
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 24

Izuku awoke ten minutes before his alarm went off. It was five in the morning. The air was crisp and clean, the blinds were open allowing him to enjoy that pleasant dawn. His phone buzzed two minutes later.

Mirio texted him 'U awake?"

Izuku chuckled texting "Yes :-)."

Then Mirio replied with one word, "Jog?"

Izuku smilied and texted back "Meet u outside my dorm!"

Izuku stripped himself of his sleepwear and got on his U.A. Gym uniform, putting on deodorant and brushing his teeth real quick in case he could get some kisses from his Adonis.

Izuku walked out of the dorm to see Mirio stretching waiting for Izuku. Izuku ran up and jumped into his arms, Mirio cathinh him as always and swinging him around. He stops as Izuku legs are wrapped around his waist and his hands caress his torso. They leaned down and kissed. As Mirio let Izuku down, he looked at his love. "Izu I swear no matter what hardships come my way, whenever your around my heart will flutter." Izuku felt all of his love in those beautiful words. "There's a trail around the school grounds forested area, we'll use that. Let's shake a leg!" Mirio said as he began running and Izuku ran alongside him. Keeping his pace as they jogged through the fields. About a mile and a half into their run Izuku spotted something, it was an off color set of stones. They were peach colored. Then...They moved.. Izuku stopped, taking a closer look. When Mirio no longer saw his love nearby he turned to see Izu moving branches. "Izu-" Mirio stopped when his love put his finger to his lips. He pointed forward to the branche as he began to crawl through this small grassy pathway, Mirio followed Izuku in.

Eventually, this grassy crawlspace led Izuku and Mirio to a little meadow. Toadstools stood proudly and a small watering hole held little fish. There sitting in the middle of this Meadow was a large man of over six feet. Wearing a UA Gym Uniform, his muscular build was easy to see with his peach-colored skin. His head appeared as the form of a rock, which is unevenly shaped and pointed at the top of his head, and his jaw is square-shaped. This was a student from Class 1-A, Koji Koda. In his hands were a pair of birds that sang in the form of beautiful tweets. Izuku whispered to Mirio, "Looks like we were not the only ones who wanted to get some fresh air."

Suddenly the birds flew off as Koji turned to face them. He appeared startled and frightened. Izuku tried to come closer to help come him down only to have Mirio stop him. Izuku understood. He sat up and seeing how Koji appeared, Izuku believed he was perhaps mute. Izuku decided to use sign language to help bridge the gap. He took classes after elementary school to keep him busy. "We're sorry for disturbing you… My name is Izuku. I'm in your class. This is Mirio. We were just passing by and when I found this place." Koji stared back intently and slowly gave his own response in sign. "I am Koji. I am very anxious. I do not talk much to people, mostly to animals. If you are nice then please come in and enjoy the sun." Izuku thanked him and decided to give himself and Mirio a small rest. The sun rays rose in brilliance, the direction told Izuku it was ten minutes past six in the morning. That gave Izuku twenty minutes to lie on the chest of his love and cuddle while Koji went to go talk to a family of rabbits and get breakfast.

Food was a good idea so when the time was up, Mirio and Izuku ran over to the cafe and ate a nice breakfast. Seeing it was past seven Mirio knew they had to leave their separate ways. But not before Mirio decided to take Izuku behind the building and kiss him furiously. He even opened Izuku's collar and started sucking on his neck!

Izuku will be mad when he sees the marks I made in the mirror...

The moans were arousing to both which made it hard for either of them to stop. Though the instigator, Mirio pulled back. "We gotta stop. We need to head to the dorms, shower, and head for class." As much as Iuzku wanted to continue he was right. Izuku hugged his love once again before booking it to the dorm.

He did not want to use his power but a little boost did go a long way. Several toes glowed gold and sprung him to the tower in quick pace. Izuku showed, brushed his hair and teeth and got dressed walking out and reaching the classroom just before the stroke of eight. His green and gold eyes become elated. As he walks in ready for the day!

