
My Hero Academia: The Instantaneous Hero Blink

To cope with the problems of the world, Izuku Midoriya runs. He keeps on running till one day he is chosen in order to run to save others. Watch as a boy who lost all hope of being a hero slowly becomes the symbol of hope to those who have lost it. He may not have been the fastest as a child, but with his new gifted powers he will surely save those from harm in a Flash...

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

First Day At U.A...

Chapter 7 - First Day At U.A...

He was running, that much is what he knew. To where he wasn't sure, all he knew is that this wasn't reality... or he thought he knew that. He faintly recalled his surroundings, as if he had been here before sometime in the past. The large storm around him propelled him forward and at the same time held him back. There was no ground beneath him but he knew that this was still considered running. His legs moved and stepped on propelling him to where he assumed was forward. The ground seemed to maybe be energy but he couldn't be sure.

He was beginning to feel something that he had a faint memory of. This was a good feeling, but it was too good for him to stay here. If he didn't get out of here soon he would simply stay in here forever. He remembered suddenly that he had seen this place before when he was in a coma a few weeks prior. Pushing himself further the speedster kept going, trying to gt out as soon as he could. He spotted into a white light ahead of him, this was his goal. He ran towards it, into it and…

Izuku Midoriya's eye's blasted open to allow light passage into his vison. His alarm clock was going off clearly signaling his late start to the morning, as it had been happening more and more often. He groaned at this, but worried not since, with his speed, he could very easily manage to do anything that he wished during the time that it took most people to simply rise from bed. He laid back down and looked at the ceiling which was becoming a habit that he had developed over the past few weeks. Another bad habit was also beginning to do things later than he should which tended to make him tardy. During these few minutes that he gave himself he tended to think about many of his problems and of their possible fixes. Today's problem was merely the first day of school as well as that odd recurring dream he kept having.

Relax Izuku you aren't going insane, at least I don't think- NO! You are not going insane! This is a side-effect of your quirk since you are always running nowadays and not any other outside force that you don't know about. This isn't something you should worry about, just remain calm and everything should work out. Besides you have your first day at UA today and that should be your main focus if anything is.

Looking sideways from his bed, a UA uniform hung from a chair and looked as neat as it could be. He'd put it there the previous night in order to be ready the next day in case he woke up later than usual. He of course had done just that and now was in a tricky situation. In times like this, there really was only one way that he would be able to get through everything that he needed to do, use his quirk to the highest efficiency. He sat on the side of his bed and closed his eyes trying to gather himself.

Tick, Took, Tiiiiiik, Toooooooook, the rhythm of the clock slowed down to a crawl as Izuku's hyper fast mind took hold and began with his morning schedule. This was something that he could do for a maximum of one minute in real time every so often. It required a completely clear mind and nothing else to break his concentration. It also drained him very much leaving him quite defenseless after using it for too long or at all.

He opened his eyes and looked to the clock beides his bed in order to see if his quirk was working as he planned it to. Walking out of his room, the boy saw a plate of food that had been set down by his mother in prediction of what he was about to do. He of course took the plate and with it he began to run as he packed his bag for the day. In a satchel he tossed pencils, notebooks, and other school supplies that would be needed for the day. Between every school supply tossed, he ate another item of his breakfast as carefully as he could as to not have to go back for it later. After everything was packed, the enhanced individual went on to change into his school uniform still on his chair unmoved by the events that were happening around it. Slipping on the blazer of the school onto his shoulders, Izuku Midoriya felt ready to tackle the bull by the horns.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock losing his concentration in a moment his perception of the world around him returned to normal and he unfortunately collapsed due to fatigue. He caught himself on a chair but was still pretty tired and the time to enter school was nearing. His hands shook a little like they always did after he tried doing this, an unfortunate side-effect which he was aware was very unpleasant.

Slowly making his way to the door, he supported himself against the walls as to not lose his balance and fall flat on his face. The first time that he did this he was extremely unlucky and ended up smelling like trash for the remainder of the day. He'd improved a bit when controlling it but still no where near mastering it.

Looking down at his watch, he saw that there were ten minutes to go before school began. It certainly wasn't enough time to take any mode of public transportation so he would have to run there himself. Most likely he would end up running at maybe half his normal non-straining speed due to his level of exhaustion at the moment but it would be more than enough.

Slipping a new set of goggles over his eyes, and his satchel over his shoulder, the boy exited his home and began his journey to school. It was time for the world to see what he could do, the world of course was UA at least it would be for today.

