
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 31

His eyelids felt like weights, the sounds around him were distorted mixing in the ever so present white noise. He was alive, yes. He was awake indeed. It was just that he couldn't move. "Do not worry your muscles were relaxed during the procedure, give it a few moments and you should regain control." said a dark heavy voice that pierced through the chaos of sounds. Dr. Garaki, Shinsou thought. With time his open hand clenched into fists, his eyes fluttered open, the distortions became clear to hear. Shinsou slowly rose from the recovery bed, taking a deep breath and smelling the cringe worthy scent of alcohol. He looked around to see the brainwashed mad doctor sitting in a chair and at a table, writing notes. " Come Here." Hitoshi spoke, not realizing he activated his power. The doctor rose from his rest and moved to the gurney where Hitoshi was. "Take this fucking tube out of my nose!" Hitsohi said, and watched as the doctor did as he was told.

My victims no longer need to respond to me for me to take control?!

That is a grand improvement but did I receive the quirk?

"Was the surgery successful?" The doctor looked up after getting the tube out, "We must first test it out sir." He spoke as he rolled up his sleeve to expose his wrist. "Simply grab and look into my eyes." Shinsou grabbed the doctor's wrist and closed his eyes. Please… He opened his eyes gazing into the doctors pupils. In flash like reels of film he sees the crazed scientist preparing a monstrous purple golden beaked beast. A Nomu. He sees the shadowy mist man in his suit and the decaying young adult covered in the hands of his family. Then suddenly he sees a gurney and the multiplexed scared face and body of a man laying there furious according to his body language. Shinsou lets go, the shock and surprise of what he saw transformers into a horrid and psychotic like smile. "Hand me a mirror!" Shinsou yelled, prompting the doctor to give him a face mirror. The first thing he noticed was the bags under his eyes being gone and his eyes. By God, My eyes! The dark purple was now a nice bright shade of violet with a white swirl.

His mind was going faster than it ever could, his plans and scenarios of what to do was there. Within seconds he planned the fastest route to get back to U.A. High school, how to avoid the Watchmen, and what to pack for his escape- No! I need to try this quirk out more. Izuku, from what I heard when I interrogated Sir Nighteye what I could gain by seeing his future! What I gain with him as my puppet! The surgery must have caused a chain reaction, his fathers and mother's quirks or at least their effects became more active in Hitoshi.

His smiles were halted by the muscles in his knee suddenly jolting and he could feel his mouth twitch… What? "Apologies," The doctor said. "I believe you are suffering from one of the side effects from the surgery, some form of a Myoclonic Seizure. As I said this and other mental or physical side effects may occur. I would like for you to remain here, however as you said you must be leaving." Every victory has a sacrifice, a simple knee jerk fine.

Shinsou smiled as he moved his legs and got out of the bed, only for him to fall unconscious. A minute later he awoke in a wheelchair. "Again, apologies but it seems that this effect is worse." Hitoshi took a breath, " Stand me up." He spoke, making the doctor lift him to his feet, holding him. "Let go-AH!" Shinsou fell to the floor, as the doctor released him. His mind raced, searching for the problem and the solution. Neurological dysfunction, causing loss of lower limb function.


This was not happening! NOT HAPPENING! Shinsou started to become furious and angry.

"GET UP! YOU HAVE GIVEN YOUR LIFE, YOUR HOPES, YOUR DREAMS, YOUR SOUL FOR THIS! JUST GET UP!!!" Shinsou yelled at himself. His vision blinded by tears…

The voices of his past, of his childhood began to plague once more like phantasms.

The schizophrenia, the psychosis had returned in mass.









"STOP TALKING!" Hitoshi screamed.

They all ceased. All but one.

"And like a flood his mercy reigns. Unending love, Amazing grace…"

Mama? Hitoshi thought. Starting to sing along with her...

"The earth shall soon dissolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine. But God who called me here below. Will be forever mine. You are forever mine."

Hitoshi closed his eyes. Hearing her whisper in his ear " It's your mind, control it…"

"Mama...You're not real." And like that, her voice faded with the rest.

