

The next day, Yugen woke up just a little earlier than the break of dawn.

Resisting the urge to stay in his warm and comfortable bed, Yugen reached for a bottle of water and took a sip.

Immediately, the cold water helped him snap out of his drowsiness.

He quickly put on his sports clothes, grabbed his headphones and placed them over his ears.

He chose on his phone the song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor.

The moment the music played in his ears, Yugen's fighting spirit ignited.

"Let's FUCKING go!" he screamed as he left his house.

He ran at full speed in circles around the Kanimouchi quarter.

The security guards were familiar with Yugen's routine.

Yugen wasn't the only one running at this hour. In fact, just after Yugen came out, all the surrounding houses lit up, and groups of boys and girls of the same age emerged from their houses, wearing their sports clothes, running behind Yugen like an organized army.

These youngsters were influenced by Yugen's discipline. Their parents always saw Yugen running early in the morning, in all kinds of weather, he never skipped a day.

Because most of the residents were either pro heroes or rich businessmen, they were very competitive. They couldn't stand seeing the neighbor's kid being better than their own children, so they forced their kids to run. At first, the children were reluctant, but slowly it became a habit.

Yugen didn't care about the teenagers; he increased his speed and left them behind him, and made one lap after another around the quarter.

While running alone might not yield significant improvements in his physical abilities, using Lust energy is actually more efficient. However, Yugen chose to stick to this habit not for the purpose of enhancing his body, but to fortify his will—something that even the Lust system can't augment.

Even with the most potent powers and artifacts, without an unwavering will, one is not destined to become a truly strong individual! The genuinely strong ones aren't powerful solely in a physical sense, their strength primarily stems from the unyielding determination that makes them formidable.

For example, Isaac Netero from Hunter x Hunter dedicated five years to performing ten thousand punches a day as a show of gratitude to martial arts. His iron-like will to endure loneliness, pain, suffering, and the hellish training routine ultimately made him the strongest human in the "Hunter x Hunter" world.

Thirty minutes later, Yugen returned to his home, sweat flowing like water.

He quickly took a refreshing shower, put on his clothes, and then prepared his breakfast.

After eating, he grabbed his schoolbag and left home, he didn't intend to take any bus or taxi to go to school.

The school was just 20 minutes away, he could walk there and use these few minutes to contemplate life and his future.

He Looked at the clean streets and intact buildings around him, and he couldn't help but sigh, this calm and peaceful time is more precious than anything in the world, but people don't realize this, always busy seeking materialistic improvement in their lives and forgot that the real happiness is already in front of them.

'This country is going to be chaotic within two years. Am I really able to stop the League of Villains, All For One, alone?'

'So many beautiful girls will be raped by disgusting, ugly villains, orphaned, living a life worse than animals, forced to use their bodies to survive. Damn, just thinking of this makes my blood boil in anger!'

'Also, my beautiful and kawaii Mirko will (*Spoiler Alert*) lose her limbs and become disabled. That bastard Horikoshi, how dare you do this to her?'

'I won't allow this shit to happen! Even if it means repeating my life thousands of times! All For One, Shigaraki, League of Villains, Meta Liberation Army, all of you, one by one, I'll erase you!'

'As Long As I'm Strong Enough, like All Might, I can Do it...All Alone!'

'So...I must Fuck, and Fuck and Fuck, until my physical strength reaches his level!'

With a Determined and Firm Will, Yugen Entered the gate of his school, directly heading towards his classroom.


The teacher stood at the front of the classroom, a projector casting a soft glow over his figure as he began to discuss the crucial decision of choosing a suitable direction for high school. Yugen sat in the cliché protagonist seat, in the last roof adjucant to the window, he boringly listened to the teacher's words.

"I'm Not surprised that most of you filled in their first choice heroic schools, but please keep in mind that your choice will significantly shape your future," the teacher emphasized, his gaze sweeping across the attentive students.

"Heroic works in this age is surely the most high paid jobs, but at the same time the most dangerous ones, so think twice about your decisions."

The students nodded their heads, those who think they have strong quirks were smiling in confidence, while the others looked at their papers and hesitated to change their first choice to something safer.

Suddenly, the teacher's tone shifted, and an air of anticipation filled the room. "I was surprised to see that two students from this class have choose continuing their studies in the Heroic Class of UA High School. this is something rare to see since everyone know how difficult to passe its entrance exam."

