
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 41 : Fire Incident X Temporal Energy

Yugen couldn't wait to test all of his current abilities.

"Stain, you better hide your ass!"

He quickly put on his black sports clothes and mask before leaving home.

Standing in front of his house's door, Yugen smiled. He lifted his head, looking at the starry sky, and muttered, "Evildoers, the savior is coming for all of you!"

He swiftly bookmarked this moment. Now, his trinity of bookmarks contained the following:

The first one under the name "Midnight's Embrace," marking the moment he acquired his superpowers and had intimacy with Nemuri.

The second one, which was used to bookmark his body's state.

And the third one he had just used after leaving home.

He then conjured a clone of his finger and teleported above his head in the sky as far as he could.


He clapped his hands and muttered, "Boogie Woogie!"


Yugen disappeared from his place and appeared two miles above the ground. He hovered in the air for a moment before he started falling.

Yugen opened his arms and legs wide to reduce his falling speed.

"It's so freezing!"

"BOOOOBBBBBIIIIIEEEEESSSS!" Yugen started screaming, the fast airflow pulling back the skin on his face, causing his cheeks to flatten and his lips to be pushed back, revealing his teeth.

But Yugen wasn't terrified in the slightest; the fear of height had already been overcome. Instead, Yugen felt an unparalleled sense of exhilaration and freedom as he plummeted through the air. Despite hurtling towards the ground at breakneck speed, there was an inexplicable joy coursing through him. With immortality and the ability to teleport at his disposal, fear was out of the equation, replaced instead by an intoxicating rush of adrenaline.

After reaching a suitable distance that allowed him to see the ground clearly, Yugen adjusted his posture into a standing one and instantaneously created and teleported another finger clone two miles in front of him, in the direction of his sister's agency, then switched position again.

He repeated the same trick again and again.

Yugen wasn't worried about being discovered; his black clothes and fast speed made it difficult for others to see him.

Yugen knew where his sister's agency was, in the center area of Saitama Prefecture, and their residence area was at the extreme southwest. He needed at least 20 miles distance. Relying on his speed of crossing two miles in a second, he could reach it in 10 space jumps!

As Yugen made his way toward his target, his keen senses picked up on something alarming below. Amidst the sprawling cityscape, he noticed conspicuous flashes of blue and red lights pulsating on the ground beneath him.

The source of these flashing lights was...

"Ambulances, firefighters, and cops... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!! Is It A Villain Causing Trouble? Good, I just need a sandbag!"

He teleported his cloned finger near the lights and swapped positions.

A sense of dread washed over him as he beheld the sight of a colossal ball of fire engulfing what appeared to be a residential building composed of at least ten floors.

His sharp hearing caught the cacophony of ambulance and police sirens wailing in the distance, a discordant symphony signaling chaos and urgency. With a sinking feeling in his chest, Yugen realized that his previous guess was wrong; instead, a ten-floor residential building was ablaze, and lives were undoubtedly at stake.

"What caused this fire? This residential building must be equipped with an anti-fire system. Is it man-made or just an accident? Well, I don't have time to overthink; I need to save people first."


The ten-story building stood engulfed in a swirling inferno, flames hungrily licking at the sky, casting a hellish glow that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers. As smoke billowed into the night air, obscuring the stars above, the scene unfolded like a nightmare brought to life.

"Clear the nearby residential buildings, ensure no one remains inside. Keep unauthorized individuals away from this area!" commanded an old policeman with a distinguished mustache, directing his men with authority.

The young cops nodded in acknowledgment, swiftly moving to urge nearby residents out of their homes and toward safety. Their urgent commands were drowned out by the relentless roar of the blaze.

Iron barriers were hastily erected, forming a barrier between the spectators and the impending danger, serving as a precaution against the fire's potential spread.

As the chaos unfolded, the old policeman reached for a cigarette, his young assistant promptly lighting it for him.

"Have you determined the cause of this fire?" the old man inquired, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

The young assistant responded promptly, "I've gathered testimonies from residents nearby, and they all reported the same thing. Most of them heard an explosion before witnessing the fire engulf the building. Our instruments also detected the presence of methane in the surrounding area. Undoubtedly, the cause was a gas leak."

"A gas leak, hmm..." the old policeman mused, puffing a smoke ring and sneering in contemplation.

