
My Hero Academia: Mineta's Redemption

What would you do if you were reincarnated as Mineta? Blake himself felt like he was cursed for having ended in this situation, he hated that character and thought that he was disgusting, but once he saw life through his eyes, something became clear and slowly but surely he started to understand him like he never felt he would.

RisingCaos · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

What's wrong with those two?

[A/N: Three in a row, exactly as promised, my college classes will start soon, so I won't be able to publish many chapters per week, but I'll publish them in packs of two or three, each one with at least 2k words. Also, please review my work and give me some stones, it helps motivate me to write... I know it's much of me to be asking this, still... ONEGAI READER-CHAN!!!]

"Ugh..." Midoriya muttered something as he held his finger using his hand.

Of the things Minoru found interesting today was that it finally made sense why Midoriya ended up in the last place. The anime never showed it but thanks to his injury he was having a lot of trouble to keep doing the exercises, the pain was making it hard for him, and as result, he got the last place in all of the last tests.

Midoriya suddenly looked up and saw Minoru looking at him with a blank face. They blinked for some time and didn't say anything.

Little did he know that seeing Midoriya like that made him have an extremely interesting Idea, as far as he knew, the only other way to boost human regeneration abilities, would be through modifying their DNA to have a similar aspect to that of the smiling salamander, interesting creatures that could only be compared to Deadpool in terms of regenerative abilities.

Healing was good, but regenerating any lost limb? That was a fucking real-life hack, if they were stronger, bigger, and had teeth, they might have become the strongest predators in history, an immortal version of sharks, that although slow can come back for revenge as many times as necessary.

Feeling things were getting awkward, Minoru coughed and turned towards Aizawa. Midoriya pretty much had an interrogation above his head, however, he didn't want to explain, it wasn't necessary.

"Okay, since we've finished, it's time to show you the results of this test." Aizawa pressed a button on his smartphone and a holographic projection appeared big enough for everyone to see.

Seein the test Minoru felt a little bit disappointed, in the end, his result was fourth place, how come he still failed with all that training he did?

Turning to look at Bakugo, Todoroki, and Momo, he clenched his fists, he didn't want to make excuses but... He couldn't deny the fact that those three had an unfair advantage in those tests. Their quirks had properties that affected the body on deeper levels, making them have more stamina than usual and a body with much better potential in terms of 'strength growth'.

But Momo was the true cheater here, give her a few seconds or minute and she would have the perfect tool for any situation, she could best them in all of the last three tests, got second place in Ball Throw, and was second only to Tenya in the 50-meter dash thanks to her creations.

If anything, Momo was surprisingly flexible, she was probably suited to 90% of the situations a hero would ever face, even more so if she had a batman training of sorts and had the money to prepare any necessary tool to help her achieve her goals.

"It can't be..." Midoriya was shaking as he saw the ranking.

"Deku-kun..." Ochaco muttered.

Teniya turned to look at him and frowned for a moment before turning back to normal.

The atmosphere got increasingly heavy as they understood the meaning of what was about to happen, however, to their surprise.

"By the way, the expelling thing was a lie."



"Humph, it was so obvious, don't tell me you guys were that surprised?" Momo puffed her chest and gave them a look that pretty much said 'peasants', still Minoru couldn't help but gulp seeing that, he couldn't understand why though but he was feeling something funny in his cheeks, it felt like they were getting slightly hotter.

"He clearly did this to motivate us into doing our best so that he could better understand our limits be it with our quirks or our body, how else do you suppose he would help us to become the best heroes around? This is U.A. only the best people who have potential are allowed to stay, and that means those with determination." Aizawa hearing this started smiling like a serial killer, if anything, it gave off a pretty dangerous feeling.

Everyone opened their moths until they touched the ground.

"She's right... How come I didn't notice this! Yes, this is U.A. the place to become an elite amidst all the heroes in japan! As expected of the best hero school." Tenya kneeled and punched the ground as he cursed his own lack of vision to see the bigger picture.

"Then, I was all worried for nothing!?" Ochaco sighed and collapsed on the ground, followed by Denki, Jiro, and Hagakure, the 4 students with the least amount of preparation to become heroes. Meanwhile, Izuku was still shocked, his eyes and skin became white after getting that information.