A hush fell over the classroom as all eyes turned toward the teacher, curiosity etched on the faces of the students.

"UA High School? that's All Might Alma Mater!"

"I heard that it had only 0.2% passing rate."

"That's basically impossible for us "ordinary" people, only those who are born with strong quirks and from a hero or wealthy backgrounds can enter it!"

"Who are the two who wants to apply to UA?"

All The Students were chattering between each other, the whole class starts buzzing as if it become a vegetable market.

The Teacher knocked the table and everyone calmed down.

"The first student," the teacher declared with a smile, "is Yugen Murasaki."

All The Students turned their heads back looking at the purple haired expressionless boy sitting next to the window.

"Oh, It's that Monster..."

"His Quirk Is really suitable for being hero."

"Yugen-Kun is always the first in physical exams, heck, he is always first in all subjects, i bet he will easily pass the UA exam."

"Only a place like the UA is suitable for monsters like him."

Yugen's poker face almost shattered, Being the center of attention all of sudden made him a little bit nervous.

He wants to scream at his classmates who were sending all kinds of gazes towards him, as if they were watching a rare animal in the zoo.

'Look At your Mothers! Do you want to see my dick? and You that ugly bitch, stop blushing while you are looking at me, it makes me wants to vomit! Damn...I wish i had the ability to turn invisible.'

Yugen shouted in his mind, but he didn't show his emotion on his face.

'by the why, who is the second person? could it be...it's definitely her, I remember she appeared in the anime in class B, what's her name again, To...'

"And the second student is," the teacher continued, " Setsuna Tokage."

Yugen looked At the girl who was also in the last row, but on the other side.

She has long, wavy green hair with bangs that frame her face. her eyes are large and expressive with dark green pupils, She was Smiling showing her pointed teeth, exhibiting a confident expression. unlike Yugen, she enjoyed being the center of attention, she chatted and laughed with her classmates freely.

like the other female students she was wearing her school uniform but a little bit differently, She is wearing a white, short-sleeved blouse that is somewhat translucent, revealing the outline of her bra, and a green tie is loosely tied at the collar. she is also wearing a pleated skirt that is dark green in color, seated with one leg crossed over the other, Yugen's keen eyes focused for a while on her sizeable oppais.

'So Big, are all the girls in this country grow their boobies before their teeth?'

then he lowered his eyes and saw those white and creamy meaty tights.



'was she always this hot? How in the hell i ignored such a chick!'

Since birth, Yugen had been in survival mode, solely focused on enhancing his strength, saving his own life, and preventing his sister's demise. As a result, he never paid much attention to girls. Despite his popularity, he rarely interacted with classmates, including Setsuna, a girl he recognized from the anime. He knew she would be in Class B at UA High School, but why should he care? He saw no reason to befriend her.

However, after gaining the Lust System and acquiring the Infinity Bookmarks ability, Yugen's inner peace was restored. Only then did he find the time to appreciate Setsuna's beauty and the beauty of the world itself.

'Maybe I should try my luck with her...moreover our quirks are in certain aspects a bit similar. this is a good starting point.' 

Yugen licked his lips, the suppressed lustful beast inside him was awakened by Boa Hancock's panties he earned yesterday, he couldn't wait to vent this fiery desire that torture both his soul and dick inside a juicy pussy.

'At 1 PM The cooldown will end, which means I and Nemuri can have a showdown again! I can't wait!"

two hours later.


As the bell signaled the end of class, Yugen gathered his books, preparing to head home as quickly as possible, His dick was already hard as it knows that Midnight's pussy is waiting for it. before he leave his seat, he caught sight of the green haired girl approaching him.

'oh, why she is coming toward me?'

"Hey there." Setsuna greeted with a friendly smile, she stretched her hand and introduced herself : "I'm Setsuna, although you had just heard my name."

Yugen returned her smile, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Setsuna. I'm Yugen."

Grabbing her soft and warm hands, Yugen savored his first physical contact with a girl other than Nemuri.

"You don't need to introduce yourself, Yugen-ken, there is no one in this school who doesn't know about you." Setsuna joked.

"Oh, am I popular?" Yugen asked, genuinely surprised. He wasn't putting on an act; he always aimed to keep a low profile, but somehow, it seemed he achieved the opposite effect.