5 and a half hours later...The Development Studio

Mei was sweating as she was placing the last touches on Izuku's new combat suit! She completely forgot to have it ready before homeroom! Izuku's class was going to be with All Might for fifth and sixth period! Maybe she could slip it in during lunch? It was difficult innovating it every hour and each day.

Stop thinking on how to get it there! Make the product first! Mei told herself.

She was able to make the other students their suits and costumes but this remained. "Please make it work! I know you can!" Izuku's words of encouragement stoked her flames of progress. Not to mention she at first had no idea what she was working with! This looked like some that came from the secret labs of Detnerat's hero support wears! In time though she had it solved and not just changed it but revolutionized the costume completely!

Everything would soon be complete and this masterpiece will show everyone what little Miss Juryrig can really do!

After the diagnostic tests proved successful Mei was ecstatic!

Finally, she slammed the costume and her letter to Izuku on the modifications in the box labeled Number 18. Looking at the clock, lunch was already over?! Mei picked up the box and ran out of the door!

The past few hours have been the usual routine of a common school day, well except for that the teachers were heroes.

Mr. Aizawa dealt with attendance and homeroom debriefing.

Mr. Hizashi (Present Mic) used his voice to blast anyone awake during his new english studies.

Cementoss did spice things up with having people interpret modern literature and even had some people act it out. During the climax or of some big twists

If it were not for Midnight most of the boys would still be in a comatose daze before the wall. . If Midnight knew one thing, she knew how to entice. As they began to delve into art history and culture.

What was odd was that Kyoka was not in class, Izuku talked to Denki. "Yeah, I talked to her this morning, she said she was really sick. She told me she was going to call Recovery Girl to come and take a look at her."

Izuku really hoped she was okay. More so because of what he did to her yesterday with the supersonic baseball.

Soon the bell rang signifying lunch and the classes were dismissed for an hour. From twelve thirty to one he could relax. Izuku headed to the Lunch Rush Cafeteria with the rest of his class. After he got his food and thanked Lunch Rushed he headed over to the 3-A Table. At first several of the senior students there were confused why a first year student was sitting with them. Then someone called his voice, "Izuku! Over here!" said Mirio was sitting next to the Class 1-A's tables. Izuku grabbed his tray and moved, sitting next to Mirio who placed his arms around Izuku. "Hey Izu, how was your day?" Izuku melted into his boyfriend's arms. Two more people joined them. "Izuku, I would like you to meet two friends of mine. You already know my best friend Tamaki Amajiki." Izuku smiled seeing the familiar face who gave him his birthday gift. "And this Izuku is my pal Nejire Hado." Izuku looked to see a girl with blue eyes and periwinkle colored hair, who wore a bright smile. "Together we make up the Big Three or at least that's what the teachers call us." Mirio finished.

"Big Three, Big three in what?" Izuku asked. Nejire spoke up. "Each of us are the top hero candidates in Japan, we were informed during break. We each have extremely powerful and versatile quirks and we have worked hard to master them in order to become the three very best students at U.A. High. Though this has made our class jealous." Mirio interjected "That's why we sit over here." Nejire continued, "I have the quirk wave motion that allows me to convert her vitality into energy that she can discharge as blast waves. You already know what your boyfriend's quirk is." Tamaki stepped in. "I have the quirk Manifest. It's weird, um...What I eat I can use their characteristics to enhance my limbs." Izuku smiled. "That's amazing!" Izuku said, surprising Tamaki. "Yours must be a transformation quirk right? And Nejire yours is an emitter but what happens when you use your quirk too much?"

Izuku was then pulled back into his boyfriend's chest. He looked up to see Mirio smiling down on him. He leaned down and whispered "I love it when you nerd out." At that moment Izuku's cheeks became so red. What was worse was that Nejire was practically gushing, smiling like crazy and the table behind them, certain cheeks became red as well. Among them being Momo, Ochaco, and Mina.