His running was probably the best part of his mornings, besides restocking his calories on large amounts of food that is. In this state he was able to navigate the streets with such ease and tranquility, not really having to worry about being hurt like this. His eyes were able to spot any incoming accidents involving civilians and he was able to nudge them in just the right direction that prevented them from getting hurt. Another plus was all of the random poses that people were stuck in. It was just so fun to look at them as they went on with their normal lives.

Instead of increasing in speed, he slowly decreased as his journey went on. He'd been practicing on how to do so and realized that doing so within a few hundred feet of his destination was a recipe for disaster. Now he simply started fast and slowed down along the way in order to keep himself from going splat on any walls. His exhaustion from using "fast life" was slowly fading or at least he hoped that it was in preparation for what Aizawa had warned him happened in the school during the first day.

His instructor for the past two weeks hadn't explicitly told him anything, exactly. He more or less told him to not expect any mercy on the first day of school and that his homeroom teacher would surely come after him for being one of the top students in the exam. He was simply 'making sure that he was capable of handling himself' or so he had said.

The practice with Eraserhead had been one of the worst-no scratch that. It was the definite worse experience in his life. Morning after morning he was forced to push himself to an extreme which he wasn't sure why. If he had ten months to do a workout like this than he'd probably be strong enough to inherit someone else's quirk or something along those lines. However, this was more of making him more battle prone and capable of handling himself in a fight against his sensei who very regularly was taking down villains with quirks far stronger than the one which he used.

Turning his gaze at the watch on his wrist, he nodded knowing that he had enough time to get to class. He left it there for a moment too long and didn't see UA's massive gates or a person walking into said gates. He really needed a better way to stop himself in these types of situations than trying his usual skidding. That would be a matter for later considering that he was once skidding into another being and knocking them onto the floor along with himself in what could honestly be called, painful.

You know Izuku….I really hate how you don't know how to stop just yet. You really need to figure out how to do that or I'm going to figure out a way to leave your head and punch you. Now...could you please pick yourself up and help up that poor person who you hopefully didn't end up killing. It'd be a shame if you did kill someone before you even started training to be a hero.

"Oh my god I am so sorry for running into you." Good job, this is like your fourth sorry this month for this exact same thing. "Please don't be dead…" The other being of the crash groaned in pain as well as they rubbed one side of their head trying to figure out what just went down. From what he could tell, they were male with black hair and goggles atop their head for some reason.

"What?! You know don't even worry about it, first day of school and you don't want to be late. I understand the feeling of that." He laughed as he saw Izuku's goggles on the floor. "These look like they belong to you," he said as he picked them up and handed them over.

"Thanks, also I-I'm Izuku by the way..." He took his goggles back and put them around his neck before offering his hand in a greeting. The other boy took it with a smile and introduced himself.

"Francisco Ramon, but you can call me Cisco. I think that the less syllables the better. I'm from Support here at UA, what about you"

"I'm enrolled in heroics...today's the first day of school and you already said that…I'm sorry I'm just trying to make sure you're fine" Cisco laughed at this before speaking in an old and mysterious tone.

"Do or do not. There is no try… You know...Yoda from the Star Wars movies…"

Laughing at this Izuku looked at his watch again before queuing his leave, he already was cutting it close as it was.

"I'd love to stay and chat but class starts in 2 minutes and I still have no idea where my class is located so I have to go. Nice meeting you by the way!" Cisco gave him a small wave before running off on his own way towards his own homeroom class.

Putting his goggles back on, the boy went around looking for the room in which he was suppose to be right now. He was completely lost in this school but he had no time to do anything about it. What sort of assumptions would his home room teacher have about him if he was late on the first day, the first day!

Come on Izuku, just look for the number 1 and the letter A. It seriously can't be that difficult to do that. Wait that's the girl I saved in the entrance exam! That has got to be the room that is mine. No time to think let's go…

Running down the hallway, the green-haired tardy speedster grabbed the frame of the door before skidding into the room. His speed carried him toward the opposite side of the room where he collided with the wall at his speed causing the windows to rattle and leaving the faintest of impressions upon the wall. Pulling off his goggles, Izuku saw that the whole room had come to a complete and utter silence at his arrival. All eyes were in his direction and frankly he didn't know what to do about it. He simply gave all of them a small wave and went to find his seat wherever that might be.

"Midoriya it's good to see that you made it on time!" This was from Iida who hadn't heard from Izuku since he had informed him of his acceptance into the UA heroics course. "I thought that you had gone off on your own after not hearing from you for so long." Izuku chucked and was about to respond before another of his classmates began to speak over him.

