
My Hero Academia: Ghost Gamer Quirk

At the age of 4 a certain doctor told him to give up his dreams of being a hero. He told him, that it's likely that his quirk won't ever manifest. But Izuku knew that he had a quirk, but no one wanted to believe him. A new, never before seen quirk, had appeared in the boy. "Hah, I bet that he only pretends he has a quirk" "Show us your quirk, oh wait. You can't haha." "He is just being delusional"

WhiteMooN · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Melon Tits [Small Chapter]

After returning back to class, math was about to start.

Katsuro had an imposing appearance as she went by other students and sat on her seat.

Some of them felt fear, some were annoyed with her attitude, but no one dared to approach her, no one but Izuku and Itsuka.

Izuku got stares from other students as well, but most of them were mocking stares, that he got used to.

Classes in this school were just as easy as in Junior school.

Although math was a big problem for some of the students, for Katsuro, Itsuka and Izuku, it was relatively easy.

Months passed one by one and the friendship of the trio only strengthened, at least that's what Izuku wanted.

"Remind me again. Why the fuck are you still around us?" agitated Katsuro couldn't help but ask.

"Now no~w, don't be like that Kaccha~n. I am just trying to get along." smiled Itsuka

"Why the fuck are you calling me like that, you ginger bread?!"

"Oh that nickname is old, make a new one, also, what should I call you then? I feel like Kacchan is cu~te. Even Izu calls you like that."

Since the beginning of our "Friendship" Itsuka was relatively normal, but.. Kacchan was always annoyed with her presence, and after a week, Itsuka changed her way of talking to her.

At first she kindly talked to her every time she could, but lately she was just teasing her all the time.

"Don't call me anything! Just leave the damn place!" shouted Katsuro.

"There goes your hostile behavior. I just can't seem to get enough! Don't be like that, tell me what should I call you then? Small temper? Short fuse? Small breasts? I feel like those are pretty good names if you aim to be a pro hero!"

The entire class laughed on her statement. They have been like this for quite a while, and they enjoyed watching their "play".

Katsuro widened her eyes and clenched her fist to the point that her hand was almost bleeding.

"You bitch! I will smash your head in once we get to the hero academy! I swear to god!"

Itsuka's words really hurt her. Especially the small breasts nickname. She was already 13, but there were still no signs of growth.

On the other hand, her archenemy Itsuka, already had breasts as big as her mother.

'Is it possible that someone switched us in the hospital when we were little?

There is just no way that they are this big already! It's impossible!

She is only 13. How big will they get?! Is she stuffing them with pads?!'

"I've had enough Melon tits. Go bother someone else."

Katsuro left her seat and exited the classroom.

Meanwhile Itsuka struck a victory pose.

"Yaaay I did it! She gave up, and I've even got a new nickname!" laughed Itsuka.

Izuku just shook his head and replied, "Why are you teasing Kacchan so much? I feel like she was really hurt by your words just now."

Itsuka just looked at him and smiled, "You know, at first, I just wanted to get to know her better. But after a while, I've realized, that your best friend is a violent antisocial prick that hates everyone in this world but you. Heck, a month ago when our parents came to the parents conference, I saw her shouting at her mother. To my surprise, her mother shouted back.

Her dad just stood there without moving at all. I couldn't help but laugh! Now we know where her violence comes from!" said Itsuka.

It's most likely because of her quirk. Thought Izuku.