
My Hero Academia: The Instantaneous Hero Blink

To cope with the problems of the world, Izuku Midoriya runs. He keeps on running till one day he is chosen in order to run to save others. Watch as a boy who lost all hope of being a hero slowly becomes the symbol of hope to those who have lost it. He may not have been the fastest as a child, but with his new gifted powers he will surely save those from harm in a Flash...

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Clearing Things Up...

Chapter 6 - Clearing Things Up...

Everyday for a week after the UA entrance exam, the speedster came back from school and checked the mail for any signs. Each time he went through the door, he checked to see if an acceptance letter from UA had arrived, even a rejection letter would've been nice at this point. He just really wanted the sense of worry and being unsure to end. After a while he had begun to simply pace around his room which was a terrible idea if one thought of the floor. Without his knowledge, he activated his speed and paced over the same spot over and over again within a matter of seconds that aplied lots of friction to the floor and nearly ruined it. Nearly being that after a carpet was put on it looked comepleely normal.

They said one week..., or was it two weeks? I don't remember much after running at that ginormous machine. Never knew I could do that much damage...but I suppose that now I can if I picked up enough speed by running for a while. Looks like yet another skill that I have to work to develop into something concrete that works most times...without me ending up with a shattered arm that is.

After a bit of pacing, the boy decided to sink into his bed and wonder what to do about his situation. He wasn't sure what to do and still wasn't fully sure if he'd received the required amount of points. His eyes looked straight at the ceiling as if asking it to solve the problems that he currently held. Midriya closed them in order to give them a bit of rest from the activity that he had been repeating for several days. That activity of course was asking the roof to solve the problems that he knew couldn't be solved like this.

He had called Iida to find out if he had received his letter yet. His friend had gone on a long lecture about who cares and the final answer ended in him having received his the previous day. Of course the engine quirk using teen had got in considering the sheer amount of dedication that he had put in. Izuku was less sure if he'd be accepted considering how late he submitted his interest for the school seeing how other people entered their applications as soon as the enrollment option became available.

Momo would also be given a spot in the prestigious school through recommendations which in itself was an amazing task. She's been able to skip the entire process of taking the written test as well as the practical which made him a bit envious of her. Then again she wouldn't have seen him with the broken arm as she would've scolded him in not being more careful about it. After all, she had been trying to get him to test some formulas using his speed to see what was the safest speed that he would be able to go without hurting himself.

There was a loud yell at the front door so Izuku went to check what it was. Hey maybe this time it is my letter, wouldn't that be something. As he poked his head out of his door, his mother was kneeling down in front of the mail slot holding something which had the letter U and A on them. Maybe that letter contains a million dollars, wouldn't THAT be something.

"I-I-Izuku! The letter from UA! It's here!" His mother yelled this to him despite the fact that he was literally standing five feet away from her. He didn't mind though, he too would be yelling if his throat hadn't closed itself from this shock.

The boy's mind went blank as he took the letter from his mother and walked into his room. At least he tried doing it a few times, his door was closed and he didn't notice it for a few tries. After he did open the door and enter his room, he went to his desk and sat down while looking at his letter. The speedster simply looked at it for the longest time before he acted…..wondering what to do with the envelope.

Ripping the envelope down the middle, a small disk like object fell from the paper and landed in front of him. As he touched it, the machine hummed to life and began emitting a set of lights of all colors. It continued for a few seconds till the lights joined together in order to make a flat image in the air. UA's logo appeared and Midoriya's heart felt a bit faint. It was all too much for him, that was until the image changed to be that of a hero that he had met a few weeks prior.

The video version of the hero pulled out a paper and began reading off of it without much interest. He didn't even bother to look up from the page as he read and addressed Izuku. If anything, he looked to be more interested in his paper than Izuku himself.

"Hello Izuku MIdoriya, I am here to tell you of your results from the exam via hologram I supppose you could call this sort of mail now. I am here to tell you that you passed the written exam without any errors in the shortest amount of time that UA has ever seen. That was what the exam overseer told us. 'The odd green-haired kid just stared at the clock for close to two hours.' was his exact quote of you. Your performance in practical exam also managed to impress the panel which is why you will be accepted into the school starting in two weeks."