"Izuku what did happen to you? You were completely unresponsive for two entire weeks, I was worried something had happened to you." This was Momo who had attempted to contact him several times, but he had simply had no energy to answer back. Scratching the back of his head Izuku smiled and went on to explain his situation or partly anyway.

"Well these past two weeks I've been trying to extend my abilities beyond just my quirk and that took a lot out of me but-" There was quite a lot cursing that followed that explanation from someone who Izuku knew only too well. Mentally, he groaned in annoyance, but his facial expressions couldn't show the same range of emotions that were going on in his mind.

"Fucking Deku with a quirk! You must have cheated your way into the school. There is absolutely no way a quirkless loser like you would be allowed into the same school as me." Bakugou clearly still wasn't willing to accept the reality that Izuku now was his equal in many ways. He'd been his superior most of his life and the sudden shift in power wasn't something that his mind could take easily.

"Wait! You're the boy who saved me during the entrance exam!" This time it was the brown haired girl who had just entered the classroom before him. She had a wide smile on her face and a genuine look of thankfulness. "I didn't get a chance to thank you since you left so suddenly, but I wanted to tell you that I appreciated what you were able to do during the exam. My names Ochako by the way Ochako Uraraka"

Had there been more time, Izuku was sure that he'd probably introduce himself as well and probably meet the rest of his classmates right there and there. That, however, wasn't what happened in that instant. Instead, caterpillar shaped creature crawled into the classroom and went right behind the teacher's desk. It kinda rolled its way slowly towards the desk if he was trying to be technical about it. There was a large suctioning noise that echoed throughout the classroom and Izuku's mind went off the rails.

No, no no, NO, NO! This is not happening to me, not like this. Please tell me that we are just going to have a caterpillar themed hero and not who I think it is. Those were the two worst weeks any human could have gone through and now he's going to do that to everyone in this class. All I wanted was a decent amount of training from a hero who doesn't take utter delight in making sure that I know how sand taste. Please don't let it be….

No matter how much he wished it, there really wasn't anything that he could do. The figure that had been in the cocoon emerged from behind the desk and looked at all the students. The students faces were an ocean of different expressions all displayed clearly for all to see. Some were horrified, others were confused, still others were simply scared of the man dressed in black clothing who looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days. If anyone would've looked, they would have seen Izuku had his face in his hands crying tears of pure confusion.

Aizawa's saw this and smiled, well it was more of a smirk, really it was just a twitch at the lips. He wasn't going to let these kids know what he could do just yet, or that he was capable of smiling. That would be as soon as someone made the wrong move and right now the purple kid was looking where he shouldn't be so he would possibly be the first one. He pulled out a UA athletic uniform from his sleeping bag and held it for all to see.

"Hello I am your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Come up and grab one of these, then go change and meet me outside on the courtyard…" Despite their horror filled faces, they all followed through and grabbed an athletic uniform before rushing out to change, trying to put distance between themselves and their clearly senile homeroom teacher. Well one student stayed behind to talk to him, and boy was he happy to see his mentor.

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Izuku was clearly nervous and this confrontation was taking a lot out of him. The teacher noticed this and openly smiled, believing that Izuku ha earned the right to see him do so.

"I'm a teacher here, where else would I teach?" Why didn't I think of that, it was so obvious and… "Why are you still standing there? I'm still your teacher and you are still a part of this class." He exited the class, making his way to the courtyard but he turned to his student before doing so. "Also Midoriya, you better push yourself or I'm going to make your life a living hell from now on…"

And there we have it ladies and gentlemen living in my head, I am a dead man as of pretty much now. Well this could certainly be much worse so there is no use complaining about this. I just have to hope that he doesn't try to kill us first thing in the morning.

Without anything else, Izuku went and grabbed himself a uniform from within the bag of his teacher. Walking out of the room he looked around and saw that everyone had deserted the corridor leaving him once again in a state of isolation. He decided to bring his goggles with him as well since he had grown accustomed to using them in order to move without concern about his eyes, considering that fly incident….

As his class gathered around the desired location, Midoriya's brain began to analyze his classmates and see what their obvious quirks were as well as the practical uses of them. He unconsciously smiled as he had not done this in the longest time and it felt so good to do it once more.

