sight.

  "Save Points +20"

"Finally I managed to gather 100 point, now I can draw my first card."

"Congratulations to the host, for getting the 100 points, please choose a quirk and start practicing."

  "Quirk-Manipulating Water Elements"

  "Quirk-Manipulate Fire Element"

  "Quirk-Manipulate the Ice Element"

  "Quirk-Manipulation of Gold Elements"

  "Quirk-Manipulating Wooden Elements"

  "Quirk-Manipulate Earth Elements"

  "Quirk-Manipulate Thunder Element"