
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

Kurogirl was in the middle of a hallway, with two articles of clothing; purple pants and a purple long sleeve shirt hanging from his left arm which remained in front of him horizontally. With the posture of a military office and the poise of a butler. Kurogiri knocked three times, after no response Kurogiri opened the door allowing the light to finally illuminate the area. Though the bar was clean and up to code, Shiagarki's habits had created a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, insects, and arachnids within his own room…

It should be said that Kurogiri works for Shigaraki but cares for Tomura.

Kurogiri had turned to his left where there were multiple computer screens strung about on a desk and in the video game chair laid the slump still breathing body of the twenty year old male. Crumpled pieces of paper and soda cans littered the desk. Graphs and charts were tacked into the walls. The most recent being about a robbery that took place in the city of Fujinomiya. Kurogiri knowing how Shigaraki can be when he awakens had the good sense to let him be awoken by an inanimate object in case he tries to attack. All Kurogiri had to do was move the mouse cursor and watch as the artificial white light flooded the room filled with books, tables, charts, and maps. Kurogiri swore he heard a roach scurrying behind him as he saw Shigaraki's eyes flutter open, those familiar crimson red dots hidden behind his light blue locks. Yet there was no hand covering the rest of his face. It seems that Shigaraki was back as Tomura. To be concise, Shigaraki's quirk and the death of his family by his own hands had an effect on his psyche similar to a splitting of personalities. While Tomura was more anxious or depressed, when the hands came on , especially 'Father' which covered his face, it was Shigaraki who was dominant, having high composure which frequently mixed with his volatile attitude.

"Father…" Tomura called out looking for the hand mask. "I will give him to you later but you must get ready, we have a meeting with sensei in 28 minutes. I have your clothes and a Cuban coffee double espresso shot waiting for you." Shigaraki started moving out of the hair chair.and stretching his arms. Though he was an obsessive and aggressive child who wanted to see the world rot and heroes fall from the sky, Kurogiri did all he could to make sure that no harm came to Izu~Tomura . This was a directive from his master. As Shigaraki got dressed Kurogiri opened two tiny portals, grabbing something from each of them. The first was a plate holding the concentrated caffeine extract in a shot glass. Of which Shigaraki grabbed and slammed back in one go. The second was a book on certain nature spots in Japan. Kurogiri as he flipped the book open with his thumb and it landed on The Tokara Islands, he could see the smoke stacks rising from the volcano...green grass, green leaves, green hair... STOP.

Kurogiri had to stop with these petty memories, he needed to focus on the care of Tomura Shigaraki, the one he is sworn to protect. Kurogiri must be focused on Tomura's well being if there would ever be a chance for him to see the day when Izuku Midoriya would walk these halls with Tomura and him, side by side. Kurogiri turned to Tomura who was trying to put on his villainous attire. "Stop, Tomura. Let me assist." Kurogiri spoke. Attaching the hands of the first fallen is very important to the transition of Tomura to Shigaraki. Both increasing his belief in himself while also allowing unstable emotions to be more frequent. Kurogiri placed the false hand made by Dr. Garaki on the top of his head, connecting it to his mother's pair through two red cords. The false hand was to substitute the right hand of the father which Shigaraki in a fit of rage accidentally destroyed. Never had he seen so much agony displayed on the face of a child, after that day. As time was approaching, Kurogiri opened another portal and pulled out 'Father'. He did not know why All For One wanted them to look their best this meeting but whatever reason it was should be something to see! Tomura had knelt for this, as if ready to receive a crown. One Kurogiri had the honor of bringing. Once the right hand had again fit snug onto that face and the fingers sunk into the skin and indents, it was like a switch went off and Tomura was gone.

Shigaraki took over and was back walking between the fine line of methods and madness. He entered the bar of which Kurogiri managed and took a seat at the stool while Kurogiri went behind the counter.

"Awamori on the rocks." Shigaraki said in a monotone voice. Kurogiri paused. "Sir, the meeting is to start in three minutes and such an alcoholic beverage is-" Kurogiri was cut off immediately. " If I wanted a lecture on alcohol I would have asked. You have two minutes so make the fucking drink!" Kurogiri is put back to work again and does what he needs too. As what was said: Kurogiri works for Shigaraki but cares for Tomura.