"Now...Get up." Shinsou said. Slowly using his hands to grab unto the gurney and began to rise.

The doctor standing there, amazed. A form of mind over matter? Cellular regeneration? Impossible…

And yet it is real as Hitoshi was able to pick himself up from the floor.

Those tears of sorrow become that of joy, even though his mind was still in some form mad.

Mirai Sasaki awoke with a startle in a hospital bed. Himself chained to the gurney, struggled to look around. The curtain surrounded his bed totally, completely cutting him off from any visual. He looked down to see he was in a hospital gown. "What? What the…." Then like flashes, recent memories flooded his mind. Quickly like bullets, the sounds of gunshots and groans of pain returned to him.


MIKO Corporation


Dr. Yomi

"What happened?! Where am I?! Hello!!!" He shouted and out from the white covers of the curtain came a young fifteen year old in a hospital gown, carrying the stand which holds his IV bag. Walking through Sir Nighteye believed him to be in the same state as himself. "Hey kid! I need you to find a doctor or a nurse! My name is Mirai Sasaki, I'm a hero by the name of Sir Nighteye!" He said. While the shinsou with his IV sat on the bed with Mirai. "I have to thank you." Hitoshi said. "What? Kid I-" Then it clicked. Same height, same build, I do recall seeing some skin and that is the exact same skin tone. This is him. "Dr. Yomi…" Mirai said.

Shinsou nodded. "Yes, I am Doctor Yomi. I am also the Advocate of the Misogi Organization. I'm a major shareholder of the Miko Corporation. Also that's where you got things wrong for tracking my flight to Russia. Shareholders aren't employees of MIKO but the people there respect me since my Dad rules it. Not like I have any power but if you fake it, then it can work." Histoshi spoke. Mirai took in all he said. The information compiled… "Your Hitoshi Shinsou, son of the CEO. "I am his son, but that bastard has not been my father for years." Hitoshi said squeezing the IV bag to get some more painkiller relief. "That's why you arranged the U.A. student to be attacked in the bombing, it was a clue!" He yelled."I did not arrange anything. If you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance...I am the puppet master who has been pulling strings and tangling yours up ever since you and your queen Inko interfered." Now that struck a nerve. "If you DARE TOUCH HER-" Sir Nighteye began shouting. "Be quiet and lay back down..." Hitoshi whispered and watched as Nighteye was silent. This is your quirk? You! You son of a bitch!

"Please be careful you have stitches on the back of your neck. I know you hate me for what I did and I do deserve it. But trust me when I tell you that this is for a reason. I want you to know me and my face, I also want you to expose the Miko Corporation. Hell I didn't even find out about this country wide camera hacking and selling of live feeds and secret files until I was older. I wanted people to learn the truth, rust me I tried to expose them! All that got me was dead bodies and bribed cops. So I embedded myself deep in the criminal underworld and used the information sharing as a play off to a fake evil armada. I mean seriously?! Can people be that dull?! Even you who had the smarts and the brains got caught up in the 'superhero' mentality! But hey! Forgive me please. I am sorry. The gun shouldn't have gone off-I. Apologies my mind is going faster than usual due to the surgery."

Mirai looked at the teeneager, the villain, the madman. What is he talking about?! Did he perform surgery on me? He yelled. Hitoshi smiled. "Talk to a hospital they will tell you! Otherwise tell your boys and girls to come and get me! No. No. What is this, a personality change. A shift? Not some dissociative fugue I hope...Well either way here!" Hitoshi pulled out a black flash drive with gold and purple lines.. "When you wake up later this will be in your pocket. This has everything you need to know on it! Be happy I am letting you remember this time… " Shinsou spoke recalling the previous times when he brainwashed Sir Nighteye to learn about Izuku and his mom, then used his quirk to forget. "Thank you for helping me end the morbid life of Hitoshi Shinsou and bring about my conception." The purple haired teen spoke as he grabbed the liquid chrome like reflective material and covered his head with it. "You may speak." Mirai looked up at his captor. "Shinsou…" "My name is Looking Glass…" A sharp prick was felt in Mirai's right shoulder, the syringe's solution was fast acting, and before Mirai could do anything he was fast asleep.

