
My Hero Academia: Throne of Heroes

Well, AHAHAHA, I have Reincarnated to the Word of My hero Academia, I know you know it, You wouldn't be here if you didn't ! and guess what ? I have the power of fate servants, and I have fused bodies with Senji Muramasa, and Shirou Emiya, yeah, Not confusing at all ahahaha, anyway, I will be the Strongest hero, there is no debate, but, How long will it take ? Well if you want to know why not give this story a Try !

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs


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Momo's Perspective:

Once again, we witnessed that we were no match for him. His quirk displayed remarkable versatility, his mind was sharp and quick, and his skills surpassed us all.

The events unfolded when the dark man attacked. I searched to my right, but he had disappeared. Not only did he confront the dark man, but he also dispelled the dark aura around him, forcing him to flee. Moreover, he provided guidance to everyone, including Ida and hero Thirteen. Then, he turned around and accomplished all of this without even using his quirk.

Physically, he remained the same, but his hair underwent a transformation, now displaying shades of red and green. His hero costume had completely changed, resembling peculiar Greek armor. His eyes grew more focused as he declared, "All right, Achilles… Let's Kick Some Ass."

Achilles, one of the most renowned Greek heroes of all time, ranking second only to Heracles. There was even a body part named after him - the "Achilles tendon."

In a surprising move, Izuku whistled using his left hand, leaving us puzzled. Soon after, the sound of horses and a carriage being drawn became apparent. From above, a carriage pulled by three horses appeared, seemingly flying, or rather, running on air. The carriage gracefully landed in front of Izuku, and he proclaimed:

"Come, try standing in my way! My chariot is like a star, mercilessly crushing you as it runs you over! ――――It's already too late! 『Immortal Chariot of Storms and Raging Waves』"

{Troias Tragōidia}

His chariot soared through the air at an unimaginable speed, transforming into a green laser as it crashed into the villain horde facing Mr. Aizawa. The impact crushed the villains as if they were mere stepping stones. Izuku continued to plow through them, knocking almost everyone out.

Observing this scene, all I could think of was the sheer brutality of his actions. While the villains were still alive, their limbs were destroyed, and it seemed unlikely that they would ever walk again or live normal lives. I was torn about whether he was right or wrong, but deep down, I found myself rooting for him. These villains had planned to kill us, and they were willing to commit murder, even against children. So, is it truly unjust to inflict severe harm upon them?

3rd Person Pov

Aizawa was utterly shocked by the sight before him. He couldn't fathom that one of his own students could cause such widespread destruction. Most of the villains who had attacked the USJ were either lying on the ground, writhing in pain from their injuries, or already unconscious. Only three figures remained standing, likely the leaders of the group.

The masked hero, known to Izuku as 'Tomura Shigaraki,' was scratching his neck while shouting, "DAMN YOU! Who are you? This was meant for All Might, not some brat! NOMU, kill him! Maybe after his death, All Might will finally understand how serious we are."

Izuku gazed at Tomura and responded, "My name is Izuku Midoriya. I believe you already have information about me, considering you stole our school's data a few weeks ago. Although, I must say, it's quite impolite of you to ask for my name without giving yours, you lowly villain."

"Ha! You think you can look down on me, you damn brat? Nomu, kill him!"

The Nomu leaped and crashed into the spot where Izuku had been standing, shattering the ground. However, Izuku had skillfully evaded the attack. He then deftly avoided a series of punches unleashed by the Nomu, swiftly using his spear to sever both of its arms.

"Now, what's your next move?" mocked Izuku. His confidence wavered when he witnessed the Nomu's arms regenerating. (Oh, I forgot about its regeneration ability. Achilles is a new servant, and I've been using him for just ten minutes. I don't think I can utilize him for an hour, as it drains my energy rapidly. I must finish this quickly. Achilles, any suggestions?) Smiling, Achilles responded within Izuku's mind, (Good. I thought you had forgotten about me. To counter the regeneration, you need something that will continuously harm it.)

Listening to Achilles' advice, Izuku decided to go all out and employ a powerful technique, a noble phantasm. He stepped back from the battle, giving the illusion of fleeing, while he secretly circled around the USJ Grounds. As his body turned green, an aura emanated from him, and he announced the name of his Noble Phantasm.

{Dromeus Komētēs: Comet Form}

The green laser-like aura crashed into the Nomu, and in an instant, Izuku reappeared, spear in hand. Using the speed generated by the noble phantasm, he combined it with a well-aimed spear attack. The spear pierced the Nomu's chest, and in the following seconds of eerie silence, the aura from the comet form tore the Nomu apart, outpacing its regeneration and ultimately depleting its energy, causing it to collapse.

Not willing to take any chances, Tomura and Kurogiri decided to launch a surprise attack on Izuku, sensing his imminent victory against the Nomu.

Leveraging Kurogiri's quirk, Tomura materialized behind Izuku, who was standing over the fallen Nomu. Tomura grabbed Izuku from behind and issued a threat, "Don't move. My quirk is Decay. Anything my hand touches will be destroyed, and right now, my hand is dangerously close to your neck. You know what will happen if I use it!"


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