
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

JahCuttinBoard · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4. The End Of The Ward Part 1

Walking back calmly to an office Dr. 0020 approached the door and knocked. A deep, authoritative voice bellowed, "Enter." Upon entering, the doctor immediately kneeled on one knee and lowered his head, awaiting permission to speak. The man behind the desk spoke in an emotionless tone, "You may speak." "Sir, they are preparing an attack against us to take the boy," Dr. 0020 explained without hesitation. The man's face remained obscured by the darkness, but the doctor could sense his displeasure at the news. "Is that so…" the man muttered, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Yes, sir. They are planning to kill all the employees within this building and escape," replied the doctor, his expression unreadable.

The man's eyes met Dr. 0020's, and he spoke with a cold amusement, "Good. It's time to take what's mine. Let them kill the rest of the employees, and we'll take care of them." The doctor raised an eyebrow at this. "How are we going to take care of them, then?" he asked curiously. The man leaned forward in his chair, his red eyes glistening with malice. "You take out Yami, and I'll get the other three," he replied. "Yes, Sir!" Dr. 0020 said before quickly bowing and leaving the office, leaving the man known as Father to contemplate his next moves.

As night descended, the group put their plan into action. Yami left to fetch Kazuki while Dave, Seven, and Nanami made their way through the Ward, using their unique quirks to silently assassinate all of the employees. It was a gruesome task, but they knew it was necessary for the success of their escape. They moved through every room, swiftly and efficiently dispatching the people inside. Just as they thought they made it out undetected, a massive black arm suddenly emerged from the darkness, lunging towards them with deadly force. the trainers reacted quickly, dodging the attack and scanning the area to identify their assailant.

Perched atop a high point, a towering 6'4" man stood with piercing red eyes, raven black hair, and pale white skin. He stood with a large black arm which was protruding from his back. He was dressed in a sleek black suit. Folding his arms behind his back, he regarded the trio of Dave, Nanami, and Seven with an amused smile. "Did you really think you could leave here with my body?" he asked in a mocking tone. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Father, head of this island's organization, the Ward." The three assailants tensed, prepared for a fight, but Father seemed to have other ideas. "Well, none of that matters anymore," he said. "it's time to take care of you all."

Meanwhile, Yami and Kazuki raced through the forest, jumping from tree to tree in an attempt to reach the eastern side of the island. Kazuki was still confused about why Yami and the others had sacrificed themselves for his escape. Before he could voice his question, they were ambushed by Dr. 0020, who seemed to be waiting for them, with a sadistic smile on his face. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he asked in a gleeful tone. "It seems you really thought your plan was going to work." Laughing, he rolled up his sleeves preparing for his attack.

Yami eyed the short, chubby man carefully, knowing that his unassuming appearance was just a façade. "How, how did you find out?" he demanded. Dr. 0020 sneered at Yami's question. "You were never a bright one," he said. "Did you really believe you could leave here and I wouldn't know about your plan? You've made it easier for me to tie up loose ends. Now, die!" As Dr. 0020 began to morph, Yami positioned himself protectively in front of Kazuki, warning him not to move or engage.

Dr. 0020's body morphed into that of a young man, every feature changing drastically. His height increased to that of 6'7" and his white hair grew into luscious, long locks that reached his shoulders. His chubbiness disappeared, leaving behind a muscular frame that made him look much younger. As the ground beneath him cracked and fell apart, Dr. 0020 darted towards Yami, attacking him with extreme power behind his punches. Yami could only parry and dodge as Dr. 0020 was too quick to make any counterattacks. Activating his quirk 'Slash,' Yami grabbed the hilt of his sword and quickly unsheathed it, unleashing multiple slashes that created a whistling sound as they slashed through the air. The slashes connected with Dr. 0020 body, instantly pushing him backwards.

Dr. 0020 exerted his strength to prevent himself from moving any further backwards. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dashed back towards Yami, unleashing a flurry of vicious attacks. The two combatants vanished and reappeared in a blur of motion, each striking with deadly precision. Using his quirk, Dr. 0020 sprouted another pair of arms, increasing his offensive power. Some of his attacks found their mark, inflicting minor wounds on Yami and driving him back. Yami fought back fiercely, his sword moving with blinding speed as he countered every blow. But Dr. 0020 was changing, morphing into a fleshy monster that bore little resemblance to humanity. His attacks becoming more brutal and savage thrashing away with reckless abandon and causing some of them to connect with Yami.

Yami surged forward, his movements wild and frenzied as he launched a series of attacks at Dr. 0020, deftly dodging the counterattacks that came his way. As they closed in on each other, a multitude of fleshy arms surged towards Yami, but he remained unfazed. With fierce determination, Yami unleashed one of his strongest techniques, the "Five-Point Slashes," causing his slashing power to increase tenfold. The very trees behind them were cleaved in two by the sheer force of his strikes. However, Yami quickly realized that Dr. 0020's body was no longer healing as rapidly as before, and his attacks were finally taking their toll, Yami amplified his attack strength, while Dr. 0020 generated a greater number of fleshy arms to attack Yami. They went back and forth, attacking each other relentlessly.

As fatigue crept over him, Yami felt his muscles strain as he put more power into his slashes. "Hahaha… it seems the so-called greatest swordsman isn't capable of living up to his reputation," Dr. 0020 taunted, his words dripping with disdain. Yami clicked his tongue in frustration, feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down on him. He knew he couldn't afford to drag this out any longer. As he retreated, he locked eyes with Dr. 0020, who wore a smug expression that only mad his monstrous features appear all the more villainous. Yami's breathe became ragged, while Dr. 0020 smiled gleefully, relishing in the moment.

"Even at seventy, you're still putting up quite a fight. I must admit, it's an honor to be the one to finally kill you," Dr. 0020 sneered mockingly. Yami's expression remained resolute as he retorted, "You're no younger than me, 0200… or should I say, Takashi Nakamura?" His words dripped with venom as he revealed the villain's true identity, refusing to let him gloat in victory. Dr. 0020's face contorted through a range of emotions – surprise, disbelief, and finally anger – as he raised his fleshy arms and commanded them to attack. Over twenty grotesque limbs surged towards Yami, who held his sword close to his chest and closed his eyes.

He took a slow, steadying breath before opening his eyes with a fierce determination. As he dashed forward, the ground collapsed beneath him, and he raised his sword with both hands, unleashing his most potent technique to date: the "Dimensional Slash." The world around him seemed to slow as he brought his blade down with all his might, cleaving through space itself. Every fleshly limb that surged towards Yami was sliced into pieces by the "Dimensional Slash," which opened up Dr. 0020's body and left a gaping wound across his chest and abdomen. Blood poured out from the wound, and Dr. 0020's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized his defeat. Without giving him a chance to retaliate, Yami increased his speed and ferocity, launching a barrage of slashes that cut through Dr. 0020's flesh with a sickening sound. The villain writhed in agony, but Yami didn't relent until Dr. 0020 was lying lifeless in a pool of his own blood and sweat, with only the whites of his eyes visible.