Mirai awoke startled and bad tempered, looking around for the purple eyed bastard only to realize he was in the back of a car, in the empty lot of an old shopping mall. Mirai looked down to see he was back in his classic white suit with gold buttons and red-white polka dot tie. In his pocket he found his wallet, knife, even his gun! He also found in the left inner pocket of his suit the very same flash drive and right next to it a burner phone. He immediately called Inko hoping to warn her only when she heard his voice, she told him to stay on the line so that the others could locate him. Within the hour, a police escort and a car behind it drove into the lot. Inko immediately got out and bolted to Mirai. Many were surprised to see Inko jump into the arms of Sir Nighteye, even themselves could not have believed it nor could they deny this connection to each other. They rushed them both into the car to speak privately while the police escort Sansa Tamakawa called in a tow truck to get the vehicle to Nighteye's for dusting prints.

"Dr Yomi is a student named Hitoshi Shinsou we need to notify U.A., we need to get po-" Sir Nighteye noticed the stalwart and abrasive looks from the others. "You know…" He said quietly. "How long was I gone?" Mirai asked. Bubble girl looked up, "Almost four days of which that time a group attacked U.A. High School with Shinsou's help it seems as he used his quirk to make two Class 1-A students attack their own and escaped hours later. Currently his whereabouts are unknown." Mirai looked down in his hands where the 1 terabyte flash drive was held.

This has everything you need to know on it!

"Tell me exactly what happened…"

Today would have been a good day, well except for the stupid paparazzi who clung to the walls of U.A. High School. Ever since All Might began his teaching two days ago every reporter across the Prefecture has been camped outside waiting for something. All they got was Aizawa's best way to say fuck off and the constant activation of the U.A. security defense barrier. No one would think to take note of the young adult across the street watching in the shade of a tree. Wearing plain red sneakers, black pants which exposed his ankles, and a matching long-sleeved v-neck shirt. This was not Shigaraki, but Tomura who sought to take it all in before he was forced to destroy it, he did take some satisfaction in this. To eliminate hero society as there would be hope this would clear the foundation for something known and yet, that other side of him...The one that wears his father's hand, the first man he killed with intent and malice...truly understood that Even if this hero society came crashing down... even if he rose to rule the underworld... the weight in his heart was never gonna go away. It's why he hates everything. So why not destroy it all? Why not destroy everything? It is a sad depressing idealism…But a realistic joke in the eyes of future villains-

What is the meaning of life as being a hero? Tomura Shigaraki was the punchline.

These deep thoughts were interrupted by the reporters trying to swarm another U.A. Staff member. The cowboy hat and gas mask was a tell tale sign, Snipe whose job now dealt with equipment and security... "That's him. Do it now." Tomura spoke in a tiny microphone attached to his sleeve and watched as one of the younger reporters and her cameraman did their best to slow him down. Even getting ahead of him to try and stop him from reaching past the gate. Snipe pushed the cameraman out of the way and continued on his way. Most would say that is just to a hero, others would see a case for assault, the reporter and cameraman who villains just saw a hero 'asserting his privilege.' Either way the camera he held did its job, scanning the code imprinted on his key card and now all they had to do was wait till noon.

Shota Aizawa made his way to Class 1-A late as usual, recalling what he has to do this morning for class. He also dwelled on stealing a moment with Hizashi, a kiss in the teacher's lounge when it got empty. As he stepped inside he had recognized that some people in class have become more 'friendly with each other'. Izuku was practically glowing and by the way he clung to Mirio during lunch more than usual it was easy to put two and two together. Denki and Kyoka have become chatty as friends however he suspected that relationship would change in next few months. Then there was the polarity clash of Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki. One was chivalrous and mature, the other well it depends on his attitude and time of day. Nothing was set in stone until Aizawa saw the necklace on Katsuki. Really a gift of courtship?! On a Tsundere like him? What was even worse was that Eijirou immediately noticed his look and got red in the face. In his opinion this bond could work, however if they are not careful, most actions end up a part of a passive destructive relationship.

