
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 20

If it were not for channeling his glow into the soles of his feet Izuku would have been late to class on his first day! Thankfully, Kurogiri taught him how to transfer the energy to different parts of the body. Wherever it went, the golden glow followed.

Once Izuku had his uniform ready and wearing well the tie was too short but it wasn't like he knew how to.

I should have asked Mirio yesterday!!!

Minus the shoes and socks knowing they could be destroyed if he runs too fast, he began his speedy way across campus to reach Class 1-A. This did cause some disturbance as several students wondered what the 'Dusty Blur' was that passed by them yet never got their uniforms dirty. Izuku did not want to tarnish his reputation or create powerful rivals by doing something like that, yet as he got close to the classroom and slowed down he noticed that his pants and jacket were quite dirty. "I did not expect a dust storm waiting here for you." Izuku turned to see Mirio in his uniform.

"Mirio!" Izuku yelled looking to give his boyfriend a hug but was cut short of an arm's length. "You overslept?" Mirio asked. Izuku nodded. With a chuckle Izuku pulled out a large lint roller and got to work. "Take off your blazer, Izu." The green haired student did as he was asked, handing it to Mirio who then promptly threw it outside the window into a nearby bush. "Why did you do that?!" Izuku yelled. "Because-" Mirio spoke as he lowered to lint roll his boyfriends pants getting most of his dirt off. "You don't have to wear it as it's not mandatory and you look more like me!" Mirio said flashing another smile.

After putting away the lint roller and Izuku putting on his socks and signature red shoes, Mirio took the miserable excuse of a tie from Izuku and carefully interwoven it like his own. Within a minute a proud crimson red Windsor knot was adorned upon Izuku's collar and chest. Holding hands as they walked, Izuku went next to his classroom door, placing his finger on a nearby outlet just as he let go. Mirio came over out of curiosity to watch as Izuku's finger only glowed and gave a small jolt of electricity that once it had connected with the outlet had fed Izuku energy, back up to his normal levels of power. Izuku stood back up smiling as ever. "You never cease to amaze me, Izu." His blonde boyfriend said.

Mirio looked at his watch, "I should be going." Izuku embraced his boyfriend, hearing Mirio tell him to be careful around Mr. Eraserhead. Just before he left, Mirio noticed two girls behind him walking to the same class. A tinge of jealousy ensued and Mirio decided to act. Mirio grabbed Izuku by the tie and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Izuku felt Mirio's tongue slid across begging for entrance and on cue Izuku opened his mouth letting Mirio deepen the kiss.

Momo Yaoyorozu and Ochaco Uraraka were walking to their first class when just outside in the hall they saw a massive blonde hunk of muscle embrace the toned body of another. It was only for when they ended their hug did they see that these two were upperclassman Mirio Toogata and second place entrance exam holder Izuku Midoriya, just immediately after the hug and a small to turn to see the girls did he turn around and crash his lips back into Izuku who not only accepted but moaned as this moment of intimacy occurred.

While Ochaco Uraraka gave a crimson blush and did her best to hide her face as they passed, Momo Yaoyorozu had the opposite. Her face held a form of confidence, knowing he would only do such an act if he believed that she or her friend was a threat to their relationship, it was in her mind a form of flattery.

Mirio pulled out, letting both him and Izuku up for air. Izuku looked to see two of his classmates walk by and head in. Izuku turned back with a look of concern. "Why did you do that?!" Izuku yelled. Mirio gave a small chuckle, his hands finding Izuku's waist. "I'm just marking my territory." Mirio said before bidding Izuku goodbye by saying. "I'll see you at lunch!" The blush on Izuku's cheeks could not have been any redder as he walked into Class 1-A.

As he walks in he sees Katsuki and Tenya Iida were already arguing inside. "Take your feet off that desk right now!" Tenya yelled in the face of Katsuki Bakugou."That it's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you creep!" Katsuki laughed in his face. "You're kidding me right?! The old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?!" Izuku saw that almost the entire class was here even though he was ten-minutes early.