The 70 proof alcohol drink was placed in front of Shigaraki who took a large gulp just a second before the small television to the right whirred to life. The cameras all across the bar turned their attention to them at the counter. As per standard they bowed in wait until the rough scarred voice of their master broke through the old static. The purple words, SOUND ONLY appeared on screen. "You may rise. Take a seat and listen quite well. An arrangement has been made with a third party, they will be able to assist us and keep tabs on several of our High Value Targets including All-Might. May I introduce the Misogi Organization and their representative, the Advocate."

The screen cut in half, pushing Sensei's purple words up while underneath from a white background rose a black sun which lay behind a set of crossed red naginatas. This logo vanished and in its place was the dark outline of a lithe frail man made by a light and a screen, as if some form of shadow puppetry. The voice that came through was heavily distorted.

" Thank you for the introductions. I am happy to be here as you all are and I am glad to inform you the board is willing to assist your Sensei and this League of Villains by any means. As proof of our fealty. We have prepared something for you. It seems the board and the benefactor and the board wanted to present you with a gift of fealty and a means to test your student's quirk knowledge...The feed and camera recordings you will see had occurred just yesterday in the city limits of Fujinomiya."

Kurogiri looked over to see Shigaraki who was smiling like a monstrous beast who was ready to secure a fresh kill. As the video played, it showed footage from inside a savings and loan bank. An snow white hair colored adult male walked in wearing a surgical mask, a white padded jacket, black leather gloves, and orange colored aviator shades. He had a set of headphones on, carrying a duffle bag in one hand, and his phone in the other. A security guard immediately takes note but is unable to do much as the man simply presses the button on his cellphone. The video pauses and the advocate speaks.

"Viktor Kamorov was wanted by the Russian Federation as Whisper, a high class thief and robber who loves classical music, though they never identified him. I implore all those except your sensei to try and figure out his quirk. Then how was he defeated?" The video continues as the button he presses starts music to play over the bank's speakers. It was the opening of Richard Wagner's Ride Of The Valkyries.

The video feed slowed down to a crawl as Whisper moved with inhuman speed, becoming a blur even to the camera. Each guard was striked head on and knocked out immediately. Shigaraki took in all this information. Whisper's Quirk grants him speed. This means cardiovascular and respiratory systems are more efficient. The chemical process of his musculature is also highly enhanced so that the body does not generate fatigue poisons...The joints are smoother and lubricated more efficiently...But something was missing. Rah! I need to scratch!

Everyone then saw sparks on the opposite end of the screen. The gate leading to the vault behind the counter looked to be melting. "Homemade thermite." The Advocate said. Any teller who tried to get to the counter to activate the silent alarm got knocked out as well. By twenty seconds Viktor stops moving, being at the same spot he started at wearing two sets of brass knuckles. For ten seconds he sways and dances to the music heading past the counter and the melted gate to an open vault. The vault security footage is him with his duffle bag open and already filled with cash and begins to put in some more. Shigarki tilted his head in question. Prompting Kurogiri to whisper to him "He already robbed the bank teller desks when he activated the quirk. Perhaps something similar to the Engine Quirk?" NO. NO. Kurogiri do you see any mechanic-. His feet are large, the shoes he wears. The rubber soles there are holes in the bottom? It's a mutation quirk.

Viktor then pulls out a spray can with a nozzle straw attached, he shakes it before spraying the can directly on the locks of five top shelf safety deposit boxes. In minutes they froze and Viktor used the brass knuckles to destroy their brittle shells. "Liquid Nitrogen stolen from a chemical lab across the city almost a week ago." The man behind the screen said. Once that was done he took what was inside: Documents, Money, Jewels, and then made his way out the door. Shigaraki was still trying to understand more of this quirk as Whisper was seen on screen putting his hand to the door screen and then the view switched to the bank's cameras outside showing two patrol cars and a hero already there. Suddenly the police sirens got louder and Whisper rushed out in a whirlwind of speed. Not stopping to attack the police or the hero who then gets on a motorbike with plasma bursting out the back and goes to pursue the villain. "The hero Bullrush who has the Enhanced Body quirk pursues him. The user's physical abilities are said to match the strength and durability of at least ten men."