"My instinct tells me this was no accident. I believe someone deliberately caused the gas leak. I want you to review the recordings from the surrounding security cameras," he instructed his assistant, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"Hay!" The young assistant nodded and quickly went to implement the orders.

Meanwhile, the firefighters fought tirelessly, their efforts seemingly futile against the relentless onslaught of flames. Each burst of water from their hoses evaporated almost instantly upon contact with the scorching heat.

"Quickly request headquarters to send additional support; this fire is too big for us to handle alone!" the leader of the firefighters, a bald middle-aged man with no eyebrows or any hair on his face, and an iconic burn on his right cheek, instructed his men quickly.

"Sir, there are people trapped inside; what should we do with them?"

"Our task is to put out the fire; the rescue is for the heroes! We should pave the way for them!"

"Sir, the cops said that a group of victims is on the rooftop of the building; they request cooperating with the heroes to prepare airbags or a cushion for the victims to jump down on it safely."

"That's a ten-floor high building; the airbags won't absorb the impact at all, not to mention that the fire will prevent us from getting near the building to set them up!"

The leader cursed and complained but still did his job. He went to a group of five heroes in their costumes; they were standing in front of the building watching the fire in horror, hesitation, and fear filling their faces.

The bald middle-aged man looked at their expressions and muttered in disappointment: "sigh... heroes nowadays are made of plastic."

The five noticed the approaching middle-aged man and looked at him.

The middle-aged man didn't waste time on any greeting or formalities; he directly asked, "Quickly introduce your quirks and what you can do!"

The five heroes nodded and started introducing their quirks quickly. One of the heroes wearing a blue hero costume with what appears to be a cylinder behind his back said: "My quirk is called Aqua Barrier; I can form barriers from water, but I need to have access to water in order for my quirk to work. I'll be responsible for taking the victims out safely; I'll use my quirk to protect them from fire and pave a way for escape."

The bald middle-aged man nodded and felt this quirk was very useful in this situation; although they had protective clothes, they were not enough for all the residents here.

The hero in the blue costume added: "I'll need a lot of water; I hope your team can find a way to provide me with it. My water cylinder is just enough for me."

The bald man nodded and replied: "I'll ask my men to follow you with water buckets."


Next to the hero in the blue costume stood another one with a bulky build wearing a dark brown costume with earthly vibes; the costume seemed to be made of rocks and stones. He said: "My quirk is called The Rock Man; it allows me to transform my skin into rocks and stones I ate, thus gaining the hardness akin to stones. It also boosts my strength to a certain degree. I believe that I'll be useful in destroying and eliminating the obstacles, and I have a certain degree of resistance toward fire."

Next to him stood another hero with a black costume; he introduced his quirk briefly: "My quirk is called Net Breeder; I can generate Nets from my hands. I don't know how my quirk will be useful in this situation."

The firefighter leader's eyes brightened up; he said in a rush: "What's the size of the nets you can generate? Is it flexible? Is it hard? Can it be used to capture someone falling from a ten-story building?"

The hero in black was stunned for a moment before he responded: "The biggest net I have ever created was big enough to cover a villain with a gigantification quirk the size of Mountain Lady. As for the hardness and flexibility, I can adjust it as I want. For your last question, I think it's not possible to catch a person falling from that height. If I made it hard, it will injure them instead; if I made it flexible, it will be torn apart."

The leader's eyes lit up: "That's enough; I need you to make a flexible one to catch the residents on top of the building. Just create a flexible net; don't worry about it breaking apart. We just need to add another layer of cushion because we will use a big airbag to absorb the following impact."

The hero in black nodded: "If it's this case, then I'll try it." Then he went to the group of firefighters ready to implement the plan.

The bald middle-aged man then inquired about the quirks of the remaining two heroes and started instructing them.


Inside the burning building, within the confines of a certain apartment, a family of three huddled together in the cramped space of a refrigerator. The man, woman, and their 10-year-old daughter clung to each other tightly, seeking refuge from the flames that raged outside.

"Papa, mama, are we going to die? Why is there no hero to save us?" the daughter cried, her voice trembling with fear.

The mother pulled her daughter close, wrapping her arms around her in a protective embrace. "We will definitely survive, sweetheart. The heroes will be here soon. Just wait," she reassured, though her own voice quivered with uncertainty.

The father joined in, his voice strained with worry. "Don't worry, even if the heroes didn't come, papa will take you out safely," he promised, trying to inject hope into the desperate situation.