Izuku's smile grew to compete with that of All-Might's. He truly didn't know what to do with the amount of sheer joy that he felt at the moment. It was unreal, how far he'd come in such a short amount of time. Just two months ago he was in a state of coma atop of a hospital bed with no end in sight. Now he was entering the number one hero school which was just hard to think about.

"Oh Midoriya I also neglected to mention one little fact…" Izuku's smile decreased in size by a significant amount believing that he knew where this was going. "As you know, last time that we met wasn't under the best of circumstances andI would very much like to meet in order to set the record straight. I will be notified of when this video ends so I am asking you to meet me at Dagobah beach in let's say one minute yeah a minute should serve the purpose.. Don't be late…."

He said what now? That's not a thing he expects me to do right? This guy is a bit irrational but still that's a bit too irrational. He won't actually be there, there was the chance that I wouldn't open my letter for a few days. Would he have waited a few days at his current location, of course not...Well what do I know? I just have to hope that this isn't a joke and that he sticks with his end of this and doesn't leave me by myself on a beach…

Obviously the speedster ran for his dear life in hopes that if this was true, then the hero would be nice to him for arriving within the time that was given to him. He tried making the most of each stride in order to get there in less than a minute, but sadly he had no idea where he was going and had to look for a map. On top of this the speedster overshot his destination by a few miles and had to go back to where a beach was suppose to be. He mentally cursed himself for not getting out more often to explore the city which he would begin doing from now on.

As he arrived to his desired location, Izuku looked around to see heaps of trash as far as the eye could see. Looking at the map again to make sure this was a beach, Izuku became oblivious to his surroundings. He knew that splitting his attention was something that needed to be worked on, but he had never fully mastered a skill such as that. If there had been a person watching him at that very moment than he probably would've been unprepared for any attacks that came his way. Wait….that was exactly what happened to the green-haired boy, silly boy.

While looking down at the map of the area, a figure descended from a pile of trash that was nearby and, for a lack of a better word, repaid the favor from before. The Erasure hero, better known as Shouta Aizawa, sideswept the boy removing his main weapon, his legs. Izuku became aware of his presence in the air but there was really nothing that he could do to save himself now. Eraserhead willed his capture gear to wrap around the boy's entire body much like the first time. This time, much to Izuku's disappointment, he also wrapped it around the lower part of his head and then proceeded to hang him upside down.

Izuku struggled for a few seconds try to break free, but the bindings only increased their hold on him. Upon giving up, the boy looked slightly downwards at the hero who had just gotten even with him. Well this is certainly something that I did not expect to happen, specially sweeping my legs, now I can understand where that was coming from.

"I expected more from you than simply charging in here without first taking in your surroundings." The Erasure hero pulled up his goggles to look at the boy with a bored expression. "I'm making sure that the last time's outcome won't happen again. I found it a bit damaging to my ego of losing to a child." At this Izuku began struggling again trying to clarify what was going on, but with his mouth blocked there really wasn't anything that could be heard than a few muffled screams.

Does he seriously think that I'm a bad guy, there can't honestly be a reason for it, right? I mean he's clearly someone at UA if he was in my acceptance letter video. If that's true then he probably saw how I did in the entrance exam and then would be able to determine that I in fact am not a villain. I just have to tell him that with these bindings over my mouth.

"Relax…."Izuku calmed down a bit and stopped struggling for a few seconds willing to hear the hero out. "...I know that you aren't a villain, a villain wouldn't have come here in the first place….unless he were an idiot. I just want to talk to talk to you, so if you agree to not run away I'll put you down." Izuku nodded eagerly knowing that this was the only way that he would be able to reason with the street level hero.

"\Thank you," the boy said as he was put back onto the ground. His face felt quite hot do to the blood rushing to his head. Likewise, his feet had received none and he fell onto the floor as soon as he touched it once more. "So...what did you want to talk about Mr. Eraserhead." Aizawa's eyes increased slightly from having his name called out by the boy in front of him, obviously not amused by him. "I did a little research on you and am just as confused about my condition."

"I can clearly see that you have a quirk but it doesn't work like other people's quirk now does it?" Izuku shook his head to this, trying to be as truthful as he could be. "I thought as much, my quirk should've served to neutralize yours yet I was unable to do it during our first encounter and just now when you zoomed past. If that's not the case then I'd like to hear more about you, the origins of your abilities. I have my suspicions but I'd like to hear it from you."