Ok so that's obviously the pikachu guy that I knocked over in the entrance exam...That girl's quirk appears to have mutated her skin pink which I can't make out yet….The boy with red and white hair has yet to speak at all and hasn't made any significant facial expressions so I don't think that I can approach him about his quirk...There's an invisible girl, a guy with a tail and IS THAT THE GUY WHO STOLE MY POINTS AT THE EXAM!?...You know it's alright, it's in the past so nothing else that I can do about it. Hey does that guy have six arms…

Izuku's curious mind got the better of him as he began looking at all of his classmates more than would've been acceptable. The one thing that prevented him from being noticed was that he was able to look away faster than anyone could look in his direction. After all, how else was he going to examine nineteen other quirks. That frog quirk looks interesting….can she do anything a frog can? What is up with the hawk head, maybe a part of his quirk or something along those lines?

"You're doing it again…" Izuku's head shot up as his cheeks gained a generous shade of red. He'd gotten better at controlling his muttering but there were still times that it got the better of him. He turned his head to the left where a very bored looking man looked back at him. Argh he was standing right next to me the entire time wasn't he. "Yes, I was standing next to you the entire time."

Since training with the Erasure hero, his mentor had gotten incredibly good at just knowing what he was thinking. It was probably due to how fidgety he was but it was still extremely annoying when all he wanted was a tad bit of room to think. Making himself known to the rest of the group, the teacher clothed in black stepped forward in front of them. Immediately all conversations ceased as all eyes turned to the person who controlled what happened to them.

"Midoriya could you come here please?" Even though it was a question, it wasn't. If he had learned anything from his teacher in the past two weeks, it was that there was always a place and time to push people to their extremes. He had done it to him more counts than he could count, and he could count pretty darn high. If he didn't know better, he'd say that this was going to let Eraserhead know exactly what each and every single one of them could do.

"Midoriya! Stop muttering to yourself and come here!" His voice was slightly less bored but still bored enough to show that he didn't care much. "Please step into the circle and throw this ball as far as you can." He threw a ball directly at his face which would've hit him in the face if he didn't have the speed that he did.

Pulling back his arm, Izuku threw the ball as hard as he could without any additional assistance from the speed which could enhance his quirk. To everyone's surprise, it went an unbelievable, just impossible, thirty feet away from where he stood. Aizawa smiled, knowing exactly what his pupil was playing at. Perhaps he had learned a thing or two from being with him for the last few weeks.

"Midoriya, may you go fetch the ball and come back to the circle, with haste if you can…" The class was extremely confused at what he was getting at, they had expected a little more from their first day at the world renown school for heroics. They were just a bit surprised when Izuku zoomed to the ball and then back to the circle which he had been standing in all in about a second. All of them would surely agree that he was quite fast.

"Now...throw the ball using your speed…" Nice wording sensei, you didn't want to call it a quirk since you can't seem to erase it...well I have to applaud you for… "Don't get snarky and throw the ball…" How does he do it?

Looking down at the ball in his hand, Izuku smiled knowing that this was a show of strength and that his teacher had warned about what would happen if he didn't go all out. He closed his eyes for a moment as he pictured in his brain exactly what he was about to do. The crowd was silent in anticipation, wondering what he would do in order to throw it considering his quirk was speed.

Everyone watched as Izuku slipped on his goggles and stood tall in a T formation. Then he began to spin, round and round. At first it was slow and painful to watch, but then it increased in pace. Soon their eyes had trouble seeing Izuku and a blur of blue and green could be seen instead. That's when the winds began to pick up and the air the dust around Izuku began to form a miniature tornado of dust, leaving all the students staring in awe. Just when no one thought it could get any more impressive, Izuku let the ball so and the tornado dispersed in an instant.

The ball flew out of sight and Izuku laughed as he struggled to maintain his footing. This was the first time that he had tried such a move and boy was he dizzy. The ground seemed to be moving up and down without his control so walking forward was probably not the best move considering that he also had superspeed.

He shot straight towards the crowd and was surprisingly caught by the unemotional teacher. His scarf wrapped itself around Izuku's waist and gently put him down, he'd gotten better at predicting the boy's movements and quicker if he'd say so himself

"Well Midoriya I have to say that I'm underwhelmed...only 953 feet." Izuku attempted to argue at this but, still with little balance, went stumbling into Iida and Momo who thankfully caught him before he face planted onto the ground. "As you've all seen...this is what all of you are going to be doing...I'm going to measure how much your quirks can do and at the end you will all be ranked from highest to lowest."

The class began to become extremely nervous at this. When they said they wanted more out of their first day they certainly hadn't expected this. Izuku noted that the purple boy a few people down from him was starting to become extremely nervous. He would be too if he hadn't expected this beforehand from his teacher.