The daughter sniffled, her tears slowing as she looked up at her parents. "Really?" she asked, searching their faces for reassurance.

"When did we ever lie to you?" her father replied, his voice choked with emotion.

In other apartments engulfed in flames, the scene was one of chaos and despair. Parents and residents screamed for help, children cried out in terror. The hellish inferno had turned their once peaceful homes into a nightmare.

On the lower floors, few people survived, as those areas, being closest to the central gas system, received the best treatment. The sleeping residents either died from inhaling methane or from a lack of oxygen, or they burned to death, only few lucky ones are still lingering in the edge of the underworld.

On the rooftop, the fortunate residents who lived on the top floors were awakened by the explosion. Though the fire had reached their apartments through the pipelines, they managed to escape by covering themselves in wet blankets and towels.

Standing at the edge, they looked down at the firefighters and heroes below, their voices echoing with desperation.

"Help! Please help us!" one resident cried out, their voice hoarse with fear.

"I saw heroes; the heroes are here, we are saved!" another shouted, their hope quickly fading as they realized the firefighters seemed unable to reach them.

"Why are they just standing still?" a third resident exclaimed, frustration evident in their voice.

"Mom, will my PlayStation 5 remain safe?" a young voice quivered with concern.

"My collection of the rarest figurines in the world, worth thousands of yen, turned to ashes! I don't want to live anymore!" another obese otaku lamented.

"My cats and dogs are still trapped in their cage. I'll go down to save them!" a determined voice declared, ready to risk his life for his beloved pets.

"If we jump from here, we'll die for sure. Everybody, let's shout 'cushion' so they prepare airbags for us!" someone suggested.

"Cushions! Cushions! Cushions..." the cry echoed across the rooftop, a desperate plea for salvation in the face of impending doom.


Outside the building, behind the iron barriers set up by the cops, a group of journalists and residents, holding their phones and cameras, resembled mad dogs sniffing a tasty bone as they tried to rush near the building to film the scene closely, only to be prevented by the cops.

"Urgent news! A residential building in the Shinsei district was engulfed in fire due to unknown reasons. The building, with ten floors and four apartments on each floor, housed a total of 40 families! Some may have perished, while others have escaped to the rooftop. The heroes are currently discussing a rescue plan with the firefighters. We have noticed the presence of Aqua Shield; I believe his quirk will play a vital role in the rescue mission," a female journalist from what appeared to be an official news channel held a microphone and spoke in front of the camera.

The cameraman moved the camera slightly to the left to capture the burning building entirely. He then moved it up and zoomed in until he spotted the residents on the rooftop shouting and waving their hands. Bringing the camera back down, he zoomed in on the faces of the heroes who stood ready to take action after finalizing their plan.

He panned the camera to the right, intending to focus it on the female journalist again. However, something suddenly flashed into existence in front of the building. He quickly redirected the camera to see what it was and was surprised to find a person wearing black sports clothes and a black ski mask in his frame.

"Hey, who's that? A hero? He looks more like a villain," the cameraman pointed towards the mysterious figure. The female journalist turned around, and the people nearby, including the Vtubers and other onlookers, followed his pointing finger and saw the mysterious man standing in front of the building's gate.

"Did you notice that he's standing near the flames as if nothing happened?"

"Huh! That's really the case. Could it be that he has some fire manipulation quirk? Could he be the culprit?"

"That's weird. How did he appear there? I didn't see him at all!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious person in black suddenly appeared. Whether he is a villain or a hero is not certain," the female journalist commented.

Yugen stood in front of the blazing fire unaffected, an invisible portal already formed in front of him, sucking in all the fire that tried to approach him into the pocket dimension.

Yugen gathered the life energy into his throat and shouted as loudly as he could: "EVERYONE! DON'T WORRY! I, THE SAVIOR, WILL END YOUR SUFFERING!"

His voice spread like tidal waves in all directions, even reaching the residents inside the building and on top of the rooftop.

"The Savior?" All the audience repeated in confusion; they had never heard of this hero's name before.

The keen female journalist's eyes lit up as she excitedly held the microphone and started talking:

"Dear viewers, something unexpected has happened. A mysterious person who calls himself the Savior appeared all of a sudden. He seems confident, which makes us wonder if he is really going to save the day? I hope that he will create a miracle!"

Yugen was ready to unleash his full power and end this fire in one shot.