"Yeah, especially with the girls. You're number 1 on the list of the most handsome boys in our school. So, how do you feel about being a hit with the ladies?" Setsuna asked with a serious expression.

"What?! Is there such a thing? Darn, I thought I was keeping it low-key! Well, I guess someone as handsome as me can't help but shine, no matter how hard I try to hide it...sigh..."


Setsuna burst into laughter. She was joking, yet Yugen genuinely fell for her tease.

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?" 

Yugen looked at Setsuna, who started laughing suddenly, and he couldn't help but smile. he wasn't annoyed by her disrespectful act, as he saw her two bunnies jumping in all directions, if being disrespected will give him such a visual feast, he is willing to endure it.

"I was just kidding, Yugen-ken!" Setsuna wiped the tears from her eyes and quipped.

"Really? Just when I thought I had a shot with Tokage-san?" Yugen decided to playfully tease her back.

Setsuna's laughter echoed through the classroom as she nudged Yugen's shoulder. "Oh, don't worry, Yugen-ken. I think your innocence is one of your charms."

'Is she hinting that she likes me? Wait! One of the biggest mistakes guys make is assuming a girl likes them, then they go ask for her number only to be turned down. I need to make sure she really likes me.'

"So, did my 'innocence' charm you?" He asked, half-teasingly, half-seriously. This way, it could be taken as either a joke or a genuine question.

Setsuna's laughter quieted, but a mischievous glint lingered in her eyes as she considered Yugen's question. It seemed he wasn't as innocent as she thought. Who would have guessed that the purple-haired boy who always wore a cold expression also had a flirtatious side?

'Interesting,' she licked her lips, finding herself drawn to this bold facet of Yugen that he didn't reveal to others.

"Maybe you do have a chance, Yugen-ken," Setsuna replied playfully, a teasing note in her tone. "But you'll have to impress me first."

Yugen's eyebrows lifted in surprise, a spark of excitement igniting within him at her words. He couldn't help but feel a surge of determination to include her into his harem.

"Oh, is that a challenge, Tokage-san?" Yugen retorted with a grin, leaning in slightly as if to emphasize his confidence. "Consider it accepted. I'll show you just how impressive I can be."

Setsuna chuckled, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "I look forward to it, Yugen."

her expression returned to normal as she remembered her initial goal of coming to Yugen.

Setsuna wasted no time in getting to the point. "I've got a Proposal, Yugen-Ken."

Yugen's curiosity piqued, he nodded for her to continue.

"Let's not beat around the bush. The UA entrance exam is tough, and I've been looking for someone to train with. Someone strong and reliable. That's where you come in, Yugen-ken. What do you say we become training partners?" Setsuna proposed, her gaze fixed on him, waiting for his response.

'Oh, That's really unexpected.' Yugen was taken back by her request.

'but isn't this a good opportunity? I can use training as a mean to get closer to her, and slowly develop our bond until she open her heart and pussy for me!'

'but i can't agree quickly, or else she will think i'm easy to get, i must play hard to get! Women are no different from men, the more difficult to win the heart of a guy, the more they will want him."

"Training partners?" he echoed, he pretended to contemplate the idea. "I mean, I'm up for improving, but why me?"

"it's obviously because you are also applying to UA Too." Setsuna replied, looking at him with a puzzled look, wondering why he asked such a dumb question.

'damn it, now i seem like an idiot' 

"Ahem," A faint blush appeared on Yugen's cheeks. "Well, if you put it this way, I guess I can't refuse. What's the plan?"

'Blushing? is he sick or what? well whatever...'

"Great! We can start with sparring sessions, work on our quirks, and get ready for the exam. Since we're from the same school, it only makes sense to help each other out, right?"

Yugen nodded, "You are Right, Setsuna-san. Let's do it."

Setsuna extended her hand, sealing the agreement with a firm handshake. "Perfect. How about we kick things off today? Meet me in the nearby forest at 4 PM. It'll be our training ground."

Yugen smiled, "I'll be there. Looking forward to it, Setsuna-san."

Setsuna nodded, she took her phone and asked : "Let's Exchange phone numbers, in case we couldn't find each other."



Yugen's pervert brain already imagined the scenes of him and setsuna sending nudes to each other. what a pervert dirty soul he is!



The Third Harem Member, Setsuna!

Next chapter