
My Hero Academia: Ghost Gamer Quirk

At the age of 4 a certain doctor told him to give up his dreams of being a hero. He told him, that it's likely that his quirk won't ever manifest. But Izuku knew that he had a quirk, but no one wanted to believe him. A new, never before seen quirk, had appeared in the boy. "Hah, I bet that he only pretends he has a quirk" "Show us your quirk, oh wait. You can't haha." "He is just being delusional"

WhiteMooN · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Representative

Izuku and Itsuka knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Ah, there you are. Perfect timing Midoriya. I need to discuss some things with you. Also, Itsuka, thanks for bringing him here."

A young, energetic blue haired male with a clown make up on his face greeted them.

The first time I saw him I was really shocked, but it's fine now. People have all kinds of quirks these days, especially those which can change their appearance.

Izuku looked and his blue hair and thought, that is probably his quirk.

"Yes, actually." replied Kusuo.

His reply surprised the two kids. Especially Izuku since he was pretty sure he didn't murmur this time.

"Ah, don't worry about it, I just activated my quirk. It's mind reading, it's quite handy actually." replied Kusuo.

A mind reading quirk. Oh no.. How dangerous. I need to block off my mind.

Izuku concentrated, and used his Gamer's mind to block the flow of the information.

"Hoo, you managed to clear your thoughts and I can't see a thing anymore. Impressive. Especially since you are quirkless." said Kusuo.

"Haha.. Its not really polite to stare into someone's thoughts sensei." replied Izuku.

He tried to maintain his calm, but his face said otherwise. He was seriously scared.

"Well that's true. But, I wanted to find out what thought process does a genius have. My bad haha" Kusuo laughed it off with a small chuckle.

"Genius? Him?." Itsuka looked confused.

"Yeah, he is probably the most intelligent kid his age. He even surpassed Nezu in some aspects." replied Kusuo.

"That's amazing." said Itsuka.

Although she didn't know who Nezu was, she was sure that teacher Kusuo admired him a lot.

Izuku sighed in relief.

Luckily, he managed to suppress his thoughts about his quirks due to the Gamers mind.

That was really close. This school is really dangerous. Who knows what quirks these teachers have.

Some of them were even graduates from popular hero academies.

"Dear Midoriya, I want you to become the representative for your class. I want you to become the president of your class. As for Kendo, she will be a vice president of your class."

Izuku and Itsuka soaked in the info.

"Wait.. I don't think that, it's a good idea to be a president of the class when I am quirkless.." replied Deku.

"I also don't think it's possible to be a vice president of his class. I am in class B while he is in class A. I think you made a mistake sir." replied Itsuka.

Kusuo looked at their confused expressions and couldn't help but smile.

"I believe it's the best idea to let the most intelligent kid rule his class. Since your intellect basically outclasses everyone.

From what I've seen, other than you, having no quirk, I didn't see any other defects.

You are not arrogant, but kind. You are intelligent and that's all that matters for now. Try to rule your class for these 3 years."

"As for you Kendo, I know that you were in class B, but please pardon me, I will have to transfer you into class A as a vice president. Your cheerful personality is perfect to break the ice between Izuku and his classmates." said Kusuo.

Izuku pondered for a while, before nodding. "I understand, I will try my best."

I wonder whether his hair color is the reason why he has psychic powers.

My mom is a psychic, and she has green hair. It's a shame that I didn't get that quirk but that doesn't matter anymore.

"Actually, there are ways to know if someone is psychic or has some mind reading abilities." replied Kusuo."

"What!? But how?! My mind was still blocked!" Izuku asked in disbelief.

"Um.. I don't think you realized, but this time, you were just murmuring." replied Itsuka.

"Yep, since the first time I've used my mind reading ability on you, I never used it again."

Izuku hid his face in embarrassment.

I did it again! My bad habit hasn't disappeared!

"But to reply to your question, if you see a person with green hair, blue hair, silver hair or pink hair. They probably have some psychic abilities." replied Kusuo.

"How are you so certain?" asked Izuku.

"I have some friends that have psychic abilities, although they are not on the level of a pro hero, they can still fight off some villains. Trust me, it's hair color everytime.

Same goes with fire, water, ice quirks. Fire types have red hair, water and ice types have either white or blue hair.

So, if you ever face a villain in the future, the first thing you should do, is to observe his hair, then his face and body. But I am pretty sure you already know that." replied Kusuo.

"Yeah, I've been observing heroes and villains since I was a kid. I even have notebooks about them." replied Izuku.

"Oh, can I see those notebooks?" asked Kusuo.

Izuku thought for a while, before he responded with, "I am sorry, I don't have one on me right now. Maybe later."

Can't really show him the one I have on me, since it contains information about my quirks.

"Haha. Sure! I will be waiting for your results Midoriya! Now, let's go."

"Where are we going?" asked Izuku.

"To your classroom of course, we need to relay the news to the kids and we need to introduce our new transfer student." replied Kusuo.


In a rowdy classroom, a group of girls were looking at Katsuro.

"Hey. Do you think we should approach her?"

"I am not sure, she is a friend of that quirkless guy. I think that we should keep our distance."

"Yeah, I agree."

The three of them were talking loudly enough for Katsuro to hear.

Good. Don't even try to come here bitches. I don't need more friends.

Door to the classroom opened and the trio of a teacher and two students walked in.

"Now Now kids, be quiet for a minute. Starting today, I will be your homeroom teacher. The teacher you had till now was only a substitution. My name is Sawo Kusuo. Nice to meet ya." he said and wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Other than that, I want to appoint Izuku Midoriya and Itsuka Kendo as a president and a vice-president respectively."

Most of the kids were confused and some didn't like it and wanted to object, but Kusuo stopped them.

"I appointed Izuku as a president due to how capable he is from his records. Even though he doesn't have a quirk, his intelligence rivals that of the principal of the U.A. Hero academy. So you better behave and listen to him, unless you want to have problems haha" he laughed it off and continued.

"This here is Itsuka Kendo, the transfer student from class 1.B. She will be helping Midoriya with his work."

Itsuka stepped forward and bowed.

"Nice to meet you all. I hope that we will get along"

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There were some cheers from guys and some kind comments from girls.

Everyone already likes her.