"SWALLOWING THE WORLD!!!" he shouted.

Immediately, a black circular hole appeared in front of him and began enlarging until it reached twenty meters in height and width.

In terms of size, it was just ten meters short of the building.

The black hole, or the portal of the pocket dimension to be precise, started sucking in the flames engulfing the building.

The raging fire didn't offer any resistance; waves of crimson fire moved toward the black hole forcibly.

The onlookers, the journalists, the heroes, the firefighters, the cops—everyone looked at this scene in shock, their jaws almost reaching the ground.

The residents trapped inside their apartments saw the fire receding at an incredible speed, while those above looked at the scene below in utter shock. They were the closest to the scene, and they gazed at the giant black hole with a mix of terror and relief, fearing they would be swallowed by it yet joyful because they were finally saved.

Though shocked, the cameraman didn't forget to film this incredible scene, and neither did the other social media trend riders. The shock didn't dampen their desire for more views.

One of the heroes muttered in shock, "A black hole? Whose hero's quirk is this?"

"If I remember correctly, the only hero who had a quirk related to black holes is the space hero Thirteen, but this is not her hero costume!"

"Could it be a newcomer?"

"He's hiding his face; obviously, he's a vigilante!"

"Such a powerful quirk. Didn't you notice that he can control what his black hole should swallow? He only targeted the flames!"

The leaders of the cops, the old man with the big mustache, looked at this scene calmly and smoked his cigarette leisurely.

"Tsk, in the end, these heroes were always late to take action. A brat out of nowhere did their job cleanly... His quirk is strong, but it can be dangerous. Fortunately, he has a sense of justice."

Yugen ignored the commotion he caused and concentrated on absorbing the flames.

As long as the fire entered his pocket dimension, he would decompose it into fire elements and compress it so that it wouldn't occupy a lot of space.

Five minutes later, Yugen finished devouring the flames inside the building.

He closed his eyes, and through the omnisight, he saw the injured and dead residents in the building within a 20-meter radius around him.

"So many people died, and others are on the edge of dying. They must receive treatment as soon as possible. The firefighters and these heroes aren't reliable enough. I must finish the job neatly!"

Yugen didn't have any bookmarks for today available; otherwise, he wouldn't mind returning to the past to prevent this incident. But alas, the bookmarks he had used before fighting Setsuna were replaced a few moments ago by bookmarking his body, and the last one he used habitually to bookmark the moment directly before leaving the house in case something like this fire incident happens and needs him to go back to the past. But unfortunately, the fire incident obviously already happened before he even left the house.

Yugen sent clones of his body parts near the victims in dire situations, then launched a position swap. His body flickered under the watchful eyes of the onlookers and appeared again with a victim on his shoulder. He put them on the ground and repeated the process again and again.

The onlookers and journalists were amazed by the speed at which he saved people.

"He has a space-type quirk!" one of the heroes exclaimed.

"That wasn't a black hole at all, it was a spatial portal!"

"Such a rare and powerful quirk!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the mysterious man in black, The Savior. His quirk turned out to be a rare space-type one. After he teleported the flame through his gigantic portal and solved the fire incident in one go, he didn't stop here! He even rushed inside using his teleportation and brought out all the victims in dangerous situations! I have the feeling of seeing All Might taking action! Could this mysterious man be a potential symbol of peace?" The female journalist talked non-stop in excitement and started praising Yugen.

The medical team and firefighters hurried onto the scene, taking the rescued victims into the ambulance to receive treatment quickly, while the latter entered the building to rescue the other victims who were in less dangerous situations and were ignored by Yugen.

Yugen's speed was astonishing; basically, every three seconds, he would rescue a victim in dire situations. The medical staff were unable to keep up.

"SO FAST, SO STRONG... He Is Truly a Savior!"

After bringing out all the people who needed immediate treatment, Yugen didn't leave immediately. Instead, he looked at the wood element stored in his pocket dimension and decided to use it on the victims and see if it would help them.

"The wood element is the closest to the life element. It's the element of growth, tenacity, and vitality. Maybe it can be used in healing. Let's give it a try."

When he was rescuing the victims, he had already counted them. A total of twenty-five people either received a high degree of burns or were poisoned by gas.

Yugen separated the table-sized ball of wood elements he had into twenty-five smaller balls. Then he conjured clones of his fingers secretly next to the victims and opened portals in front of the cloned fingers, releasing the wood element balls from them.