Lunch ended on that good note though Izuku could feel the eyes of Class 1-A on him the entire time he walked down the halls. Good thing that no one noticed him secretly writing down all of the Big Three's quirk information down in one of his many Hero Analysis for the Future notebooks in the bathroom. Class 1-A had all gotten seated into their classroom when the bell rang signalling the start of fifth period. Aizawa came up to the front of the class instead of hiding in his sleeping bag. "Listen up. Due to sudden scheduling changes that have been in the works since the entrance exam, we are combining the Heroics and the Defense and Security courses into one, which is now called Foundational Hero Studies. This means that on certain occasions 5th and 6th period will be the same course or the remaining either period will be used for special training or events. As many of us already know a teacher has already been chosen-"

Aizawa was interrupted when the door burst open and All-Might stepped out in this athletic hero outfit, cape and all. "I AM HERE!"

Every student in the room smiled as All Might walked in. Murmurs and gasps came from several class members.

"This year is gonna be totally awesome!"

"That look is so retro!"

"Yes! I can't wait!"

Izuku immediately noticed that he was wearing his Silver Age Costume. As he walked in Mr. Aizawa just got back into his sleeping bag. All Might strutted in front of the class and placed his hands on his hips when he got to the podium. His seven foot tall stature towered over every student in their desks.

"Welcome to Foundational Hero Studies at U.A. High! Think of it as Heroing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a Pro and what it means to fight in the name of good!" All Might flexed his muscles. "Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!!!"

Katsuki was overjoyed! "Fight training!" Izuku was less so. "Real Combat?"

"But one of the keys to being a hero is....looking good!"

Suddenly parts of the left wall opened up like shelves. Each holding four boxes glowing in green numbers.

"These costumes were designed based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started! Get yourselves suited up in the gym locker room and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might shouted, smiling! Everyone shouted back, "Yes Sir!" As students got up and took their costumes All Might noticed something. He looked over to shelves, his smile dropping as he saw one costume box was missing.

"Huh, that's odd...Who is number 18?" All Might asked. Izuku slowly raised his hand.

"Ah! Young Midoriya! Good to see you! Well it seems that your costume is not here. No fear you and I will head down to the Development Studio to see what all the fuss is about!" All Might said smiling.

Finally I can get a chance to talk with this kid. See if I can learn more about him, be friendly. All Might thought.

Great, just fucking great! What happened? I thought Mei was supposed to deliver it a few nights ago with the rest! Izuku thought, remembering what Mei told him.

Suddenly the classroom slammed open. By this point if this kept happening they would need a new door for Class 1-A. She was tired, slow, and sweaty from running all the way to the classroom. The bags under her eyes were heavier than Shinsou's! Mei Hatsume walked wearing her workshop attire: A plain black tank top with workshop coveralls tied casually around her waist, with red and gold steampunk goggles on her head. Her right arm had three patches on it. Izuku recognized two as caffeine patches and one as a nicotine patch, her hand had a death grip on the metal box labeled 18.

"Miss Hatsume! Are you here to deliver the last costume!" All Might asked. She did not respond. All Might started walking towards her. She was just standing there. "Miss Hatsume, are you alright?" He held caution in his voice. Mr. Aizawa got up to see what was going on. Suddenly Mei shook her head, looking around and blinked a few times. She then walked in barely noticing or looking at anyone else only looking at Izuku.

She came up to him and planted the box on his desk, the loud thud caused everyone to startle. All except All Might and her. She looked at Izuku and said. "If you ever need any changes, repairs, innovations, anything with this costume...You come directly to me...and only me. Swear to me you will do that." Izuku nodded, "I swear."

With those words she turned around and looked to the teachers who looked at her with caution. "Mr. Aizawa...please escort me to the Nurses Station. I believe I am experiencing a slight case of sleep deprivation." She spoke.

All Might was able to get her to sit down while Aizawa called the nurse.

All Might came up and said "Don't worry this does happen a lot in the H Class!"

