
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 24 - Back home and Unexpected Visitor.

As you know, Maki Zenin is added and wants you to know that she will replace sugar boy. As much I like his cooking.

Anyway, I've already made plans for Kaina, but still don't have any for the others.


Another month had passed Izuku and the others were now more experienced when it comes to fighting and hero work.

"Hahaha, I can't be more proud seeing all of you grow this far! Today is our last stay in I-Island and this will be your final test! I'll be your opponent so make sure to not hold back!"

AllMight declared as his student excluding Camie, Mizuna Himiko, Jiro and Melissa with the earphone jacks being useless without a support item while the rest decided to not join. Tohru simply watches since she isn't there to become stronger or be a hero but only supports Izuku.

In that time frame, Melissa had grown closer to everyone, especially Izuku, who always flustered every time Camie's question ran through her mind. They accepted her to the unofficial harem squad of Izuku who were ignorant even when they were clearly talking about him.

He is dense through and through but it won't be long as the entrance exam is days away. Of course, they hadn't forgotten to study even if they were not in school.

Heck, when your friend is the smartest person teaching you along with staying at the place where genius gathered then it quickly passed in school.

"How well do you think they'll be against Uncle might?"

"Sure, win." Izuku started to generate One For All: 80% into his body, enhancing it to become equal to the current 90% AllMight.

He took a stance, making sure to control his breathing to avoid harming his body. He didn't want to use the dragon slayer magic to help train the quirk. His power was already ridiculous at this percentage, and adding more would destroy the whole I-Island. This caused his body to be shrouded in greenish electricity with his eyes flickering in the same hue.

Meanwhile, Itsuka took a stance, preparing to attack along with Momo, who used her quirk to cover her body in thick Vibranium. Katsumi pointed her index fingers while grinning.

"Come at me, newbie!"

As they charged, the air crackled with tension. AllMight met their assault head-on, his own presence overwhelming and powerful.

Izuku and AllMight collided with a thunderous crash, their fists meeting in a shockwave that rattled the surrounding area.

His punches came in quick succession, each one faster and stronger than the last, pushing AllMight back despite his immense strength.

Itsuka moved in with precision, her hands enlarging to deliver devastating blows. She landed a few solid hits before AllMight countered with a powerful punch, sending her skidding across the ground. She rolled to her feet, determined, and rejoined the fray.

Momo, meanwhile, had prepared a concoction of chemicals designed to numb an opponent's senses. She hurled a canister at AllMight, which exploded on impact, releasing a cloud of the numbing agent.

AllMight staggered slightly, his movements becoming sluggish as the chemical took effect. He shook his head, trying to clear his senses, but Momo pressed the advantage. She created a shield and charged forward, using her Vibranium-coated body to deflect AllMight's attacks while landing powerful blows of her own.

Katsumi moved with deadly precision, her finger guns firing explosive blasts that forced AllMight to stay on the defensive.

She weaved in and out of the fight, her explosions small but accurate, targeting AllMight's vital points. A particularly well-placed blast caught him off guard, causing him to stumble.

Izuku saw his opening. Channeling the full power of One For All, he launched a relentless barrage of punches. Each strike landed with the force of a freight train, driving AllMight back further. Despite his efforts, AllMight couldn't keep up with the combined assault.

AllMight rallied, summoning his remaining strength for a final stand. He roared and charged, his fist aimed at Izuku.

But before he could land the blow, Momo's numbing agent fully kicked in, causing his movements to slow to a crawl. Itsuka and Momo seized the opportunity, coordinating their attacks to keep AllMight off balance.

Katsumi unleashed a devastating finger gun explosion, and Izuku followed up with a powerful punch to AllMight's midsection. The Symbol of Peace fell to one knee, unable to continue the fight. He raised a hand in surrender, a proud smile on his face despite his defeat.

'Young Momo's quirk would have been limited if not for young Midoriya's creativity, while Itsuka's full use of her strikes overcame the simplicity of her quirk.'

AllMight thought, looking at his students' exhausted bodies. Izuku and Katsumi were the only ones barely sweating, quite ironic given that Katsumi needed to sweat for her explosions.

Izuku and Katsumi stood side by side, their breathing steady and their eyes focused. Despite the intensity of the battle, they showed little sign of fatigue.

