
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 35

Chapter 34

Izuku, Iida, Ochako, Momo, Bakugo, Camie, Jiro, and surprisingly Shouko, all sat together at a lunch table.

Momo wanted to sit next to Izuku since they would be working together as president and vice president. Jiro was apparently friends with Momo and wanted to sit with her.

Shouko was invited by Izuku, who knew that he won't take no for an answer and decided to just comply with him. And the offer of cold soba made by his mother definitely wasn't the reason.

Hmph, damn him for blackmailing me. Shouko was grumbling while eating a cold soba made by Lunch Rush.

"Man, I can't believe I'm the class rep," Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I mean I'm glad the class chose me, but I can't help but feel a little nervous."

"Don't worry, you'll be great!" Ochako said as she ate her rice. "It's why I voted for you!"

"She's right Izuku," Iida said as he ate his food. "You've got the guts and judgment in spades. Your mind his honed, you got a good heart, and I know you can carry us through. It's the reason I voted for you."

He immediately became a bit depressed, "I still can't get over the fact that no one voted for me though."

"You didn't vote for yourself? But earlier you look like you really wanted that position." Said Jiro.

Iida adjusted his glasses, "Wanting a position and being suitable for it are two different things. I merely made a logical choice."

"You're so proper Iida!" Ochako said looking at the glasses teen, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you from an upper-class Family?"

"Yeah, also back there in Midoriya's restaurant, you look like someone who has been in some place like that for a lot of times already." Said Jiro.

"So we have another rich kid," said Bakugo, "Big deal."

"Quiet you." Camie nudged him.

"Rich kid?!" Iida asked a little shocked before looking away. "I don't like it when it's brought attention to, but if I must talk about such things... then yes. I'm from a family that's been in heroics for generations. I'm currently the second son."

"Oh, you're brother is Ingenium right?" Asked Izuku.

Iida was a little surprised but nodded, "Yes, how did you know?"

"He's a hero nerd." Said Momo, "He probably guessed it from your family name and costume, from what I remember you all wear almost the same costumes."

Izuku scratched his cheek with a rather embarrassed smile.

Iida smiled, "...You are correct. Ingenium is indeed my brother. He is known for following the rules and guides the people! I aspire to be a hero just like him!"

Everyone at the table smiled at his declaration, before Momo suddenly brought up a topic, "You know, I'm kinda curious as what kind of hero you all want to be?"

Camie raised a finger, "Iida wants to be like his brother, how about..." She pointed at Ochako, "...you sis? What kind of hero do you want to be?"

Ochako blinked. Before smiling brightly, "I want to be a Hero that specializes in rescue operation, like Thirteen! In fact, she's been idol since I was young!"

"With your quirk, you'll easily be able to move large objects to get to people," Momo said, getting a smile out of Ochako. "If you wouldn't mind me asking, what kind of hero do you want to be Todoroki?"

Shouko paused, slurping the soba hanging on her mouth before narrowing her eyes, "...Someone who surpasses All Might."

Katsuki, Momo, and Izuku exchanged glances. They knew that there's more to it than that, but they don't want to pry. It seems like a sensitive topic to the girl.

"I don't think so," said Bakugo with a grin, "Cuz I'll be the one to surpass All Might."

Before Shouko could say anything, a sudden alarm bell rung throughout the entire cafeteria, immediately getting the attention of all the students.

"Security level 3 has been breached. Students, please promptly evacuate."

"What's security level 3!?" Iida yelled out, hoping for an answer.

Izuku racked his brain as he tried to remember the UA manual he skimmed over. "I... I think security level 3 means someone broke into the school!" 

His classmates stared at him in shock.


Melissa was humming softly while eating a cheeseburger. She was sitting on her workshop, wearing a black tanktop and a short-shorts, typing something on her computer.

She was actually doing the finishing touch on her little project. Like Momo said, there's benefits on having a hero nerd and otaku for a friend.

It was then...

"Security level 3 has been breached. Students, please promptly evacuate."

Her eyes widened in shock, quickly remembering that the this security level means someone broke into the school.

Her hands blurred as her cheeseburger remained on her mouth, intending to put the school into lock down. She was given the access to U.A's security system and she was the one who upgraded the school's security. Principal Nezu trusted her that match.

"Shit!" she cursed, quickly noticing that she couldn't put the school on lockdown. "Did someone hack into our security system?"

With her left hand still typing, she took her phone that was placed on her side and called Nezu. It took only a few seconds before he responded.


"Someone hacked into our security system! I'm doing everything I can to block them, but they're good! The U.A Barrier was forced open!"

"....I'll call the staff and investigate, can you trace them?"

"I can't. I could barley even block them, whoever is doing this is skilled. If you can take over, I'll probably be able to..."

"Good. Then do that, don't worry I'll take care of this."

"Yes sir." Melissa immediately went ahead to trace back the hacker. She has to admit that their skill is definitely a little better than hers.

Fortunately, Principal Nezu managed to blocked the hacker and helped Melissa trace them just in time before they completely erased their tracks.

"Found them!" Melissa grinned.


In a certain library, a young man with messy light blue hair suddenly sighed before smiling, he has a laptop on his lap and was sitting at the floor on the corner of the library.

"Ah, I've been found. As expected of Nezu and daughter of David Shield. Well, I already got what I need, so there's no point in staying here."

He then stood up and put his laptop on the table next to him, "Still, who would've thought that you'll be attending U.A as well, old friend."

He muttered, thinking about the past where he met a boy who has changed him for the 'better', it was because of that boy that he finally got rid of his childishness and 'matured', even his 'Sensei' was satisfied with his progress.

If it was before, then he would've just turned the U.A gates into dust and broke in, which is rather dangerous and he has a higher chance of getting caught and fail.

But now, since he was skilled in computers anyway, he decided to just hack into U.A and take what he wanted, everything's pretty much digital nowadays.

"We'll meet soon." Said the young man as he watched the home screen of his laptop. It was a photo from five years ago, where he met his first friend.

On it, there was a boy with a messy green hair with freckles, smiling widely, beside him, is a teen with the same messy hair but light blue in color, he was looking at the camera with a small smile.

After looking at it for a moment, the young man closed his laptop and tapped the earpiece on his ear, "Kurogiri, bring me out of here. The police and heroes will be here any second now."

"At once, young master."

A purple mist suddenly appeared out of nowhere and enveloped the young man before it disappeared along with the young man.


Nezu was on the meeting room with U.A staff along with Melissa who was seated next to him, holding a laptop.

"The police and heroes investigated the library where we traced our hacker, but they found no one. All of them were innocent." Said Nezu. "However, some of them did mention about a blue haired young man sitting on the corner, but the police found no one that matched their description. So we probably have a suspect."

"Have we found out what they are after? I mean, no one is that dumb to hack into our system just for shits and giggles." Said Vlad King, the homeroom teacher of class 1-B.

"We don't know." Nezu shook his head, "We were so caught up in the one who hack into our security system that we overlook other things. By the time we realize it, all their traces were already gone."

"So someone outsmarted the two smartest people in U.A?" Midnight mused. But this was definitely a serious issue.

"Did someone invade the shcool? Aside from the press?" Asked All Might.

Aizawa and Present Mic shook their heads, "We were busy dealing with the press that we haven't had the time to search."

Aizawa grunted, "Those annoying vultures..."

Nezu continued, "We'll double the security just in case. Melissa and I will be overhauling our system, I don't want this to happen a second time."

Nezu went silent, his expression was grim, 'You've made a mistake, I can forgive many things, but I do not tolerate an attack on my school.'