No it doesn't! What the hell did she make for Izuku?!

"They get too focused and create amazing costumes in the Development Studio! Be happy it wasn't Power Loader who came up here! Now go get suited up!"

Izuku was nervous, he clutched the case tight like he was carrying a bomb. The other boys however were relaxed by All Might's words. U.A. High school was known for its heroes, they would do everything even avoid sleep to put them forward, ahead of everything else.

As the boys began to undress in the locker room, Izuku calmed his nerves and opened the case. Therein had lied Kurogiri's gift refurbished and redesigned by Mei Hatsume. On top was a letter from Mei to Izuku. On it said "When you wear the full suit, don the helm and say I am Iron Man." Izuku smacked his forehead. Really?! A quote from a movie series over a hundred years old?!

The main format of the skin tight bodysuit was kept but many many changes were made:

The look was completely different, the crystal fiber optic cables were gone! The suit no longer appeared as one piece but instead was covered in thousands of these diminutive hexagons. The dark look made it look like some sort of futuristic chain mail. It was only at first touch he then learned that they weren't imprinted or pressed or shifting like chitin! They were used to visibly see the transparent strong flexible film that now covered the suit. It was so thin that the only way Izuku knew it was there was by touch. It felt like glass or diamond yet it was so flexible and strong. The Panhellenic sun remained on the front but it wasn't that bright yellow gold he had, the gold was more metallic and the sun was made up of these hexagons. was taken from the back. It was replaced by some sort of mechanical exo skeletal spine that was interwoven in the folds of the body suit.

The spine was accompanied by a pair of shoulder bracers which started at the clavicle and stopped the start of the scapula on the top of the back, creating its own support system. Surrounding this spine and covered by this durable film was six circular looking cores. Three on the left and three on the right, they appeared like arc reactors but the light didn't shine blue, it was gold. Only the bottom two cores were glowing. Izuku focused his glow and touched the suit, he watched as the gold marks which created the hexagon design carried the glow all across the suit. Katsuki and Eijiro looked back as a flash of golden light engulfed the room for just a second! "What the hell Deku!" Kacchan yelled. Eijiro tapped his shoulder. "Katsu, relax. He's just testing it out. We all are." Katsuki grumbled and went back to putting on his outfit.

The gauntlets and no lace boots had the hexagonal film applied as well but otherwise Izuku could see no difference except these silver rings that covered the opening of the gauntlets, boots, and practically every hole in the body suit. They were the same carbon fiber. Then there was the full face black tinted Helmet. Wait a minute, this was an Atlas 2.0 Carbon Helmet! These were only sold in europe! No wait, this was the frame of one, he could feel the helmet was crafted from carbon fiber, fiberglass, bulletproof ceramic glass! How did she manage to do all this! If one thing could be said Mei went all out and all in!

Izuku was getting undressed and putting on his gym outfit to wear under the costume. As he took off his tie and shirt. He heard "Dude! What the-what the fuck happened!" He turned to see Eijiro pointing at him. "What?" Izuku asked. Katsuki turned around and immediately covered his eyes. "Damn!...Can't you and your boyfriend keep your hands to yourself!" The blonde yelled. Izuku was still confused. Denki walked out of the bathroom and came over. "What's all the commo-." He took one look at Izuku and said, 'Kinky." Izuku was still trying to figure out what was going on! "What! What is it?!" He yelled. Denki opened one of the lockers with a mirror in it. "Take a look." Izuku stepped towards the glass and glanced at his appearance. Mainly his neck… "That bastard...I am going to kill, NO! I am going to cripple and ruin him for this!" All the boys started to chuckle and laugh as Izuku stared at his neck in the mirror still aligned with purple hickeys and love bits like a necklace of large pearls were bruised and branded into his skin.