Shigaraki opened his eyes. There that was it! Not about Bullrush but the policemen and their sirens! He heard it again! Looking at the traffic cameras that are slowed to see him, there is an amplification of sound. I smile. "Mr. Advocate..I believe Viktor Kamorov is dealing with a quirk of harnessing sound and making it into kinetic or mechanical energy to use on a mutation on his feet, that's why he can go fast. The increase in sound is why he loves music and it's also why when he got closer to the police cars their sirens were louder. He sucks up that sound and uses it to propel himself."

"I like you. You're making your master proud. So one more question. How to stop him?" Soundproofing can't be of use in the city. Shigaraki thought for a moment, his quirk is mostly mutation which has limitations. "Target the soles of the feet. If Bullrush can damage his feet with a ranged attack, then he's done! That's how he gets defeated!" Shigarai says laughing while waiting for the strike Bullrush delivers.

On That Same Day...

Whisper Runs! Runs! Runs! Come on Viktor, think!

A group of squad cars block his way and fire at him. He cuts through a store jumping through the windows.

They're setting up blockades! What the HELL! I thought the Organization paid them off to let me go! I didn't even kill anyone!

Music was what he used. It was sound; easy to understand and translated through musical theory and practice. He knew what holes in his feet should be open or closed to match and capture that sound! How much of the bass, treble, and clef to add when he lets the sound go from his organic speakers at the bottom of his heels. He can use the music his ears listen to for more boost but the mixtape won't be enough! He has some reserve sound left but not enough. He needs a better source to harness! If he could just find one and add the reserve it will just be enough to break the sound barrier! its freedom!


What? Viktor didn't know what he was hearing..

Thump-Thump Thump-

No, it couldn't be?

Thump-Thump, Thump-Thump, Thump-Thump

The sound of a heartbeat?! How can I hear THAT!

Something that STRONG can get me to go mach 1!

So where are you...

Kyoka Jiro was making her way home when police cars started closing off roads. She saw that bloated muscle hero Bullrush running around on his motorbike.

Great if he's out on the prowl everyone is gonna get hurt!

She was happy, she is going to U.A., her acceptance letter came in two days ago. She couldn't wait to go.

Once I return my Hero's License I'm gonna kick that punk to the curb!

Hell, I'll rent out the music hall and jam out! Throw the whole city a party!

Just because I'll be a Pro-Hero means I can't Rock Out!

Kyoka would never know that her life was going to change so fast. She was listening to the sound of her heartbeat on her headphones when she felt something from behind, a breeze?

That breeze became a wall of force from Viktor crashing into her, Kyoka Jiro. "Finally!" He yelled as he got on top of her. "Your sound! Your music! Your heartbeat! GIVE IT TO ME!!!"

People started looking at him and her, what the fuck was going on?!

Viktor started looking for the source of music! He activated every sound tunnel in his feet, and cranked the bass to the max so he could just jump and get the hell out of the city!

Her headphones were destroyed in the fall but there are audio jacks that were connected to something! WAIT WHAT? He looked to see the jacks were connected to her earlobe.

Kyoka was trying to fight this mad man off of her. Throwing punches left and right! She was NOT GOING TO BE DEFEATED SO EASILY!

Suddenly they heard a motor engine rumble and they both look up to see, Oh FUCK, It's Bullrush! Then they remembered the position they were in...Both of them just thought:

Please don't take this the wrong way! Please don't take this the wrong way!

Please don't take this the wrong way! Please don't take this the wrong way!

Please don't take this the wrong way! Please don't take this the wrong way!

Please don't take this the wrong way! Please don't take this the wrong way!

"A ROBBER AND A RAPIST!" He screamed. Catching everyone's attention.

Fuck! He took it the wrong way!

Kyoka Jiro looked at the giant idiot like she wanted to gut him!


Of course he didn't hear her and then this happened.


