
My Hero Academia: the wishes

following the adventures of a transmigrator Otaku who loves and gets reincarnated into it. beware. im a lazy auther.

Tristan175 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Class part 1

speaking of... it was finally time to enter class 1-A witch seems to have recently been expanded...

there are a few things ill have to keep an eye on however take mineta for instance, while he follows the great path of the pervy sage, witch i can respect, if he tries to perv on my girl, yorucihi he will most likely die... the last dude that hit on her, got knocked up pretty badly... this was by the combined beatings of her and me... his eh... little brother is probably... crunched up now...

as for midnight who is without a doubt a virgin, considering her quirk and all, i plan to seduce her... after all she does need to give me a 'reward' from all those years ago...

i looked around the class room, and saw everyone...

Bakugo Katsugi, was here, she blushed lightly as she looked at me, among others in the class room... namely being Momo... my waifu, who saw this, brought me in close, grasped my hand, and smiled to everyone present... as if saying 'who dares to try and steal my man? hes already taken.'

well... in truth... i dont need mid night... i just want everyone to fall in love with me... ufufufu

sigh... i love being loved.... that was a joke.

everything else happened as usual, apart from the curious glances sent our way... Mineta began to try and chat up a certein someone... (yoruichi) and he got a beating of his life time...

his small body was smashed aganst the desk, and the sounds ribs cracking could be heard... he began to cough up blood as a result, and was in severe condition, she wasnt done either... she drobbed his loins onto the top of the desk chair.. and commically fell to the ground...

everyone looked on at this horror... and than she proudly stated... "if any one of you males, look at me like that... the same result will happen to you." she coldly stated... while all the males in class, held thier dicks in response...

while mineta was twitching madly... nobody dared to move to take him to the infirmary...

the men sent pitiful glances his way, while the women looked at her as if she were a savior to all women...

did he learn his lesson? only time will find out.

"do it somewhere else."

said aizawa, who spoke towards izu, who was stuttering over his words while talking to the girl... yes i think it was uravity? the girl with the gravity quirk.

the kids at the front door, turned to look at the disheviled man slumped over in a green, yellowish sleeping bag.

"if you all want to play, than go home. this is the hero course."

he slowly got up, and wore pure black clothes...

he scanned everyone, and introduced himself "my name is Aizawa Shouta, im your home room teacher."

of course, no one knew who he was besides myself and finally...

"your-your eraser head!" the who spoke while tripping over himself was obviously, izuku.

he started to hand out everyone their sports uniform... while commanding everyone to go outside...


everyone was standing upon the field... as Aizawa introduced what they will be doing "this will be a quirk assessment..." he continued on to explain that they were be using their quirks to do the usual 100 meter sprints and so on.

ochako spoke up wondering why they need to do those "here at U.A you will be training on how to improve your quirk. thats final."

Aizawa seemed to be in a bad mood today.. as he viciously and tiredly, glanced towards me... for some reason... it was an expression of worry.

he looked towards the top player of the public exam, and that was.... drum roll please... IZUKU! yes hes had 2 years to advance his improve 'his' quirk... my fathers quirk... he now could operate at 20% capacity, with constant training given by me, and all might. it wasnt as fast, because of the low stress enviroment, compared ot U.A but 20% of one for all, is decent.

he called up izuku and asked him to throw the ball...

of witch he got up to an impressive number.... roughly around 1000 or so meters. (just a random number)

than Aizawa dropped a bomb...

"last place will get expelled from the U.A"

than finally i was called... "Karna Yagi."

Third POV

Karnas name was called and everyones eyes went onto him... focusing greatly on his body... not much was known about this individual... Aizawa knew from experience, during the last exam, that he can control and manipulate his energy into 'spells' but beyond that, he knew nothing else...

he was in fact amazed at his versatility...

he wasnt told much by nezu or mid night, cementos didnt say much either... as the only ones that had interactions with the boy aside from his father during his time in U.A as such... what he knew, was that it had to do with the energy inside Karna's body.... and that he was severely restricted in fire power, as he wasnt openly allowed to use 2 of his quirks.... and that was what he refered to as his zanpakuto...

aside from that he knew he had his mothers quirk, kiyo, witch had the sharingan... enhanced visual prowess, and what not... not to mention the next level and that his eternal mangekyo sharigan, and rinnegan with again wasnt allowed to use, to with extreme limitations, on his quirks until further notice... because of the massive destruction he can cause with them...

i pointed outward into the air with palm... and said lightly... [ SOKATSUI! ]

instantly, a massive wave of lightning was produced it was so immense that it seemed to encompass the sky...

the ball was disintegrated in the process...

i looked to AIzawa and company, who became shocked... at the power display...

i went off to pick up another ball... and Aizawa didnt stop me... as he simply nodded with a flatface... full of stoicism...

'no wonder why hes not allowed to use his other quirks... just this alone is already world shattering...'

everyone fell to the floor, looks of awe and fear could be seen in their eyes.. as he glanced at them... while a mixture of thoughts were flowing through their heads...

'lightning quirk?! with that amount of power?!' a yellow boy thought to himself... but his instinct told him it wasnt quite right...