"All right listen up class we got a special task to do today…" The class smiled wondering what this assignment was. Was it a new battle trial test? Was it a field trip? "Picking class representatives!" A look of confusion and disinterest was all too satisfying to a teacher whose job is to make them expect the unexpected, even the boring parts. Aizawa started to open up his sleeping bag and crawled inside while he was talking. "Class Representatives lead the class of their peers, representing them in the school or the faculty as a whole. There are always two, one as Class Rep and the other as Deputy." He zipped the entire thing up. "To me, the representative title is a chance for students to gain extra recognition. So just talk among yourselves, nominate yourselves, I don't care, and we'll see who is who eventually. Just don't disturb me." Aizawa spoke as he then just flopped on the ground letting gravity do the work.

Immediately, shouts erupted of people nominating themselves as class representatives. From Yuga Aoyama to Mezo Shoji everybody wanted to be the representative, be it for the fame or for the control that was not known. By the time Tenya was able to get his voice in, it looked like a four way civil war was brewing. "Wait! A leader is only worthy from a democratic choice of the people's will. As they will choose the representatives that will be best suited to lead this class. So I propose that we vote for it! Would that be a proficient way of choosing our representative, Mr. Aizawa?" Tenya asked. "Huh? Yeah sure, whatever…" He murmured. "Just wake me up so I can count the votes, uh...Highest is Class Representative and second highest is the Vice.

Momo made the voting box with her quirk and people began writing names putting them inside. Teyna reminded them to please vote for someone other than themselves, someone who can represent and lead the class. After everything was cast Mr. Aizawa rose from his corner and opened the box, counting the votes inside. "Alright! Well some of you were selfish, some of you were lazy, and some of you were insane, but the rest can work! Izuku Midoriya shall lead the class and Momo Yaoyorozu will be the deputy. Any questions?

A hand rose up. "Yes, Izuku?" He stood up and simply said, "I resign."

Silence gasps and stares focused on him, while Aizawa just threw the voting box into the hall.

"Sorry but I don't deal with the law and control, I know what is best for me not for everyone. Momo, she knows and since I'm resigning she as Class Representative will be better than I would ever be. She treated everyone fairly and assessed them at the battle trials, she excelled at the quirk assessment test! She and however is with her will be better to lead the class as a whole." Izuku spoke. Momo could only thank him for his words. Ochaco then asked, "So are we voting again for the deputy?" Aizawa shrugged his shoulders while Momo calmly walked up and simply said. "No...Sorry folks but I will be running this in a dictatorship here and will be choosing my Vice." Aizawa suddenly remembered that one of Momo's recommendations came from Midnight. A distant aunt of her's. Well this should be interesting... He thought. "Tenya Iida please stand up." Amazed, Tenya stood up. "You were the one who gave this class a voice through voting which led to my election, thus I expect you to keep the peace here while I work and interpret our class to the U.A. faculty." Izuku smiled and nodded. Katsuki banged his head on the desk.

After the political rise from Momo, the classes had gone off with a hit. Everybody was a bit annoyed by Izuku's resignation, happy by Momo's bravery, then terrified by her tyrannical installation, and finally attentive. Not to Momo but to her deputy Tenya. Tenya gave the appearance of a pencil pusher, not an enforcer like Momo talked about. After the morning classes concluded and lunchtime came around, Class 1-A and the Big Three sat together in the cafeteria. Rikido and Eijirou were talking about their quirks and Ochaco was talking to Momo when she paused and looked at Tenya who was eating across from her. Izuku was next to him with Mirio's arms draped over him. "Tenya…" She spoke. He looked up. "Yes?" He spoke, she smiled. "Tenya, Ochaco wanted to know why you have such a formal attitude. Do you mind explaining who your family is?" Izuku turned to his right, seeing Tenya tense up for a second. "I know Izuku said that was related to the Turbo Hero Ingenium but what else?"