"Um, well you see, it's very strange to explain this...you are the first person to know the full truth since everyone else just assumed that I'm a late bloomer. Well...um, where to start...oh yeah….about ten months ago I was staying late at school when I went back to close the windows as to not cause a bigger mess that I'd have to clean up in the morning. There was a sudden shift in the weather that day that took me by surprise and I just didn't think anything of it so I went on and did my thing. I was then struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals which forced me into a coma for about 8 and a half months. I'm not sure exactly how my body changed but I know that I was given the speed which you see before you. The first time that we met was actually the first time that I was able to use my quirk properly. I've been practicing for about a month but I'm still not in full control of my quirk yet, It's constantly revealing new parts of itsefl to me and I have to constantly adapt to keep up."

Eraserhead looked at the boy and began to think about what he had said. Izuku Midoriya, given a quirk that gives him the potential power that gives him the ability of being as strong as All-Might. On top of that, he had a lot less time than any other of the participants with his 'quirk' and yet he managed to outshine the rest of them. He was also able to beat me in single combat by using strategies that normal villains wouldn't have thought of. The question that is next, 'what is his quirk' what makes it so unique?

"Kid, this stays between the two of us...as far as everyone knows, you are a late bloomer and happen to have a very flashy quirk. There are people who would hunt you down for what you are capable of doing just to find out the information of how you work. The less people who know of this the better, keep this to yourself and tell no one." Izuku nodded and began to get up as the feeling returned to his feet. "I know that you have the heart of a hero and the mind of a genius. That much I can tell just by looking at you, the rest is a blank slate. You have proven yourself to act in an instant and that you can keep a cool mind in dangerous situations. I can also see how your eyes move from side to side when you get into thought which is about a second so I assume that your powers extend to your mind."

"I-I- I don't know what to say really it's-" Izuku began to thank the hero before he took a punch to the stomach and he collapsed onto the floor. The boy never saw it coming so he fell forward at the normal speed of a human without getting the chance to activate anything.

"I can also see that you are quite weak when your quirk isn't activated, you are no better than a quirkless person if anyone did manage to mess with your quirk. My particular quirk may not work but there will be others besides me. I think that you need more training than the fancy tricks that you have practiced for the past month."

Izuku groaned as he attempted to get back up, unsure of what had just gone down. Looking at the man's unkempt face he wondered what he meant by training. This was the hero Eraserhead who wasn't well known because he had made that choice himself.

"You will be part of the Class 1A in two weeks time and I want to make sure that you are capable of handling yourself. Your quirk gives you the speed advantage but you rely too much on it instead of any other forms of defense. Other kids have had their whole lives to to practice combat and have used their quirks in conjunction with anything they picked up. You have neither of those, so you will have to have some training and I will do what I can with the time that I have."

"So does this mean that I am now required to call you sensei? I would like to know how to address you for any future refrence." Recalling his scarf, Iuku's feet became free once more instead of chained to the other man.

"You will be here tomorrow at six in the morning and I will try to teach you through brute force and repetition. I know that you heal quickly and so that means that I won't hold back." Izuku smile faded a bit at realizing what would happen to him the following the next day. "Also during our sessions, I will not allow you to use your quirk whatever the situation."

Nodding the boy turned away and began to walk back home. That was until the scarf wrapped around his legs and brought him back to the feet of the Erasure hero.

"Well, kid I never said that you could leave... I need you for one more thing." The boy raised his eyebrows in question, wondering what this additional task was. "You know this was a beach at one point, I expect it to be a beach by morning if you know what I'm telling you." With that Eraserhead walked out of the junkyard and used his capture gear to climb onto the building once more.

The young boy spent the rest of his time before dinner and after dinner cleaning the beach to most efficiency that his quirk would allow him. He really wasn't sure exactly what he was doing if he was honest. He had been told to clean the beach by a hero for a purpose that he hadn't explicitly been told. He had assumed that he would be told come morning of what exactly this exercise served to illustrate, but right now he only he had one thought. That was to make sure that every piece of garbage, down to the last screw, would be lifted from this beach and taken to a proper place. What that place was would be a problem for later on.