Katsumi's usual confident smirk was in place, her hands still crackling with the remnants of her explosive power. Izuku, on the other hand, radiated a calm determination, the green electricity of One For All still flickering around him. AllMight straightened up, his proud smile never wavering.

"You've all done exceptionally well," he said, his voice resonating with warmth and pride.

"The teamwork and strategy you displayed today were remarkable." Momo, still recovering from the exertion of using her quirk to its fullest, gave a tired but triumphant smile.

"We couldn't have done it without Midoriya's quick thinking," she said, glancing at Izuku. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, a modest smile on his face.

"It was a team effort," he said.

"Everyone played a crucial role." Itsuka nodded in agreement, her hands returning to their normal size.

"Yeah, we all pushed our limits and supported each other. That's what made the difference." Katsumi, still grinning, added,

"And don't forget my pinpoint explosions. Those were pretty awesome." AllMight chuckled, shaking his head.

"Indeed, young Katsumi. Each of you brought something to the fight. And that's what makes you such a formidable team."

The students gathered around AllMight, their exhaustion forgotten in the glow of their victory. The battle had tested their limits, but it had also shown them the strength they possessed when they worked together. As they looked up at their mentor, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey. With each challenge, they would only grow stronger, ready to face whatever came next.

"Hahaha I told you I'll be the best and surpass you!!"

"Bleh! I doubt you will defeat AllMight without our help."

Katsumi grunted neither denying nor agreeing with his words. She was too prideful to admit it but acknowledge their help.

"Rest up," AllMight advised, his tone gentle but firm.

"You'll need your energy for the next entrance exam. We'll be heading back a week before the entrance to let you have time with your family. I won't interfere with your scores but I'll be watching, so go beyond plus ultra!"


The next day, Izuku and his friends head home with Melissa accompanying them. She will be staying with Allmight and was recommended therefore she will not take the exam. Furthermore, she skipped straight to 3rd year in the hero course and will be studying in the support hero department.

Why did she skip? Ask the rat god.

In the present, two days before the exam. Izuku went to the market with Tohru while Mizuna went shopping with Itsuka. Inko is sitting in the living room of their relatively expensive home, all thanks to his modeling and business. She has the day off from work and has the place all to herself for a while.

"Uh, it's been eleven years since the Quirk test and Izuku was declared Quirkless." Inko recalled the time how Izuku took being Quirkless hard and she made it worse by saying "I'm sorry" and "I wish things could've been different" which hurt him more than she tried to comfort him.

Inko felt bad for saying those words. Instead of trying to encourage him, he tries to pursue and eventually as if God has finally answered his prayer that he met Igneel and worked hard to become the hero that he wanted to be.

Though, there were some downsides in this power but thankfully everything was fixed. All thanks to Tohru who was a dragon and at first she was surprised but got along well and she helped in their home and worked in her restaurant as a waitress.

She was worried when she saw Izuku turning into a humanoid dragon. But she's happy that Izuku will get to live up to his dream and she'll have to do her best to support him.

Not only that, he became the successor of Allmight, his idol. It was a huge responsibility but seeing her son's unwavering gaze gave her the resolve to have faith in her son. She blush when remembering that she's dating Allmight now.

Then she heard knocking on the door.

"Oh, Izuku and Tohru shouldn't be back this early, maybe it's my deliverer I ordered online." Inko guessed as she made her way to the door.

"Hello, can I help… you?" Inko is confused as she sees a little girl standing in front of her.

The girl Kanna has white-lavender hair and blue eyes with a very cute and appealing appearance like something out of a movie or anime. Her clothes seem to look like a gothic lolita with a tribal theme style. She wears a white capelet with a fur collar, a pink blouse, a white frilly skirt, and pink doll shoes. She ties her hair into pigtails, each adorned with three dark blue beads.

Inko also notices the little girl's horns on her head and the little purple fuzzy ball tail. At first, she thought that's part of her Quirk, but something tells her that she's actually like Tohru seeing her horns and tail.

It was then Inko quickly knew this girl is a dragon and must've come to see Tohru.

Three minutes have passed since Inko let the dragon girl in and everything is silent since the dragon girl didn't say a single word while Inko wanted to start a conversation but feared that she might upset the dragon kid if she didn't choose her words carefully.

"So, huh, what's your name, sweetie?" Inko asked curiously.

The dragon girl didn't say anything because she kept silent for a while.

"Mom, I'm home!" Izuku called out as he just came back from the market.