It was easy to notice that Tenya did not want to talk about his family because he fears it will change how others view him. His brother he was fine with talking about, but them being legacies is a hard topic. "I am the youngest of the Iida 'Hero' Family, my grandfather was Jiroemon Iida also known as the vigilante and roadway hero Nitro. My brother is the heir to the family line and thus became the Turbo Hero Ingenium. But he doesn't do it because it's a legacy or the quirk is in our blood. Like him I want to be a 'cool' type of Hero that helps others when they are in need. As for why I am strict and law abiding, my mother is a public prosecutor." Tenya may not have noticed but some did take note of his family story, which is what Momo wanted. Izuku nodded to her for her tactics as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

A second later the security alarms sounded and rang! One of the other third years started yelling, saying that it meant someone had infiltrated U.A. and had bypassed the defensive barrier. People looked around and started to get up. Izuku noticed that none of the teachers were available, not even Snipe. Suddenly everyone started rushing to the doors in a massive panic, colliding with the people in the halls. People started to get trampled, when Tenya noticed through the outside window that the people running around, they were not villains. They were just reporters, the media got in. "Izuku, Momo! It's just reporters! It's a false alarm!" Mirio who was behind looked around and said "We need to get the word out or a lot of people are gonna get trampled!" Momo looked to Tenya."Your time to shine, you got any plans?" She asked, smiling. He nodded.

As swarms of quirky students flood the halls in an insane attempt to survive a false threat. Suddenly Tenya Ilda is floating in the air attaching himself to the exit sign with help from Ochaco Uraraka and a thunderous clap silences the sea of conversations and moving feet.


This gave enough time for the teachers to come in and the security guards to round up the press, kicking them out of the campus. Izuku, Mirio, Momo, Ochako, and Tenya were walking to Class 1-A. "I'm fine, Adonis. You need to get to class!" Izuku spoke to the blonde hercules who kept his arms around him. "I know Izu. But you know me, always protecting the things I love." Both embraced and Izuku wrapped his arms around Mirio for a kiss. "I'll see you after school." Midoriya whispered. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, till then." Mirio said as he left the group. Izuku turned around to see everyone else blushing. "What? What!" Izuku yelled, making them move forward.

"You were testing me…" Teyna said looking at Momo. She nodded, "I needed to know how you did under pressure, the plan was for that to be completed during the combat classes we have with All Might but fate intervened…" She spoke. 'See for me at the end of the day it's all about results, which I must send to U.A. 's faculty and teachers. They need someone who can be brave or weak, a hardass or a friend. They need you and I need you too so I know if I ever have to push them, you will tell me when to stop. You will draw the line. You did great today and I know, Tenya...You are going to be an amazing representative." He smiled, rubbing the back of his head. "I couldn't have done it without my friends. Izuku, Ochaca, I can't thank you enough." He spoke as he opened the door to the classroom. Seeing the students talking about the security risk and wondering how the press got in. All of them suddenly clamored over and pulled Tenya in. Thanking him for all he did. Momo looked at Izuku and Ochaco as they all entered. "All about results." She said walking in. "Okay! Everyone take your seats! You can chat until Mr. Aizawa comes back." She says to the class.

Principal Nezu and most of the U.A. faculty were still in a disarray. Everyone was arguing trying to understand what exactly happened when Snipe walked in, having been sent out to find the problem. "Snipe, what have you discovered?" Nezu asked. "It seems that someone sent the journalists a mass text. Allowing their phones to act as keycards, this allowed them to get onto campus." Aizawa got up from the chair and spoke up what everyone was thinking. "Then why did the alarm go off?" Snipe shook his head and pulled out a torn chunk of steel. "After they left, someone began disintegrating the barrier. They hit the main gate entrances and the cameras, most of the barrier is destroyed. "Someone did this to my school… " The teachers saw Nezu baring his fangs, furious. " This was no prank, no activist action, certainly no vigilantes, this was an act of evil, villainy, perhaps even an act of WAR." Nezu took a deep breath. "Snipe, Power Loader, to put in the wheeler walls and Cementoss to restructure the gates…How long will it take you?" Nezu asked. Power Loader thought for a few minutes. "All of us with the golf carts, the process can be done in ten to fifteen minutes." Power Loader spoke through his excavator claw helmet. Nezu looked up. "Do it, I want the rest of you to go to your classes or your stations and keep the children waiting until I send two beeps through the speakers. Then resume your normal activities. All except the A & B classes: Aizawa you and your students are scheduled with Thirteen at U.S.J. off-campus. Get them in their gear and on the bus, our space and rescue hero can't wait all day. King, get your students in their athletic gear and out to Ground Omega for the hike. As for the others you know what you gotta get your students ready for, so get it done please...Go get it done and we will continue this conversation after school hours."