As he walked in and made his way to a vacant seat, he heard Tenya say. "It's you." He only then realizes that several of his class members are staring at him, while some give a glance before whispering to their friends. Izuku finds a vacant spot ironically behind Kacchan. Setting his stuff down he sees Tenya come up to him to reintroduce himself. "I am Tenya Iida-" Izuku stops him right there. "Yes, I remember you Tenya. It's good to see you again and you to Kacchan." Katsuki responded with a grunt, probably not wanting Izuku to use his nickname. "Hey Tenya aren't you related to the Turbo Hero: Ingenium?" "Yes! He is my older brother!" Izuku found it easy to make friends by using heroes, especially when you used to be a boy who studied them religiously. "Oh hey!" Someone said two seats from Izuku's right. A boy came up from his own spot, his spiked red hair was astounding, few could tell it was dyed. Izuku immediately recognized him from the exam. "Oh, Eijiro! How are you?" Izuku asked. Eijiro gave a chuckle, "I'm fine, thanks for asking and thanks for saving my ass!" Eijiro responded. Izuku shook his head. "I didn't do anything except lure the machine away-" Eijiro interrupted him "Yeah and punched a hole through that metal devil! You my dude are gonna make waves here! Ain't that right Bakubro!" Katsuki yelled at Eijiro, "Don't call me that Hedgehog Hair!" Katsuki remarked. "Don't you have spiky hair too?" Momo pointed out to the group.

While a small chuckle came her statement and Katsuki was quietly fuming at his desk. Izuku used this time to meet those behind him. Minoru Mineta who lived next door to him. "It's nice to meet you Mineta! I'm Izuku!" Mineta though shy was glad to meet someone or be more noticed. "Thanks!" As Izuku went over to Momo and said hello. He immediately recalled her as one of the students who witnessed the kiss, other than Ochaco Uraraka who was in seat five behind Tenya. "Oh yeah, um, I'm sorry you...uh...had to see that…" Izuku said, embarrassed. Momo squirted at him for a moment. "Sorry for what? If you're talking about you and your boy toy sucking face a few minutes ago, you don't need an excuse. It's not like anyones gonna be disgusted and it was kinda cute to watch. Seeing us girls as a 'threat'."

"If you're just here to make friends you can pack up your stuff now." Spoke someone in a low voice. The door opened and a man with long black hair wearing black and grey clothes walked in carrying what looked to be a sleeping bag? As everyone took their seeks he looked about at his new group of students. "Welcome to U.A.'s hero course...right let's get to it, put these on and head outside." Mr. Aizawa said as he pulled from his sleeping bag a gym uniform.

Of course, day one the teacher decided to do a quirk assessment test out in the Physical Education fields. Some groaned about missing orientation but that did not matter, not to Aizawa. He knows you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. He runs his class how he sees fit. "For years the Hero Committee and the National Education System has limited you by not allowing you to make use of using your quirks in practicality. They do this because they want the notion of all men being created equal to remain the foundation of the law. I can tell you here and now there is no longer such a thing, this equality in the eyes of the people or the state has been shattered and will remain shattered so long as someone, somewhere has a quirk..." Izuku silently agreed with Aizawa and his beliefs, as a quirkless boy he has seen it first hand in not just school but jobs and courts.

"This test will be used to evaluate the potential of your quirk and the power it provides. For example, we will use the first place entrance exam contender. Katsuki Bakugo please step up." Katsuki walked in front of Mr. Aizawa. "In middle school you would play softball or baseball correct?" Katsuki nodded. "And what was your farthest distance thrown?" Katsuki shrugged, "Uh sixty-four meters." Aizawa nodded then handed Katsuki a softball with a band on it used to measure the distance thrown. "Use your quirk. Throw it out of the park." Aizawa said point to Katuski to a white circle. Katsuki focused and soon a hail of fire came from his hands as he slung the ball into the air.

Izuku watched in interest. He lathered one side with his nitroglycerin sweat, then ignited the back of his hand as an accelerant to throw!

Aizawa held up his phone and turned it to the class. 705.2 Meters was branded displayed in a blue glow. This displayed some excitement to everyone in class. Several including Izuku who congratulated Katsuki but so many more who couldn't wait to show off their own quirks. From afar at the treeline which separated this field from the main building, All Might in his yellow and black pin striped suit looked onwards. No. No. Don't show excitement...

