
Collective beatdown.


"That's a very impressive quirk you have here... Mr..." I eyed the guy with the aimbot quirk of course I still kept my senses on the ball that was coursing its way underground.

"It's deadeye!" The guy said while trying to sound proud, unfortunately, his hero name made me facepalm.

"How original..." I stepped back as the floor right where I stood burst as the ball hurled in my direction. Quickly swiping my hand I just sent the ball into my subspace. Have fun tracking me when you're literally nowhere.

Turning my gaze back to their leader I waited for their next move. I had hoped when they said they found my weakness they would make this fight at least a little exciting...

"Remember the plan Windengale!"

"R-right!" As soon as their leader shouted a meek girl jumped up in fright, she soon pointed her palms forward

'Windengale? Probably a wind quirk' I quickly assessed, her green outfit with frilly decor didn't help hide what her quirk could do.

"Ultimate Move! Typhoon charge!" The girl named Windengale closed her eyes as the wind started gathering in her hands, but my eyes shifted to the guy with the curve ball quirk, it seemed he was throwing another shot...

"Go!" As soon as he threw the balls in my direction the girl opened her eyes before letting go of the wind charge. As a ball of wind shot in the ball's direction and attached itself to it.

"Ah, you want to use the wind to not let my quirk touch the balls you throw... Interesting..." Of course that was a good strategy unfortunately the Intel they got from the sports festival was outdated as I already solved that problem. I could just resist the wind's push or just solidify the smoke...

'huh... Wind... That reminds me of someone'


"W-what the hell is this guy?!?" Was the thought that was running in everybody's mind, they can't even hit but he's not throwing at them either...

"Hahaha! It's nice to meet you all! Remember my name, Inasa Yoarashi!" Inasa hovered in the air while laughing loudly, every time a ball got close to him it could just begin to orbit him as an invisible tornado spun around him.

"Let's throw all the balls at the same time! He can't catch them all right?" One of the participants said, he seemed to have a quirk that lets him make things springy, as balls around him bounced happily.

"3...2...1 throw!" He shouted as one of the balls bounced into his arms before he threw it directly at the ground making the ball bounce at high speeds towards Inasa.

'hehe I've got you!' The springy participant knew that his quirk made things he touched have an almost 99% energy-efficient elasticity.

"Well, it seems our time is running out! I like hot-blooded heroes! So make sure to fight even harder next year" Inasa smiled as his smirk soon turned murderous, every ball stuck in his tornado suddenly began spinning the opposite way before getting thrown back at everyone around him. Instantly eliminating almost 100 participants in one moment.

[Inasa Yoarashi has passed the exam with 120 eliminations. Please head to the waiting room]

As soon as the announcement made its way to everybody's ears they were all stunned.

'120? What is he made of?!?' regardless the announcement continued.

[Remember to begin eliminating. There are now only 199 spots for someone to advance to the next stage of the exam]

Soon enough everybody realized what the test was actually about. It was a battle royale!


"Huh... I suppose it's about time I begin trying" I muttered after the announcement. I knew that if I passed first I would have much more eyes on me and I don't really want any more attention. I'm sure AFO and the commission are already all over me.

"Huh? Begin trying? Just now?" I suddenly turned around by Jiro's voice, remembering that I should probably pay attention to what my class was doing.

"Since when were you here? Background characters sheesh"

"Huh? I'm the female lead for God's sake!"

"Hush hush return to your corner, I have some participants to kick around" I waved Jiro away as she puffed her cheeks, having no time to be staring at her adorable face I again concentrated on the balls flying in my direction.

Emitting smoke all around me I controlled it to make its way toward the balls, however since some of them had already sunk into the ground for a pincer maneuver I had to compromise.

As the smoke got closer to the balls it began getting harder to approach them as a gale of wind pushed away everything in their direction. Concentrating even further I managed to wrap smoke around some of the balls sending them into my subspace.

I'll retrieve those balls after the aimbot guy stops using his quirk. However, before I could dodge the balls coming underground I felt a stinging pain in my mind.

As if my whole nervous system went berserk my nerves fired rapidly as my muscles tensed. However not letting the pain stop me I turned my gaze back towards the group of lackeys.

"Damn telepathy quirk..." I muttered before going into overdrive, sending [Beelzbub] to retrieve some leftover balls from other participant's scuffles I immediately went into action.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Like a canon all my shots went straight for my target, the telepathic student. Fortunately, his quirk didn't give him much in terms of physical prowess. It was probably why he was stationed behind the front lines. Making him hard to notice.

"Damnit! Move on to plan B! TREMOR!" The leader of the group shouted in panic, he expected his plan to work, it seemed the telepathic kid had more of a paralysis-type attack as I didn't feel any real damage done to my mind.