"In the living room, and we have a guest!" Inko responded.

Izuku comes in wondering who could this visitor be and saw a little girl sitting across the little table from his mom, it was then by just looking at her his inner dragon was telling him this girl is a pure dragon like Tohru and gasps.

"A-Apparently, she knows Tohru and came to visit her." Inko explained nervous and felt a scare when she saw the dragon girl staring at Izuku with a death-glare even in a cute way, it's still a bit scary.

"H-Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you." Izuku greeted holding his hand trying to be friendly to her.

"You, break up with Lady Tohru." The dragon girl demanded.

"…Huh?" Both Midoriya mother and son were confused.

"I know the truth: you seduce her with your… your body." The dragon girl accused.

"WHAT?!" They gasped that a little kid like her would think such a thing, even though dragons have longer lifespan than humans she's still a kid.

"Not to mention, you force her to serve you and force yourself on more. You creep, pervert, lowly monkey!" The dragon girl insulted wrongly.

"Now hold on, I know my son very well and he would do such a thing." Inko defends her son as he nods.

"Y-Yeah, n-nothing really happened"

"Break up with her, right now!" The little dragon girl demanded as she didn't want to hear any more and threw some light punches at Izuku. Even though they don't actually hurt, he had to defend himself from her anger.

"Hey Inko, I'm home! Is Izuku back yet?" Tohru asked and saw Izuku being hugged by someone.

"Lady Tohru." The dragon girl said in a calm voice as Tohru was surprised to see her. Soon, everyone sits down with Tohru sitting next to the little dragon girl.

"This girl is Kanna Kamui, she's an acquaintance of mine." Tohru introduced Kanna.

"Figured." Izuku sighed.

"Lady Tohru completely disappeared one day, so I came out here to find her." Kanna explained.

"Completely disappeared? Tohru, don't you dragons have a way to keep in touch with each other? You'll end up worrying about them like this girl here." Inko lectured.

"I know." Tohru sighed.

"I'm amazed you found this place." Tohru said to Kanna.

"I saw you breathe fire in the night a few days ago, and I sense your magic." Kanna explained.

"Oh, right." Tohru chuckled.

"Guess she must've been in the city that time." Izuku said.

"Lady Tohru, why are you wearing that outfit? Please come home with me, I need you, Lady Tohru." Kanna begged.

'I see, she just wanted her friend back, I know I would feel the same way if I were in her shoes.' Izuku thought.

"I'm not going home." Tohru said.

"But why?" Kanna asked.

"Because… Because I don't want to." Tohru said.

"You must have done something!" Kanna snapped.

"What?" Izuku gasped.

"I saw how you two were hanging out at the beach two days ago, practicing combat and holding each other's hands in public, you pervert!" Kanna accused.

"W-Wait, you were spying on us!" Izuku was shocked. to explain while Tohru blush.

"Why are you blushing?" Izuku asked.

"You should know, if I must I will kill you!" Kanna said with a dark aura around her.

"Now wait, can't we talk about this?" Izuku begged but the dragon girl wouldn't listen.

"NOW DIE!" Kanna charged at Izuku, and hit him with a few very weak punches, stopping for a breather and back to hitting him the same way then exhausted again.

"Kanna, what happened to you? You're practically powerless." Tohru asked.

"Your power's special here, Lady Tohru." Kanna panted.

"The mana purity is too low for me!"

'So, not all dragons can sustain mana like Tohru.' Izuku thought and realized something.

[ "She's quite strong, her magic is just depleted." ] Igneel commented.

'Aaww she's really cute!' Nana said.

'Yeah, if she grew up maybe she be lik—Gaah!' Diagoro was about to comment something inappropriate when he was smacked by Nana.

'He never learns…' They all thought.

'Reay? How strong is she?' Izuku asked his father figure.

[ "She will against All Might quite easily." ] Igneel said and Izuku shuddered at the thought. Are all dragons that strong!?

"Kanna, does that mean you can't go home?" Izuku asked, causing Kanna to gasp. He did study magic on dimensional travel but it is not the same level as Tohru who had been learning it for a long time.

"Oh dear, and you don't have anywhere to go, do you?" Inko asked, making Kanna gasp again.

"Kanna, sweetie, please tell us why you're actually here. I can tell that something is bothering you." Inko comforted her with a gentle touch on the cheek.

"Okay." Kanna decided to tell them the truth.