
Five nights at Jiro's - I-expo part 2

A/N: Har har har har


Good news! After installing the I-Island app I finally was able to get to the hotel, getting through reception was easy and my luggage was already sent to the hotel.


"When they said 'Suite' room I didn't expect this" I stared in absolute shock through the entrance to my room, which was conveniently on the top floor. A two-story room with a balcony that has a hot tub?!?! I am only one man! Why would I need 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms? A private kitchen that is separately stocked? Isn't there a restaurant in the lobby?

I felt like dropping out of UA to live at I-Island might be a good idea, unfortunately, I have to be actually smart to get a residence...

Finally deciding on which bedroom I would be staying in

(rich people's problems)

I started unpacking my luggage, due to the I-island I-Expo only being 2 days I only packed for the 3 days I would be staying, of course remembering the formal party I packed a neatly tailored suit. 

"That should be about it" I wiped the nonexistent dust off my hands while looking at the walk-in closet, of which only 3 outfits were neatly thrown on the floor as I was too lazy to fold them.

"All this hard work is getting me hungry" I muttered to myself as I made my way to the restaurant, I needed a good excuse to go to a 5-star hotel's restaurant okay?

but before I could even get to the room's door my phone began ringing.


["Oui Rimuru which room are you in?"] 

Hearing Jiro's voice I slightly flinched, and soon after my eyes narrowed

"I'm at the top floor, suite"

["Damn you and your VIP privileges... Anyway coming right up"]

"What do you mean coming rig-"

Before I could ask my very reasonable question Jiro hung up in my face, looks like the restaurant plan is in the bin...

taking context clues I decided to stay in my room. Sitting on the high-quality sofa I reached for the remote and turned on the TV, which was a whopping 85 inches in size and 8k compatibility I could see the pores on every character's face.

"I wonder how tiddies would look like in 8K..." I started playing with the remote, searching for nefarious pictograms, My tomfoolery however was quickly thwarted by a gentle knock on my door.

But before I could even stand up from my seat the door was slammed open by an overenthusiastic Jiro 

"Comin' right through!" Jiro kicked the door open as she rolled her suitcase into the room, however, her jaws went limp seeing the so-called 'suite' 

Her eyes soon landed on Rimuru who was staring at her with a deadpan expression.


"Why are you kicking the door? I almost thought the FBI were coming after me" I lowered my eyebrows in annoyance, I was almost there!

"Why would the FBI come after you-" 



"Rimuru why are you searching for 'Big boobies in 8K' on your excessively large TV?" Jiro took out her phone quickly taking a few photos before sending them to Tokoyami.

"hey, hey HEY! Let's just forget we saw this today! Just delete those pictures and well pretend nothing happened" I felt panic and my body went into fight or flight mode.

"Pfft never, you never discard blackmail material" Jiro simply waved her phone as the photos were shown on the screen.

"What do you want..." I calmed down, already defeated I could only listen to her demands

"Good let me stay here. Don't worry I'll only be here 1 night" Jiro smiled before putting her phone back into her back pocket.

'Her staying here...? Isn't this a win-win? Wait just one night?' Rimuru's eyes narrowed as he raised his head and read carefully the title of the chapter, his eyes narrowing down even more

'Doesn't that say 5 nights? am I missing a reference?' Rimuru rubbed his chin before coming to a quick conclusion.

"Sure you can stay here... Just don't sleep in my room"

"Thats fair... wait did you expect me to sleep with you?" Jiro smiled cheekily, her hand reaching for the phone yet again

"Phrasing Jiro, Phrasing"

"Eh? Wait I didn't mean it like that-" Jiro's face quickly flushed as she tried to defend her slip of the tongue.

"I'm sure that's what Tokoyami will believe" Rimuru pulled a reverse UNO, waving his own phone.

"F*ck you"

"My my how naughty~"

"I swear to god-"


"HAHAH! What do you think Midoriya-Shounen? I-Island is truly impressive!" All Might laughed as soon as they arrived at the plaza. Midoriya's eyes shined like stars as he looked at all the early access parts of the I-Expo.

"They are truly impressive! They can basically emulate quirks using purely technology!" Midoriya quickly sketched into his notebook many of the things shown

"The most impressive part of I-Island is that you can use your quirk freely! It isn't illegal!" All Might flexed his muscles while going into multiple poses, giving hidden paparazzi a free view of his raging muscles.

"Oh my louwd is that Roanoa Zoro! He is a famous swordmaster, I always wanted to meet him in person! Nobody truly knows what his quirk is but it's suspected to be Omniversal Travel----- mutter mutter mutter" Midoriya slapped his cheeks in shock, he quickly noted everything he knew about Zoro

"Hey, green-hair! Can ya help me out? I'm lost"

"O-Oh s-sure! W-what a-are you l-looking for" Midoriya quickly averted his gaze from embarrassment, having a famous hero approach him made him blush.

"Huh? W-where did he go?" However, when Midoriya turned his gaze back he found out that Zoro had disappeared! 

"Such a cool quirk!" 

"Midoriya-Shouen! Who were you talking to?" All Might suddenly grabbed onto Midoriya's shoulder, seeing new lipstick marks on All Might's face it seemed like he encountered some fans.

"I was just talking to Ronoa Zoro!" 

"Ah, I see. Anyway, we have someone to meet! Let's go" Without missing a beat All Might dragged Midoriya to a more secluded part of the plaza, as soon as they found some quiet a strange bouncy sound sounded. 




"Uncle Might!" As the sound got closer a small shout from a young woman was heard, without warning the said woman jumped onto All Might.

"It's been so long Mellisa!" All Might caught the girl giving her a spinning hug before letting her down. Look at the young woman one thing was very obvious.