'wait is that... Right, he was some side character... I completely forgot' I finally remembered who that leader was, he appeared for only this arc. His quirk let him create 'tremors' however he had to experience the backlash of each one.

As soon as the ground began to shake and warp the group tried running away however Jiro stopped their plan yet again by countering the tremors. Now stuck between a rock and a hard place it was painfully obvious they were nervous.

"H-hey we can come to a peaceful proposition right?" The leader raised his hand before I punched him in the face. sending him flying into the other side of the arena, I'm pretty sure Shoto is there... It was that factory-like environment.

"Why didn't you eliminate him?" Jiro walked up behind me, I turned around and gave her an unexpected hug.

"It'd be a shame if it ended early... There are 199 more spots for us to occupy" I replied, seeing Jiro's cheeks turn slightly pink I grinned even more.

"Sure whatever just don't whiff at the last moment and accidentally not get your license" Jiro huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Do you really have no hope for me" I felt imaginary tears roll down my eyes, quickly wiping them away I turned towards an interesting area..

"Hey wanna go to that volcano? It seems cool" I asked, Jiro didn't seem to mind as she followed right behind me like a lost puppy.

However, I felt another presence follow us slowly, subtly looking back I could sometimes spot the leather uniform and rigit hat...

'thats supposed to be Camie right? She was probably replaced by Himiko' I could tell she was a natural at sneaking as even I had trouble tracking her. She's like a cute cat that will murder your family randomly...


"Hehehe Jiro-san here I come! Jiro-saaa~" Himiko was having the best day of her life. Tomura has given her a list of people to monitor, of course, she discarded the list as soon as she read it. However, 2 names did make her excited.

'Rimuru Tempest and Kyouka Jiro'

She remembered Rimuru as she had gotten his neck cut yet he seemed to not have died. His blood tastes delicious...

However, it seemed he was staying close to her new favorite person! Jiro... She's curious about her... She would usually like people who are injured or bloody but for some reason, she felt happy every time she saw Jiro. If she had to rank her favorite people it would be

-Jiro (cute)

-Midoriya (very injured and bloody kya~)

-Rimuru ( delicious tasting blood)

-everybody else

Himiko was currently disguised as some girl from a rival academy to UA, she just got her sleepy with a suspicious syringe and then stole her appearance. She of course still had to act like Camie as she couldn't just act like herself while looking like her.

Dabi was so graceful as to teach her how to act, to observe the person, and to feel what it's truly like to be them.

When she asked Dabi how he knew how to act so we'll he only answered with

'when you have to pretend to like someone you hate to your very core. It becomes almost second nature'... Whatever that means.

"Humph, fine then keep your secrets" Himiko huffed before returning to follow the two lovebirds. She raised her head before finally noticing where they were going.

"Ah ah~ volcano so exciting! I wonder if I can make someone bleed using lava! Maybe Dabi can make some and I'll pour it on someone hehe" Himiko began having murderous thoughts again however she still stayed true to her mission, continuing to observe Rimuru and Jiro... The other targets? Oopsie~


"Damn, termor kid... Messing with the terrain" I complained as I felt my ankles scream at me. Due to the quakes that kid made, going anywhere now requires 10+ years in mountain climbing.

"Why do you keep complaining? It's not that bad right?" I heard Jiro in front of me, she seemed to almost jump between obstacles as she made quick progress towards the volcanic environment.

"It hurts to walk dammit... Kyouka! Wait up... I don't have thick thighs to dampen the impacts" I felt my knees take another hit as I messed up my step, my joints creaked like an old man's.

"Hey, Rimuru... Can't you fly?"




"Don't tell me--"

"Shut up! I didn't forget! I simply-- uh wanted the challenge! Yeah," I nodded reaffirming my perfect excuse. Jiro simply sighed before continuing onwards. Not letting my pride get hurt, I left my wings inside my back. If I began flying it would be just like admitting defeat.

"I wonder how the others are doing..."


"Kyaaa run away!" Hagakure screamed while getting pelted by balls her being literally a floating target made her situation quite difficult.

"Don't leave me to die please!!!" Mina already had one of her targets hit, she dodged to the left and right with swift agility, and sometimes she shot out acid bolts melting some of the balls right out of the air.

"Hagakure-san! Use laser boom boom" Mina screamed as she saw another volley fly towards them

"It's called PRISM SPREE" Hagakure jumped in the air making all light around her reflect in the ball's direction. Like a machine gun, lasers continuesly shot toward the air as they cut holes in some of the balls

"Don't delay the inevitable hon hon hon" One participant 'elegantly' said, apparently being french is a quirk now... From where I'm from being french is a mental illness

(A/N: I'm sorry if you are french... 🏳️ Oops wait. Wrong flag)


A/N: I've been considering rewriting the first few chapters for a while now.. I actually already rewritten the first chapter but I'm not sure if I should post it and continue rewriting