In a hurried last ditch effort Viktor the Whisper was finally able to grab both of her Earphone Jacks. That which contained the very powerful heartbeat and plugged in. Not to mention the sound was raised to the max volume. Her heartbeat was going fast as she was attacking and trying to escape him! These combined efforts with the stress from the muscle-bound madman and him activating every sound tunnel in his feet and cranked the bass to the max…

Everyone in a hundred foot diameter heard an ear piercing white noise which powered Viktor over the max. This however caused his eardrums to burst completely. The sound itself shook his brain, beating it against his skull. As he was both deaf and suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging, Viktor did not know the heartbeat continued playing; feeding him more energy and creating a great feedback loop between her heartbeat, the rupture of his ear drums, and the mutated speakers on his feet.


The vibrations and pressures were too much. The feedback and the amounting of sound energy just turned the mutated speaker like appendages into swiss cheese. Kyoka used this moment to pull her Earphone Jacks out without any resistance, Viktor was going to die; the concussive force he experienced alone guaranteed it. He was still on top of Kyoka, woozy and losing balance as he bled profusely from the nose and ears. Until Bullrush punched him off. She was able to get up with Bullrush to assist. But then she heard it as she heard even the lowest of sounds, a beeping.

Once that grew and Bullrush heard. He pushed her towards a group of people and yelled at everyone to run! As they grabbed her, he ran to the body. Unzipping his jacket to see no explosives on the speedster's chest! But the beeping continued coming from the jacket's lining which when Bullrush pulled open exposed no mesh lining or cotton fluff...but a full molded flat sheet of plastic explosives.

The hero did what he only could.

What happened next broke Kyoka's soul in two when she saw it.

Bullrush tucked the jacket into his chest and jumped on top of Viktor's near lifeless body.

Kyoka with her quirk could hear him mumble something...A prayer.


This sent shivers down the spine and ensured shock to the League of Villain members

Even All For One put himself in pain by screaming at the Advocate exactly what everyone was thinking...


The answer came quick and ingenious:

"Death and Deals. This will create waves of Cause and Effect…"

The Advocate opened a folder and read out the success of what was thought to be a failure...

Viktor was wanted by the Russian government and wanted dead by the Russian Mafia. A call to a Roman Khabko in Siberia made sure that we got paid when he was blown to pieces.

This will appear as a form of payback for the bank robbery incident with Ebonbolt. The public will blame Ebonbolt's remaining gang members and they will take the fall.

A Hero saved the day and still died. Proof that one way or another you will win. Originally we calculated a 52% chance that he would try to throw the bomb. Either way his pride was his downfall.

Viktor was given only a single directive; To secure the contents of Safety Deposit Box 070 and take other safety deposit box contents as to throw off suspicion. The duffle bag he had was caught within the blast radius destroying all the cash and more importantly documents pertaining to several known Yakuza Members. The thermite laced bottom layer was triggered to ensure destruction of documents.

The police blockade forced an armored truck to take a new outer route where Yakuza members assaulted and secured the contents of the vehicle inside. Several gold bars which were destined to be smelted down and redistributed in Kyoto have now been taken as payment.

"Sensei and members of the League of Villains, on behalf of the Benefactor and the Board we do apologize for this misconception. This was done more so in tests and factors of the environment. This is a time for us however to reflect on past mistakes and band together now. By standing united we can change the world." The Advocate spoke.

Shigarki said nothing.

Kurogiri said nothing.

Dr. Garaki said nothing.

All For One under his guise as Sensei said. "Your tactics are fascinating. Playing a game when you're two steps ahead and have a hand in four more. I agree...We must face this as one, together. Is there anything else to discuss?"

The Advocate nodded.

"Finally if you would turn your attention to the pictures and documents on the screen which came from the desk of a high ranking U.A. faculty member.

The High School has decided to establish a series of dorms for all studies. This large scale apartment complex blocks long will be known as Heights Alliance.

This is due to the intense villain attacks in the Shizuoka Prefecture which some believe are not random acts of violence. There is room to suggest they meant to target U.A. students. Including; Izuku Midoriya, Mirio Toogata, and Kyoka Jiro.

Nezu has transformed U.A. High School into a boarding school in order to protect the students. The Height Alliance Dormitories will be ready for residency in just three days.

If Kurogiri can gain the proper coordinates, he can get you anywhere in that building. Imagine the fear it would bring when the school wakes up and student is missing or is found hanging from the flagpole...

These are true deviants...Shigaraki loved them!