It's too late, Aizawa already has them.

"Quiet down....Everyone shut up!" Mr. Aizawa said. "As all of you are so happy to participate, a new rule will be added to this test. The student who ranks last in total points will be deemed hopeless and immediately expelled!" An immediate wave of anxiety and fear engulfed the class of 1-A. A reminder from Aizawa that nothing will ever go in their favor. Ochaco immediately spoke up," Mr. Aizawa, this rule you are implementing is unfair and immoral! Everyone here passed the entrance exams and has earned a spot at U.A.!"

Aizawa responded with "Are villains fair? Do natural disasters have a sense of morality? No. Not to mention none of you here have proven yourselves worthy of a spot in my class, U.A. has given everyone here three years to become Pro-heroes! I am here to tell you that the world is unfair and it's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If you cannot use your potential to be better and excel when others cannot then why are you here? Go beyond plus ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here then we can get started with the real lessons.

No one could say anything. Aizawa overlooked his new students and began listing off the various activities that must be done to complete this evaluation. "There are eight fitness tests which we will be doing.

50 Meter Dash

Grip Strength

Standing Long Jump

Repeated Side Steps

Distance Run

Seated Toe Touch

Ball Throw

Complete them all and I shall compile the results to see who will be staying and which one of us will be leaving U.A."

Suddenly this was no longer a simple day at school for anyone. This became a battle for the future and it was clear that no one was going to give up easily.

Throughout these Izuku had done his best to prove his worth:

The 50 meter dash was up first and Tenya gave his best, becoming first in 3.04 Seconds . Yet no one expected the second place to come in with glowing feet and curly green hair, pushing past Katsuki and landing his spot with 4.02 Seconds.

Grip strength always belonged to Mezo Shoji, no one could beat his Dupilarms. 540.0 Kilograms people were just waiting for the grip to break. Izuku had trouble though he was able to focus and try something akin to mind over matter. Just because he couldn't overload did not mean certain forms of energy could not be used, it would just take a lot longer to make the transition. So while he waited for the grip to be passed to him, he focused hoping to drive the energy into the electromagnetic spectrum. There were no flames, no sparks, just the glow of his finger tips. Some students like Tenya felt a strange pull on his engines or Denki as his electrification quirk felt more active, as if the static in the air was shifting and gathering around the room. The pulse of electromagnetics allowed Izuku to bend natural law in his favor. With four fingers being magnetic north and one thumb being south the close on the Grip Strength meter was enough to put Izuku up four times than the average man at 224.0 Kilograms. He got a shoulder punch from Mezo in return!

He was able to make the standing long jump and clear the sandbox by blasting a small bolt of lightning underneath himself to blast himself across.

But it was the ball throw where Izuku and another truly displayed their power. Being the last test Izuku would not fail at this one. The baseball he was given was strong and all but when put against one of his attacks could be destroyed. Then an idea came to mind, one that did not need the high temperatures of fire or lightning. Nor did it require the long transition process of electromagnetism. Izuku felt something, a pulse, a beat in the ground. He looked over to see it come from a girl named Kyoka Jiro. She was talking to Denki while Mr. Aizawa needed to leave for a moment. "Hey Denki." Izuku smiled as he walked towards the group. "Hey Izuku. Any sign of Aizawa yet?" Izuku shook his head. Whatever their teacher was he ran off in a hurry to get there. "No, sorry. Who's your friend?" Izuku gestured. "His friend is Kyoka Jiro. I wasn't in class. I had an appointment with recovery girl, came in a bit late but I was able to catch up with you guys." She said, answering for herself.