'Thicc' was the first thought that came to Midoriya, but he soon regained his focus so the author could continue to describe her.

With long blonde hair and light blue eyes, her features screamed 'Dumb blonde' however the round glasses adorning her nose gave an intellectual feeling to her. and overall 9.8/10.

"Ah right! Mellissa this is Midoriya Izuku! Midoriya-Shounen, meet Mellissa Shield" All Might soon remembered his successor and began introducing the two to each other.

Forcing a handshake between the two, All Might felt like a good wingman.

"A-ah n-n-nice to meet you! I-im Midoriya!" Midoriya blushed heavily as he never held the hands of a woman (Kind of a big L tbh)

"Nice to meet you Midoriya! I'm Mellisa, I study at the I-Island University" Melissa smiled warmly melting Midoriya into a puddle.

"W-well I study at UA" Midoriya scratched the back of his head

"So you're like a hero right?" Melissa got noticeably excited when she heard about him attending UA

"Well, n-not really but-" Midoriya raised his hand quickly denying her statement, but his move made Melissa notice the scars on his hands

(A/N: Man writing Midoriya rizzing up Mellisa puts a salty taste in my mouth)

"How did you get those scars?" Completely disregarding personal space, Melissa grabbed onto Midoriya's hands inspecting them 'very closely'. Needless to say Midorya blushes... 

"Ahem ahem, Melissa, do you remember why you invited me to I-Island?" All Might drove a wrench into Midoriya's harem expansion as he interrupted their hand inspection.

"Ah! Thats right! I was planning on surprising my father, I heard he made a breakthrough and wanted to celebrate" Mellisa jumped up quickly and adjusted her glasses. Her excitement warranted.

"Ah I see, when are we surprising him?" 

"I think tomorrow... My father still thinks about the times he was your sidekick hehe" Melissa giggled making Midoriya slightly confused

"Melissa is your father?--"

"Yes, my father used to work for All Might! Like a super cool squad All Mighty All Might + Super genius David Shield" Melissa struck a pose with stars shining in her eyes

"W-W-Wait yo-your f-f-father is David Shield? THE DAVID SHIELD?!?!?" Oh boy, Midoriya is going fanboying again...


"Why did you bring so many clothes if were only here for 3 days?" I narrowed my eyes as Jiro kept pulling out outfits from thin air

"What if it gets dirty? What about rips? I don't have a sewing kit with me and--"

I painfully sat down through Jiro's lecture on women's preparation... Women's clothing is complicated... 

(A/N: So very sorry for the 3% females who are reading this chapter)

"Right, so you brought 13 outfits I get it... But did you have to bring a guitar as well?" I turned my gaze to the guitar case next to my foot, giving a gentle kick its hard plastic shell indicated its quality.

"Well of course... What if I get bored?" Jiro opened the guitar case pulling a neat-looking electric guitar, with black being its main color as well as having purple lightning bolts run down its body. It was also adorned with stickers some already peeling.

"... Fair point" I continued to stare at Jiro as she plugged an AMP into the wall and ran the cables into the guitar.

As soon as she was finished she fished out a pick from her pocket and started testing the guitar.

[Insert generic guitar riff]

"oh ho, Crispy" Feeling the air vibrate around me I knew her AMP unit was powerful as hell. As soon as Jiro finished testing she began playing, her fingers gliding around the strings.

'Purple nail polish... nice' I inwardly nodded while listening to her play

"Do you want to give it a try?" Jiro perhaps noticing my gaze offered me the guitar, without even considering it I accepted.

taking the pick from her hand I began playing 'About a Voyage' Ironically it is one of the ending songs in MHA, of course being kinda rusty I missed some notes but overall I was decently proficient.

"I like this one... But it's not loud enough!" Jiro's usual calm eyes now burned with passion, grabbing the guitar from my hands she sat down and began playing. The sound was so loud I could feel my eardrums popping, I was afraid we might get noise complaints...

"I can still feel my ears ringing" Even when she finished my ears did not return to normal.

"I think we might've alerted a certain bird" Jiro pointed at her phone as a message popped up.

[From Tokoyami: I can hear you up there... And you're 4 floors above me]

[Sent Rimuru_Tempest445: and whatchu gonna do about it? Come up here?]

[From Tokoyami: Yes 🗿]

Not even after 5 minutes the door was slammed open by Tokoyami as he raised his guitar in the air. It was a triangular one with the main color being black.... with purple accents... Real original....

"Tell em to bring out the whole ocean!"

"Why are you quoting DJ Khaled?"

"Anyway let's go!" Without even asking for my opinion Tokoyami hooked up his own AMP and began playing...

Anyway, we had a pretty fun time playing with each other. And several noise complaints later.


"Damn I cant feel my fingers"

"Thats what she said"

"... isn't that what the man is supposed to say?"


*Knock knock*

"Rimuru answer the door"

"I'm not your maid"

"Damn imagine how hot Rimuru would be in a maid costume"

"Why am I imagining this now... Damn and it's hot"

(A/N: You aren't supposed to know who's talking don't worry 😜)

I went towards the door in annoyance, opening the door I was immediately assaulted with two slaps in the face. Opening my eyes I found myself being scolded by a floating pair of pants

"Oui How many times do I have to file a noise complaint un- Eh? Rimuru-Kun?"

It appears Hagakure is here to join the party


A/N: If the timeline seems strange its because I changed it a bit:

Day 1:

Class 1-A arrives at I-Island but they don't meet.

Midoriya, All Might, and Melissa all meet in the plaza

Rimuru, Tokoyami, and Jiro meet in the suite.

Day 2:

The I-Expo begins

Class 1-A meet

All Might visits David...

Spoiler territory

Day3: Wolfram is a b*tch