"Oh…there's something I forgot to mention…" Oh no, don't say it, just don't say it, it's the first day so just keep it to yourself and…. "The person ranked lowest in the class will unfortunately be transferred downwards into general studies while a pre-selected individual will be brought upwards." There was a deafening silence that could be heard from anywhere in the school at the moment as all members of class 1-A wondered about their future in the heroics course. "Remember these words for they are the school's motto and have helped produce heroes from all parts….PLUS ULTRA!"

Lining up for the 50 meter dash, Izuku Midoriya went up against his friend and fellow runner Tenya Iida. Both knew how this outcome would end but it was still fun for the both of them who had pushed each other to be better when it came to speed. The rest of the class eagerly stood on the sidelines wondering what Izuku would do this time, as he had blown away all their expectations in the demonstration.

"Good luck Iida, remember to move your arms as well in order to get the fastest time possible." The blue haired teen smiled at the advice that he was given knowing full well that it was intended to improve him. Midoriya always did have the best intention for others mind.

"You too Midoriya, hope to see you gain a new personal best out of this." The now goggle wearing boy laughed at this and readied himself to take the cake. Aizawa, who was standing along with the other students, looked at the possibly two fastest people in his class and knew that it was best to do it this way as friendly rivalry often pushed quirks further.

"And Start!" Both boys ran off and were done before anyone could really say anything about their performance. Lots of dust was kicked up and a cloud of it took to the air preventing anyone from seeing anything besides the first second. They heard a loud 'ouch' which sounded like it was from the faster of the two boys, but they couldn't be sure.

Everyone tried seeing what the two scores were knowing it would be equally crazy for both of them. Although they had been unable to see, the machine had picked up the moment they crossed the finish line so that was more than what they needed. The two scores on the machine were that of .116666667 and 2.9 seconds which would probably be the fastest that anyone of them would be able to complete this.

As the cloud of dust disappeared, everyone saw that this time Izuku had faceplants onto the ground and was just kinda lying there without much attempt to move. Besides him there was Iida trying to get him to get up and allow the other students to go, but what could really be done…?

What followed this were a variety of other test that were meant to test the limits of people's quirks in order to determine who would be staying and who would be the one to leave. Side-step, strength test, standing long jump, touching toes, baseball throw. Each test was dominated by one or more people who looked as if they would be the one to stay.

Thanks to his earlier feats in the ball throw and the fifty meter dash, Izuku didn't have to worry about being taken out of the heroics program. He could say the same for Uraraka who had gotten infinity in the ball throw, Shouji who had proven to be the strongest in the class, the kid who stole his points having mastered the standing long jump and many other students.

Looks like most of this class has quirks made more or less for these particular tests. Everyone has that one thing for them that they excel at above everyone everyone else. Now for the moment of truth...

After the last person had been tested, the results when into the computer inside Aizawa's hand and began putting them in order from best to worst. Izuku knew that he was somewhere in the middle given how weak he was in the strength test. His standing long jump was also quite bad since he was unable to get a running start which harmed him a bit.

"Ok students gather up and pay attention for what will probably be the most important moment of your life in heroics, or maybe not? I do know that one of you will be going down so here you go." Without hesitation, the homeroom teacher of the class displayed their scores on a holographic screen. Huh, I actually did pretty well! Looks like I'll be taking home the bronze medal for this event and hopefully that will be it.

Izuku's homroom teacher turned to the kid in purple and delivered to him what must've been some of the worst news that anyone could receive in general.

"Sorry Kid, it looks like you just aren't heroics material…" Aizawa stared into the heartbroken kid's eyes before saying the next part. "Now go to the office and tell them that you will be transferring into General Studies that will mean that one spot will open up. Also give them this note from me and tell them that I want to talk to Hitoshi Shinsou."

The boy began to weep in front of him but the Erasure teacher couldn't show that he cared just yet, he did have an appearance to keep in the heroics world after all and he couldn't throw it away each time a kid began to cry in front of him. If he did, then he would've lost his reputation a long time ago.

He turned to the rest of the students before going on. "The rest of you go change into your uniforms and grab the syllabus from the room on your way out. Get some rest because tomorrow is where the real tests begin. Class Dismissed!" With this he began walking to the main building while leaving all the students dumbfounded at what just happened.

Wow things just got extremely real... it's really looking up for me. This is sure going to be tough year but what fun would it be without all the difficulties. Can't wait to go home and tell mom all about this, she isn't going to believe it when she hears it. Oh, but I have to stop by the bank first so I suppose that'll have to wait for just a while, probably won't take too long. What's the worst that can happen in a bank?