
My hero academia: Honored one/ dropped

Reborn with the body of Satoru GoJo Watch as our MC climbs the rank to become the number 1 hero and take his rightful place With the arrogance and power to back it up no one will be able to stop him No system No harem This is my first ever novel so please take it easy on me I am not the best with grammar but I will try my hardest. Had this idea in my head along time so hope you enjoy thanks My students of the Dao None of the characters belong to me only my OC’s

FrostedDao · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

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Gojo POV

Well it's been about two years since I came to this world and I have adapted well to the whole blind thing. I've learned quite a bit, for starters I live in an orphanage in Musutafa Japan there's 4 kids here and I am the youngest by 2 years there's three women that run this place mother Aiko she's 46 year old lady very funny never had kids of her own so she started working her sixteen years ago. Following her there's mother Fumiko she's a strict but caring fifty seven year old women and then there's mother Yui she's the oldest of the three women being seventy three years old.

She's everyone's favorite she gives of grandmother vibes the caring and patient one who always has a smile on her face most of the children here never had a mother figure and these women fulfill it, there are four kids that live in the orphanage including me with the place itself being a big two story house with 6 rooms I share a room with Ren he's six years old and quite annoying in a lovable way. When he's not playing hero with Hikaru or watching TV you can usually find him trying to sneak Desserts from the kitchen and getting caught by mother Fumiko then there's Hikaru he's eight years old and he likes to make sure everyone knows it.

Quick to defend the people her cares about but also quick to scold them to. Him and Ren love arguing over the dumbest things, loves reading and playing outside. Finally there's Megumi shes four, does not talk much and loves sticking by mother Aiko. I have come to learn a lot of things by listening to them. Mother Yui puts me in front of the television most of the time while she knits and I listen to the news a lot sometimes Ren might come over and watch his hero cartoons.

Being blind put a lot of things in perspective for me I can't just sit around so I started to train myself a bit. by crawling trying to get used to the house I make sure to bump into walks a lot so I can know where everything is. I feel like a lot of people in the house think I am a retard cause of it but I'll have the last laugh.

When I am not bumping into walls I am listening to people around the house conversing so I can learn more information about my surroundings most of the time it's useless information and sometimes I might get lucky but one thing is I know i can't trust these people they may be nice and act caring but for all I know they could be organ harvesters. So it's better to play the part of the stupid blind baby. Over the course of two years I had to get used to people calling me Gojo and when I first heard my new name baffled is a good word to describe it made me truly accept the reality that I was in this world.

That these people are real and not in some anime, that the hero's I hear about saving people and fighting villains is my new "home"

2 year time skip




I am turning four years old today and over these dark 4 four years I have developed well to the idea of being blind I can walk most places around the house without bumping into walls which is great. I am starting school soon which is scaring the shit out of me because I have to be around little kids most of my day drooling and picking boogers for once I thank myself for being blind

I woke up early to the sound of Ren's snoring and tried to start my day waking him up in the process. " you're up quite early today oh you must be exited for your birthday" he said "yup "I said in response with a monotone voice " maybe you might get lucky and your quirk my develop like mine" he said in an arrogant tone Ren's quirk was a simple but effective he could always find anything he touched. He was quite proud of it. Through out the day people in the house congratulated me being on year older I put up my sweet and innocent act by putting on a smile.

Around noon we all had a simple lunch if Onigiri and Yaki udon it was quite good mother Fumiko is quite the chef. I went to the market with Aiko and Megumi I almost forgot she was there because she was so quite not that I minded at of everyone there Megumi was my favorite simple and easy to live with we went out to buy food for my birthday dinner during which she held my hand as to not get lost. I felt Megumi eyes on me even though I couldn't see her I was sure she was mad at me for stealing her dear Aiko. I loved hearing all the sounds of people going about there day and hero's patrolling the streets we got the food and off to home we went .

After dinner they sang to me and wished me a happy birthday once again. Once we all had enough it was off to bed.

this is the night my life truly started

this is the night where I had my first and last experience with pain

It's was three in the morning and I was Peacefully sleeping and then out of no where I felt and itch on my eye I subconsciously scratched it then I felt it again and this time both my eyes where itching. That woke me up it started getting worse soon and itch turned into a burn I started groaning and that burn transition into the feeling of a needle gouge my eyes out and from then on I started to scream waking everyone in the house the needle of pain turned into someone pouring hot oil on my eyes and then A funny thing happened the pain started to spread from my head to my brain I felt the worst headache in both my lives.

it felt as if someone why trying to pry my brain open with a hatchet and the couldn't find what they where looking for so they poured lava. On my head out of spite while this was all happened the ladies quickly rushed in our room. And started trying to calm me down to no avail then mother Yui dialed the police and the ambulance by now the whole block must of heard my screams. At some point I just didn't have it in me to scream anymore and passed out.

When I came to I was in a hospital bed I knew this because I could see the Damn bed. After being in the dark for so long I finally saw light for the first time in a long time I saw my skin and my dainty hands I looked around soaking everything in when suddenly I heard the door creak open. The doctor walked in and just stared at me. And I stared at him fully taking in his visage

and like that he said "welcome back" I stared at him in response and he started checking his clipboard and said " you had us worried there for a second you were. Passed out for three days" THREE DAYS I thought it felt like a couple of seconds and by look on my face he saw I was surprised and said " don't worry your ok you just went through your quirk awakening". He asked me to stand up and I did still in a state of shock. He bent down to my eye level and stared at me creeping me the fuck out and he finally said " you have the most Beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire life. I was shocked I quickly raced to the bathroom and checked the mirror and for the first time I saw my self I had wispy white hair reaching my eyes and then saw the most Beautiful pair of pearls that I had for eyes shining like crazy and flashed a crazy smile and thought.

About damn time

I just wanted to say sorry for the pervous chapter I made a lot of mistakes and and wanted to apologize won't happen again and thank you for continuing to read You're the reason I do this

Stay frosty my students of the Dao

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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