Small green balls came out of thin air and landed on their bodies. Then a green aura surrounded them and started repairing their injuries, but it quickly disappeared after two seconds.

"It only made them more tenacious and made their lingering lifeline thicker."

"This is all I could do," Yugen said inwardly. Only after doing these steps did his conscience feel better. Then he didn't wait for the journalists, heroes, and cops to get near him before he teleported above in the sky and headed toward his sister's agency, ready to guard her in secret in case she was attacked by Stain.

But as Yugen was about to teleport, something happened that caught him off guard.

"Whoa?" Yugen froze midair in surprise. Only after he started falling did he quickly regain his sense. He landed on a nearby building and read the message that appeared in the transparent blue screen in front of him.

"So I can get temporal energy by changing the destiny of others? Those twenty-five people were destined to die?! So the wood element I used on them really changed their fate!"

"If I didn't do the good deeds till the end, then I wouldn't discover this fact earlier! Now I can speed up the process of gaining money. I could basically steal a jewelry store and bind the jewelries using temporal energy, then bring them back to the past with me. I could earn millions of yen legally. But the question is, will it still be considered stealing if I stole something in the future but when I return to the past, I didn't perform the act of stealing? So technically, me in the past is innocent!"

Yugen pondered for a while and felt this method of earning money seems legal and didn't hurt his conscience at all.

"As long as I don't hurt others, then it's alright!"

"In order to buy a house early in Musutaphu Prefecture, I can only use this method. I can consider casinos too."

Then Yugen resumed his teleportation. After a few boogie woogies, he reached the place where his sister usually patrolled.

He used his eyes clones to find her and kept on monitoring her from a far distance. Relying on his enhanced eyesight, his visibility at night wasn't affected. He could see something fifty meters away as if it were in front of his eyes.

Yugen also searched nearby rooftops to see if Stain was there, but he didn't find anything.

In order to pass the time, Yugen decided to perform some heroic works.

Relying on his hundreds of eyeballs spread on top of the city within a two-mile radius, nothing escaped his eyes.

He saved a female white-collar worker who had just cashed out her hard-earned salary and seemed to be targeted by a man wearing a cap and medical face mask.

The thief followed her secretly and waited until they reached near an alley before dashing towards her at incredible speed.

His quirk allowed him to take two steps in one step, thus he was very confident in his running skills.

He quickly grabbed the handbag full of hard-earned money and ran towards the alley.

The woman was caught off guard. She didn't react and could only watch helplessly as the thief ran away with her bag.

She let out a sharp scream and tried to follow the thief, but her high heels prevented her from running and she fell on the ground.

Yugen saw this scene through one of his eyeballs in the sky. He sighed and quickly created a clone of his hand in the trajectory of the thief.

The hand slammed the thief in the face. Yugen didn't use any strength at all; he simply blocked him. But for the thief, it was as if he slammed into a hard wall. His nose started bleeding and stars appeared in his eyes before he fell backward on the ground unconscious.

Then Yugen took the bag and teleported back to the woman.

The woman, who was crying and sobbing, saw her bag falling in front of her. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"My bag!" She excitedly grabbed it and checked the interior, seeing the money still remaining inside it.

Yugen conjured a clone of his mouth behind her and said in a deliberately deep voice, "Quickly call the police to detain the thief before he wakes up."

Then he removed the mouth quickly before the woman turned around.

The woman jumped in fright at the voice that appeared suddenly. She looked behind her and saw nothing. After hearing the words, she quickly realized that the owner of the voice was the person who brought back her bag. He must be a good person, she thought.

"Thank you very much!" She stood up and bowed respectfully toward the void, thanking the mysterious invisible hero who saved her.

The woman was just one of the trivial cases that Yugen saved that night, he took action in at least ten other cases that night, spreading a local legend of the invisible hero in the area.

"I'm the fucking Savior, Not the invisible Hero!"

Yugen will regret not showing up and telling his hero name, he will learn from this lesson or else he will be forever called the invisible hero.

---- Author Notes ----

Brothers and Sisters, I just want to say thank you all for reading my fanfic, your support is what really kept me continuing this shit, whenever i think about writing another story, i see the beautiful comments of you and know that there are people who loves my reading, thank you guys and girls.


THE CHANNEL IS CALLED {Fanfic Frenzy}, The video is titled : Writing Documentation : inside the writer's mind episode 1

here is the link :


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