A few minutes passed in the classroom. Everybody was talking or using their phones. Suddenly the door and Aizawa rushed in. Gotta get them ready and going... WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?! Aizawa shouted, faking his anger. He walked over to the desk and slammed the button allowing all the costume cases to rush open. "Get your costumes on and head to the front entrance! Representatives there are two buses there. One representative and one half of the class on one bus, we are going off campus for this class period. NOW GET READY AND GO!" everybody scrambled to grab their cases. "Midoryia, Mei informed me your costume is in so she brought the secondary." Izuku nodded.

Secondary? What secondary? Did she make a backup?!

Izuku rushed into the locker room with the others to open the new case and inside was…

Oh come on!!! There staring back at him was the business suit that Kurogiri made for him.

Black long sleeve dress shirt and pants. The tie and vest were white. The dress shoes were shiny black chloroframs, Oxford high gloss. But all still durable as heaven to hell. Using nanotech, it's comprised of the same carbon nanotubes designed for the US troops' uniforms back before quirks were active, when they were still in Iraq. A lot thinner and flexible; fifty percent lighter than kevlar. It won't stop rifle rounds and can't be held out like a shield, but it still looks stylish and it will stop shots from a handgun. The chloroframs were also carbon nanotube lined with steel toe and steel heels.

She forgot the gloves...

Izuku reluctantly placed the suit on. Not wanting to incur the wrath of his teacher. "Really Deku, a suit for combat?" Katsuki said. Izuku turned around immediately. "How about you shut the fuck up for once in your fucking life Bakugou! I don't have the fucking time to deal with this and I am ALREADY MAD THAT I HAVE TO FUCKING WEAR THIS!" Izuku said holding the tie and punching a large dent into one of the lockers. The others backed off and kept changing, Katsuki however looked onward in shock.

He didn't activate his quirk... Katsuki said looking at Izuku's now purple crushed hand that was slowly being healed by his powers.

"Katsu." Kirishima whispered looking at his frozen boyfriend in worry. "You okay?" After a moment Katsuki turned back around and continued getting his gear on, muttering something. Kirishima was close enough to hear it. "He didn't call me Kacchan…" Oddly enough at the same time, Katsuki brushed his hair up a bit and for a brief moment there was a small hair clip seen. One that was faded with red, white, yellow and blue stripes.

As everyone left and headed outside Izuku suddenly was grabbed by a person slipping. He looked to see it was Hitoshi who appeared delirious and with a head wound. As they both fell hand in hand Izuku looked into Shinsou's eyes

They were never that color, whats with the swirl?!

He watched as the swirl started to spin and they fell. Izuku got up while Shinsou did not. "GUYS!" He yelled. Getting the others attention, he looked at the wound and grabbed the handkerchief from the vest, using it to stop the bleeding. "What happened?!" "He-He just collapsed, he's a friend of mine. He looked out of it, I don't know. I-I need to get him to R-Recovery Girl." Izuku said. "Here let me help-" Tenya spoke. "I GOT HIM! Just go get on the bus and tell Aizawa I will be late, I'll run there with my powers and catch up. Everything will be okay…" The others still did not move. "JUST GO!" Izuku yelled again, having the others move back and leave without him. Izuku picked up and hurried him inside to the nurses office.

"Where the hell is Midoryia?!" Aizawa yelled as Tenya walked up. "We got outside and a student crashed in. He had a head wound, possible concussion, may have been trampled during the false alarm! Izuku took him to the nurses office and said he'll use his powers to catch up."

Dammit! We are already late and now a student is left behind?! He can catch up, with his quirk on his feet. He was number 2 in the 50 meter dash. Worst case I'll have to reprimand him for missing this later but thank him for saving a student.

"Fine! Everyone on a bus, NOW!" Aizawa shouted.