As Izuku began to put on his body suit it felt like it gave him strength. It gave him power and the others saw it too. This energy, it was like he could create a sun in the palm of his hand. Once the full body suit was on, he applied the boots and the gloves. Kastuki watched him, his eye twitching not knowing he was worrying Eijirou right next to him. He hoped, he prayed that he would fist to cuffs with Izuku. This time in round two like All Might said don't pull the punch. Finally he placed the helmet on. Taking a few breaths he said the words. "I am Iron Man." He heard a giggle and saw Tenya. He looked more like Iron Man.

Suddenly, the ceramic class glowed inside the helm while to the outside world it was still black and reflected everything. There was no problem. A green circle appeared and flashed a light into Izuku's golden eye.

"Identify: Midoriya Izuku, Retinal Scan confirmed. Diagnostics check complete. HUD has been activated."

What the hell? Izuku was instantly greeted by a jingle and a tune with a slogan.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Thank you for choosing Mei's Marvelous Master-tech! Giving the heroes of tomorrow, a chance to fight today!"

Oh my god...

The glass started using a GPS tracking device to locate him and the suit.

"Uh guys you wouldn't believe this." Izuku said to the others but before they could respond.

"Activating mag-locks and suit compression." The silver rings around the suit snapped into place and the suit tightened around him leaving no open spaces and fully closing him off from the outside world. The helmet moved slightly and at the bottom a filtered shaft appeared a side piece filtered sound for him to hear.

Everyone looked at him funny. "Sorry, give me one second guys."

"Wait can you talk? Are you an A.I.?" Izuku asked but after ten seconds of no response Izuku figured. Then an audio recording played from Mei. He felt someone tapping his shoulder, it was Tenya in his armor. "Hey, we're moving out." Izuku nodded and followed him while the audio played.

"This is Mei Hatsume with detailed plans on what to add and remove on this power suit...

The main fabric of the body suit is a type of layered dragon silk, that is very useful so I will keep it as a basis. I will remove the Panhellenic sun logos in favor of several items. In the back there is an exoskeletal spine and shoulder bone bracers to increase strength and weight limits. The entire suit will then be covered in a graphene substance. This graphene substance is separated into thousands of diminutive hexagons, each holding a bio-cybernetic photovoltaic solar cell. As long as there is light, Izuku will be able to gain energy. I'll have them outlined with gold to go with the black suit and I will have several to be completely gold on the chest to create that sun image. These solar energy cells will power one of six batteries, a Zephyr-V. Though they were discontinued, I have been able to innovate and jury rig a new set to work with the suit. Now allowing Izuku to hold a maximum of 50% extra power. Bringing the suit total energy absorption and containment to 2.5X that of the wearer without it.

The crystal fiber optic cables are already removed, in favor of the graphene as it is a very powerful conductor which will cover most of the body instead of several parts to heal from there on. The conduction will also allow the wearer to draw in more electrical energy at a faster rate. This conduction also means Izuku can summon and move his glow at half the usual timeframe. The carbon fiber gloves, boots, and new helmet will all hold a magnetic compress brace which seals the wearer from all liquids and gases in a quarantine like state.

The helm is already complete. This will act as a decontamination mask and visual HUD, the glass which the HUD is displayed on is in fact a bullet proof ceramic called Aluminium oxynitride. A window film is added so the ceramic always appears black and non transparent to viewers. The CPU is working very well along with the applications and bluetooth functions. All sound is digitally filtered to allow a deaf and a mute function.

Izuku if you're hearing this. Then everything is working. No this is not and A.I. but later on perhaps I can assist you in this. I'm probably knocked out since this is being recorded two before class. This thing you brought me, where it came from is going to be my magnum opus! My Masterpiece! So if you don't mind, let me be your engineer.

Once it was done playing Izuku continued jogging with Teyna and the other boys of Class 1-A across the campus till they made it to Training Ground Beta. The girls were already waiting for them. "What took you guys so long?" Momo asked. "Hey it's not like we remembered how these damn things work!" Katsuki yelled at her. "Guys! Let's just go inside the entrance tunnel, All Might is probably waiting for us."

Today was a good day, now it was just the matter to see how long it would take to ruin it...