Despite all that, the boy continued working through the night. He fought back against the fatigue, the pain, the smells, and above all, the piles of trash that threatened to fall on him every few minutes. He stopped a few times along the night in order to make sure that he remained hydrated and that his calories remained at a decent level. Besides that, the speedster continued fighting against all thoughts of giving up and pushed through.

At around four in the morning, Izuku finally completed his goal, or the goal that had been assigned to him by his future sensei the previous day. Looking around the vastness and sudden cleanness of it, Izuku decided to sit down and look at the ocean. The motion of the waves brought a sudden sense of calmness to him and the sofness of the sand fel just like a blanket. The sound of the ocean was just the song that he needed to hear it was peaceful and enjoyable. Never before had he had such a wonderful and amazing moment of just looking and enjoying.

Waking up inside the ocean wasn't something pleasant, it was terrifying. Shortly after being asleep for about two hours, the young hero was woken up by the most unconventional of methods. This of course was Eraserhead's doing as a way of bringing him to in the fastest way while waiting the least amount of energy. He simply grabbed one the kids feet and dipped him into the ocean

The kid's arms went up frantically in an attempt to save himself so the erasure hero simply brought him out of the water before giving him another dip to make sure that he was completely woken up and not just faking it.

"'I'm awake just put me down already!" The green-haired young Midoriya yelled in hopes of being able to get a few more minutes of rest which he might or might not receive given his current situation. The erasure hero was currently amused by this fish out of water performance and decided to comply, sort of. He was still holding the boy over the water when he did decide to free him so Izuku ended up taking an early morning bath in the newly renovated beach.

"Gah! Why did you have to wake me up like that? I could've gotten up in a less messy way…" The boy yelled to the hero dressed in black as he waded out of the water onto the beach that he had cleaned up a few hours previously. The man in question simply threw him a juice box and opened his own.

"You were told to be here and ready at six in the morning, you weren't ready and that was the fastest way to do it." Eraserhead wasn't taking any questions at the moment as could be seen from his facial expressions which showed fatigue and overall annoyance. "I'm going to test your limits in order to see in what way I should train you. We'll start with a spar but first dry yourself would you.. Now go and run…"

Instead of complaining, Izuku swallowed his response as well as the juice that had been given to him. Afterwards he removed his coat and began running, with wet clothes and on a beach no less. This was a problem in the beginning but after picking up speed his clothes began to dry and he was able to traverse the beach with ease. After a few rounds his clothes were completely dry and he felt just ready for the day to come.

"Okay Aizawa Sensei I am ready for your instructions." He stood before the hero like a soldier in front of a general which probably wasn't the best choice. "I do have one concern about this whole…." The boy never got the chance to finish the sentence as he was incapacitated almost in an instant by the older hero.

"We are here to spar not to talk, now...without your speed try to hit me…"Aizawa removed his scarf in order to even out the fight and give the kid a chance. "Well what are you waiting for? UA is just around the corner, let's go!"

Trying to get the upper hand as early as possible, Izuku tried acting before his teacher in attempts to surprise him. This failed spectacularly as Eraserhead used his momentum to toss him onto the softness of the sand. This time he retained his breath within his lungs but not much was different about this time.

Ow, that hurt a lot and I'm only like thirty seconds into this training. He also said he wasn't going to pull any punches since he knows I can heal from it, how far is he going to go? Well looks like I'll have to find out the hard way from the looks of that incoming kick.

Midoriya rolled away from the incoming kick that looked more like a feint than anything but who was he to say. Wait….that was what that kick was, a feint for another incoming kick that caught him below the ribs. Without his speed he was more like a sitting duck and that was something that he couldn't allow in the future in case anything happened to him.

He got up to all fours and began coughing trying to get his breath back while also trying to clear his throat. His quirk gave him the faster healing and soon did that for him which was greatly appreciated. He would've begun crying if he wasn't in the presence of possibly the most insensitive of all the heroes.

"Okay Midoriya, you did quite badly in that but we will try again after you cover that same distance you ran earlier without using your speed. By that I mean that you will have to run from one end of the beach to the other till you cover the same distance that you did earlier when you were trying to dry your clothes. Now go…" This was going to be possibly the two worst weeks of Izuku's life but after all was said and done, he would be a better hero for it. Now all he needed was a pair of shoes that wouldn't catch fire…