It is also easier if you keep in contact with the informant we have inside, he is a student at UA. If ever should you begin to assault the campus he will show you our symbol on his wrist to ensure his safety.

Several days after the Fujinomiyan Bolt Bombing-

A steady pulse ran on the heart monitor, the same she heard on her Earphone Jacks. Even though Kyoka didn't want to stay in the hospital her mother pleaded with her to do an overnight observation. Here at fujinomiya city general hospital where getting a new IV line was like hell on earth since they make the rookies do it.

She did get comfortable and spoke to the nurses occasionally.

Around nine at night, a man came into her room. He said his name was Dr. Tsuku Yomi and he was to be her therapist for the hour. He was well dressed, lanky and thin. He was also young, looked to be almost as young as her! He was wearing a charcoal business suit. His shoes were black, his dark hair was combed slicked back with gel, his glasses were vintage in a way. The top rim of them being fully black.

What was weird was the horrific necktie he wore. The necktie is adorned with a garish pattern. It's disturbingly vivid. It looked to have five different styles on it.

After their small talk he became more stoic and straightforward. He asked Kyoka about her quirk and abilities, what happened that day.

How she felt about Bullrush and his death?

He became intrigued when she talked about her Earphone Jacks. After a few minutes he wanted to try something, a form of auditory sensory therapy.

Asking her to stay very still, he then placed an Amplifier Jack on her chest along with several other devices and began plug them into an Earphone Jack. For one of them the only sound "She got was her heartbeat rising steadily." Then suddenly as if what by nature...The way her heart beat, that rhythm had an echo. It was like her mothers heart beat, one she did everything to do in order to be in perfect sync. A tear flowed from her eye.

The night coming to a close so the therapist injected a small muscle relaxant to help her sleep.

Then one day she awoke and found herself refreshed. But nothing else-

Then one day she awoke and found herself refreshed. But nothing else-

Then one day she awoke and found herself refreshed. But nothing else-

Then one day she awoke and found herself refreshed. Stop! Something's wrong- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeThen one day I awoke and found myself refreshed. But-wait what the hell? Kyoka cried out, being trapped in an endless loop of her subconscious.

What's going on!

What's happening!

Either way it ended and then began again and again and again!

She was losing her MIND! Then she saw a door it crackled and sizzled with ash yet no lightning. Thunder that was what existed there.

Before she even got to touch the door something in mind grabbed her foot and dragged her miles away.

Kyoka awoke with a start and a choked scream. But finally no longer alone as her mother shook her and returned her to reality, embracing her little girl.

Two Heart Beats Again In Sync

According to the doctors in the middle of the night she suffered severe cardiac arrhythmia as a part of her Post Traumatic Stress and suffered a severe allergic reaction to a medication not even prescribed for her!

She remained unconscious, her brain swollen.

Thankfully they injected an accelerate to expunge whatever was in her, reducing it effects and she woke up in a week..

When she did finally...open her eyes. Kyoka looked around the room all out of touch and sense, her perception was off.

Thinking it was still the night of observation, looked and asked the blurred face of her father:

"Where is the young doctor, the therapist?" Kyoka asked. Everyone looked at each other. Who?

Even the doctors in the room did not know who she was talking about.

Dr. Tsuku Yomi, whoever he was. A man who the family, the hospital, even in the region never even heard of and didn't exist. Yet no one noticed him, being dressed as a doctor people nodded and he just waltzed right in!

But now Kyoka told her family and the Police; whoever this young doctor was, he not only came, but he has been the one who gave her that severe allergic reaction with a syringe...

HE called her to change and shape in the apotheosis of your life and that when she was ready, he would return and collect her.

Just as everything was unveiling, a male nurse with brown hair and blue eyes passed the family of singers easily.

He got into the nurses station, taking off his colored lenses, he hated that he had to dye his hair again.

Either way, the results were clear. She didn't recognize me...

As he changed on his arm was a black sun which lay behind a set of crossed red naginatas.

When he left the hospital as a simple student, calling a cab to get home. He had to pack of course. He's going to U.A!

That teen swung the tie around smiling, and if he wasn't careful he would have seen the tie smiling too...

"Soon...I will have no more of this..."