Aizawa sighed and shook his head. "Midoriya, get out of here and fix this mess you did with your finger, the others go back to the classroom, you're dismissed." He turned around and left through the other side of the building.


"Aizawa you liar." All Might in his buffed up form that made him look bigger than any bodybuilder spoke with a big smile on his face.

"Oh... Toshinori, you're watching... In other words, you were wasting your time." Aizawa gave him a bored look and stopped to hear what he wanted to say.

"Not expelling the worst student? Tsk, tsk, April's fool was last week, you sent an entire class back home last year! You don't hesitate to expel students when you think they don't have potential. You said this to 180 students, so could it be..." All Might pointed his finger at him and said with a very energetic voice. "That you also felt the raw potential in Midoriya?"

Aizawa looked at Toshinori for a moment and the corners of his mouth slowly raised to form a smile on his face. "'You also...'? You barely entered U.A. and's already playing favorites?"

Toshinori's finger shook slightly and he gulped.

"If there is one thing I don't like is a dream being interrupted abruptly, as for Midoriya his potential isn't 0 and that's all if you wanna talk about surprises, Mineta Minoru is the true dark horse of this year, he has a long way to go yet, but I can tell that his capabilities far surpass what someone of his age should be capable of." Aizawa turned away from him and kept walking.

"With that kid's potential, he might become the terror of every villain in Japan in the future, even I can sense something unsettling about him, it's like there's a murderous shadow around him that even he isn't aware of... Still, he is my true bet for this class."

Seeing him leaving Toshinori coughed slightly and shrugged. 'So that's why he also threatened that other student? Still, this must be your own form of kindness. And as I thought, we still don't get along well...'

Suddenly, beside Toshinori, Blake's figure materialized and he watched Aizawa leaving with a tranquil expression on his face. He did not expect that, to think that someone in this world could feel him, what kind of life this man had? Shaking his head he made a mental note to keep an eye on him and disappeared soon after.


Seeing Izuku struggling to walk towards the hospital wing, Minoru sighed and decided to help him, at least this way he could collect Recovery Girl's DNA sample much easier.

"Midoriya-San." Hearing his name he turned to look at Minoru with a questioning gaze. "Let me help you."

Hearing this Midoriya nodded and thanked him, they walked through the corridors, and with Minoru helping him walk faster and more steadily, they soon arrived at the hospital wing.

Once they arrived, Minoru helped him walk to the bed and let him go of his shoulder, Recovery Girl turned to look at them and seeing Midoriya's finger she shook her head and frowned slightly. "My, my, what have we here? Look at this injury, you kids sure don't hear my words of warning to be careful."

"Hehe... I'm sorry, I couldn't help it..." Midoriya smiled apologetically and lowered his head.

"Sigh... here, let me fix this." She approached him while Minoru took a towel paper page and waited until she finished giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Seeing Midoriya's finger going from purplish red back to normal, with every broken bone going back to normal made him admire this old woman's ability more, such a useful quirk couldn't die with her, it had to be passed on.

"There you are, good as new, be more careful from now on." She smiled and gave both of them some candies even though Minoru wasn't injured nor did anything, still, he thanked her and soon left her lab together with Midoriya.

"Here Midoriya-San." Minoru gave him the towel paper and watched as Midoriya used it to clean his head when he tried to throw it at the trash bin, Minoru insisted and Midoriya agreed to let him do that, however, he was already prepared and changed the towel paper Midoriya used to clean his head which had not only his DNA sample but also hers, for another one that was simply dented in a similar way.

Now he would be able to study three rare situations, Midoriya's lack of quirk, Recovery Girl's impressive healing quirk, and One For All ability to be fully passed on to others and its participation in the process of modifying the body.

"Thanks for h-helping me, Mineta-San." Midoriya smiled at him as they walked down the corridor.

"Don't worry, it wasn't anything impressive anyway, I was just thought that it would be a good way to strike a conversation."

"Is that so?"

"Mm." Minoru nodded. "Say, if you wanted so much to be a hero, why you trained so little?"

"Eh?" Caught off guard, Midoriya almost fell on the ground, he looked at Minoru and gulped. "But I started training a year ago to enter U.A."

