
My hero academia: Unlimited quirk selection system in MHA

Can select unlimited quirk: "Quirk-Manipulating Water Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Fire Element"   "Quirk-Controlling the Ice Element"   "Quirk-Manipulation of Gold Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulating Wooden Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Earth Elements"   "Quirk-Manipulate Thunder Element" Author note: This is more than a fan fic. Note: I don't own the cover picture.

Sital_dangi · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Airport Japan

Noah, studied his quirk at home, and he has so far become familiar with the basic use of both quirks but he is still confused about whether it's electricity manipulation or generation.

He opened his right hand, a blue current crackled in the air, the blue current instantly flowed towards the glass on the sink five meters away. The glass was shattered by the blue current, the pieces fell toward the ground. Noah's waved his left hand, an invisible force appeared, the glass levitated and flew toward the garbage can.

  Looking at the hands with two different powers Noah smiled faintly, "It's time to apply to study in the island."

  Most of the strongest people are on the island, the major powers are still in a relatively stable period, and when the silt event comes, a new era will open the curtain.

  Noah does not have to worry about not knowing Japanese on the island, the previous owner of this body is proficient in eight languages, and his character is the most intelligent student. So in terms of learning, he belongs to the top students of the kind, he does not worry about it.

Also, he doesn't have to worry about not having enough money to study in Japan, cause many institutions will sponsor students, especially students like Noah who have top academic performance, they are happy to help.

When he applied to one of the institutions they offered him to even cover his expenses and will also help with the visa issue. But Noah didn't want to depend upon the institution too much, he patted his chest and promised to rely on himself after he lands in Japan. After all, this world is different from his world, and some things that seem complicated are not complicated here.

  Looked at the time, October 15 departure, that is, a week later Noah will set foot on the island, to see the world of the so-called heroes.

  Noah is very much looking forward to, whether some unchangeable things in the anime could be changed by him or not.

  Midoriya in this world is the protagonist, but Noah also has ah...., as to which is stronger or weaker that is unknown, after all, he has not yet fought with One-For-All.


  A week later.

  Noah who just got off the plane was about to take a taxi to UA High School when an explosion sounded on his left side.


  "All get out of the way! I'm going to kill this guy!" A hissing sound came from the explosion, after the black smoke cleared, Noah saw a male with huge arms, standing in front of a male who had fallen to the ground shivering.

  "Welcome to Japan" Noah smirk, he had just got off the plane, he didn't even hadn't left the airport and already the incident happened.

  "The island country is worthy of the hero land, even the crime rate is so high." He murmured.

  Compared to the country, Noah stayed for more than a month, he never heard of such a crime in the airport. Airport was thought to be the safest place in the country. (Ps: I am not gonna revealed the country for now.)

  "Don't kill me, I'll give you all my money, all of it." The greasy middle-aged man who fell to the ground trembled and said, his eyes full of fear.

  This male with huge arms was obviously has a strength or size quirk, except that he could only increase the size of his arms, allowing them to exert strength beyond that of normal people.

  "I did everything as you said, and you? How dare you try to leave here behind my back, you, unforgivable!" The man with enhanced arms became more and more angry as he spoke, and raised his right hand to smash down.

  Noah as a human, although usually do not like to meddle, but because he would get rescue point he thought of saving this person.

  At this moment he began to secretly accumulate power, slowly marching toward the villain.

Noah was a dozen meters away from the man, his feet ready to launch the moment, then all of sudden a silver figure quickly swept past him, he lands one strong kick to the two-armed muscle man.

  "Apprehend the criminal!" The man in silver armour waved a big hand, and then extended his right hand towards the man who had fallen to the ground, "Are you okay?"

  "Oooooooo~ Thank you so much, Turbo Hero: Ingenium." The middle-aged man was in tears and flung himself onto the silver-armoured man's body in a flash.

  The two-armed muscular man had been arrested by the police, and some people inside the airport were attracted, and when they saw Ingenium, they cheered: "Hero! Ingenium! Hero! Ingenium !"

  "It's Ingenium ." Someone in the crowd of onlookers who had just arrived shouted in astonishment.

  Ingenium, real name: Iida Tenshin famous turbo hero, a large hero firm with 65 employees in Tokyo. Is Iida Tenya's brother

  Noah silently chanting, did not expect to meet professional heroes here, I have to say, professional heroes are awesome, a kick was enough to two-armed muscle man.

  Although Noah wanted to make a move before to calm the villain, he was not sure that he could finish the enemy in one move, after all, his Lighting is the only LV1, he believes that he can repel the other party, but to knock out in one move is unlikely.

  "Please don't block the traffic standing, everything is under control." Ingenium while evacuating the crowd, while saying righteously.

Ingenium escorted the criminals to the police car, before leaving the gaze glanced at Noah, standing on the side of the vending machine, Ingenium was slightly surprised, he had already noticed that Noah was planning an attack on the villain. But Ingenium couldn't feel any power inside Noah

 "The average person even if they have a personality will not meddle, let alone to stop criminals, and this teenager seems different."

  After closing the car door accompanied by the sound of sirens, Ingenium left.

  Noah threw a few coins in the drink vending machine, clunked down a bottle of Japanese orange drink while drinking while walking towards the outside.

  After leaving the airport, the crowd seemed to be talking about the heroic deed they saw, it seems that the people here worship the heroes, they believe that as long as the hero appears, there is nothing that can not be solved.

  In this regard the people of this country seem to be extraordinarily broad-minded, they are not frightened by the violence of crime, nor are they frightened by the darkness, in the era of heroes, those darkness seems not worth mentioning.

  Only Noah knows that the world will soon begin to transform, the darkness is coming ...

( An survey: I am writing two book at a time. So I want you guys to decide which book should I more focus on and publish more chapter ofter)