I heard her name before but where? Izuku thought. He looked at her ears and the cords which came off. "Earphone jack?" He asked. Kyoka gave a smile. "Yeah, I can channel the sound of my heartbeat into the form of a vibration attack." That's what I was hearing...I wonder what if i channel kinetic energy in force to create a sonic blast? It would be like a lightning strike except the bolt, just as a thunderclap to push the ball? I would need to create a primer; a snap or clap to ready and expel the kinetic force I'm about to release…

Izuku needed to gain some more energy for this. So while the teacher was doing his business, Izuku walked over to Katsuki. "Hey Kacchan, do you trust me? "

Meanwhile at the treeline…

Aizawa was livid to see All Might watching his class. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Shota yelled seeing the Symbol of Peace and Justice trying to hide in some bushes. All Might sprung up with a look of defeat on his face. Still in his strong form, All Might looks down to meet Shota's grimace. "I'm just trying to get more information on Izuku and his abilities. Remember the principal wanted me to try and connect with him." Shota looked at Toshinori all beefed up and in a suit smiling. "So your plan is to spy on him when he is in my class? Not I don't know, say hello to him and strike up a conversation? You may be the number 1 Hero but that doesn't give you the privilege to creep around. Now leave." Aizawa said, walking off.

"Now wait a minute." All Might said right before Aizawa turned around his eyes red and hair rising had erased his quirk. In an instant the great All Might reverted to his fragile old form. "Head to the teacher's lounge, Toshinori. I'll give you the results of the test after class ends." Shota Aizawa spoke as he left the treeline to finish the class evaluations. "Give them a chance! Give them all a chance!" Toshinori said hoping he'd listen. In the past, Shota had expelled an entire class after being disappointed with their results. Toshinori after watching each student saw that they all held the hearts of heroes. Toshinori just hoped nothing serious would happen…

Back at the Physical Education Fields

"All right! Listen up!" Aizawa shouted as he came into the view of his class. "As we are getting pressed for time; Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Mezo Shoji will be going first in line, then everyone else in any order. As Katsuki Bakugou already made the first pitch, his score has already been recorded. Make this count this is your last score to be made!" As everybody got ready Izuku relaxed and focused. His glow focusing all into his middle finger and thumb. Aizawa looked at him oddly for this but then again Izuku had done something similar for the Grip Strength test.

The intensity was heavy in the air as Izuku closed his eyes. Using the sun's radiance to stockpile slowly. Almost nearing an Overload but stopped short, no one notice Izuku convince Kacchan to give shake his hand and blast him full of explosions to bring him to peak. Izuku wanted to prove his potential and give a show to the All Might who was watching in the trees, now perhaps watching in the building.

Finally, Izuku had begun his action:

Every classmate could feel a steady vibration emanating from the ground, directed from Izuku's position.

Soon the vibrations no longer came from beneath his feet but within Izuku.

It reminded Kyoka Jiro of a never ending drum beat but she watched in awe as it changed, becoming the very heartbeat of Izuku.

Suddenly an intense headache took over Kyoka as she grasped her head.

Momo and Denki looked over to her as she took a knee. "Kyoka? Kyoka what's-"

That was all said before a Izuku threw the ball in the air with his left and as it fell brought his fingers together. Then, just when the two were at the same height…


Some people stumbled and fell, others covered their ears, the dust had picked up from the field, even the windows had vibrated.

The administration was glad they brought thick bullet proof glass.

As the dust Izuku was on the ground, holding his purple thumb and forefinger. The phone Aizawa used to measure distance was still increasing then stop. Shota rose to see the result and in a second Class 1-A looked to see the face of their teacher stunned. The ball was only in the air for six seconds; yet the timer read 2058 meters.

Kyoka was out cold, Izuku was injured, and Aizawa was at a loss for words. A quick second passed before Aizawa yelled at Katsuki to pick up Kyoka Jiro and take her and Izuku to Recovery Girl.

After the shock subsided and another hour passed, everyone was finished with their tests. Shota Aizawa looked up at all of his students. "All of you showed potential and did your best to rise to the occasion...Due to everything that has occurred today I am allowing you all the privilege to continue Class 1-A. No one is getting expelled."

Everyone felt a sigh of relief and joy as Aizawa yelled "Class Dismissed."

Among the class chatter a growing belief came to rise that the only reason no one was expelled was due to Midoriya…

Aizawa ventured past the tree line to the school wall, there he pried out a torn and mangled baseball. The steel bulwark was dented from such force. Aizawa then walked up to Toshinari Yagi in the teacher's lounge. After he sat down, poured himself a cup of coffee, and kissed Present Mic in front of All Might. Shota Aizawa dropped a clipboard full of scores and the destroyed baseball in front of All Might. Shota looked at him dead in the eye and said two simple words. "First Place."