"That's precisely what I'm talking about, you see, I don't have a strength-enhancing quirk, you already saw how my quirk is pretty much those balls, but my four-plus years of training allowed me to achieve the level I currently am at."

"What!? Are you serious? Only four years to achieve that level?" Midoriya couldn't believe his ears, if he had started training sooner perhaps thing would have been much easier for him now, he couldn't help but think of himself as someone stupid, he always had the objective of enrolling at U.A. anyway, so he truly should have started sooner.

Minoru nodded and stopped walking, they finally arrived at the changing room, after wearing the school uniform again, they went directly to the classroom. Once inside they were shocked after seeing the most controversial hero of this generation, the R-Rated hero: Midnight.

"Ara, you naughty boys are finally here?" She gave a seductive smile making all the boys in the classroom gulped adjust their waists to avoid showing off something hard. "Hm... I wonder if I should punish you for being late..." She winked and showed her tongue while laughing. "I'm kidding..."

Minoru and Midoriya both felt like something wrong was happening but before their brains could process this information she tilted her head and said. "What are you two young boys doing? Go sit down in your places."

The girls' eyebrows twitched as they saw this happened, this felt so wrong somehow...

Since this was the first day of class things were inverted, the hero subjects happened early in the morning while the ordinary subjects happened in the afternoon.

"Now, does anyone have any questions about the timetable?" Midnight asked, seeing that no one stood up or lifted their hands she nodded and continued. "Okay then, you guys can go to lunch now, I see you in an hour or so for our Modern Hero Art History class."


Lunch Rush Cafeteria is a large food court with many venues for students to buy their food at low prices. There are several long tables, each with ten chairs to sit on, Chinese-themed decorations, and large double doors.

Pretty much everyone came here sooner or later. People couldn't always bring food from home and the low prices were always a good reason to come and eat something, especially so because the hero Lunch Rush always made food with a five-stars quality.

Minoru was seating at one of the tables together with Denki and Jiro. To be honest, it wasn't that he actively sought out them, but Jiro was following Denki and he was following him. In the end, the three sat together.

"Man I can't believe you're so awesome! Those movements during the Ball Throw test were out of the norm, I don't think I would ever be able to do similar movements." Denki smiled and spoke as he took his hamburger and took a bite that pretty much made half of the junk-food disappear in an instant.

"That's because you're lazy and never train, and to make things easier you also keep eating this junk... I don't know how you expect to do something like Mineta-San can."

Hearing her comments Denki's mood lowered by half and he almost choked while eating the hamburger.

"Pfft..." She was right, if Denki was like she said, then he definitely would never get close to do something similar.

"The dirty speaking of the one who doesn't wash well! Aren't you drinking a milkshake now? Besides, I never saw you training as well."

Jiro frowned and quickly countered his words. "That's because I'm a girl, I don't want to do those impossible stunts of Mineta-San, I just need to be strong enough to face most villains. Muscles aren't really my thing, I don't want to be ugly."

"You know, you guys look like a couple, you should try and date each other, perhaps something interesting would come out of this." Minoru absentmindedly spoke about this as he took a sip of his water bottle, only to notice the two giving him a weird 'WTF' look.

"What the hell are you talking about bro? I would never date her! She's my friend you know, that would be awful."

"Yeah, I would never date Denki, that would be weird as if hell suddenly became freezing cold."

"Oi! Aren't you exaggerating? I'm not that bad you know!"

"Based on who's opinion?"

They talked about somethings for some time, until Yaoyorozu Momo entered the cafeteria and attracted Minoru's attention for a moment, making him stop talking about his training routine for a second or two.

He recovered quite quickly, but Denki and Jiro were already giving him a knowing smile.


"'What', what?" Denki asked while laughing slightly.

"What was that? Did I saw hearts in your eyes?" Jiro started making fun of him.

Hearing this, Minoru gulped he was about to answer, but Denki was quicker. "Nah, didn't you see it? It was the Cupid's arrow, I'm certain I saw it hitting his chest."

The two started smiling, and Minoru sighed, they were so quick to judge, he was only interested in her, nothing much, it wasn't like he had fallen in love or something.

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