
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Afrer five minutes, the fights resumed. The first ones who were called are Kyoka Jiro, and Toru Hagakure.

It was a pretty bad match up, Toru's invisibility didn't really help her since Kyoka can hear where she is.

Kyoka won, but Toru did put up a fight, if her opponent was someone else she might have a higher chance of winning.

The next match is Mashiro Ojiro, versus Rikido Sato, the teen with thick lips and a Quirk that strengthens him whenever he ate sugar.

Ojiro pretty much dominated the fight. Sato has the advantage in strength and speed, but he was like a child wildly swinging his fist due to the side effects of his quirk.

The more he used his Quirk, the dumber he gets. Ojiro just maintained his distance and exhaust Sato before delivering the finishing blow.

Izuku was a bit impressed, from what he observed Ojiro practiced Judo, and he has to admit that when it comes to that particular martial art, Ojiro is much better than him.

The next match is Mina Ashido versus Yuga Aoyama. Which Mina won. Yuga has a rather weak physique from what Izuku observed, and when Mina dodged his attacks and fight him close range, Yuga couldn't fight back and was defeated.

For some reason though, the name 'Ashido' seems familiar to Izuku, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

The next match is Camie Utsushimi versus Ochako Uraraka. Kirishima already returned from the infirmary and rejoined his classmates on watching the fight.

Izuku was rather interested in the match, the two girls didn't use their Quirks for the first few minutes and only fought using Martial Arts.

With Ochako using Aikido, and Camie using Boxing and Grappling, with her moves rather similar to Bakugo.

When Izuku asked about it, Bakugo answered that he learnt Boxing and Grappling from Camie's family dojo, in fact it was there where he met her and where their relationship began.

After a few minutes though, the two started using their Quirks and Camie won.

Camie's Quirk, Glamour, allows her to create audiovisual illusions, and using it she forced Ochako to step out of the ring by changing her perception.

Ochako thought that she was still inside the ring, but she actually step out of it. But before that she managed to make Camie float and pushed her out of the ring...however, with her perception being different due to Camie's illusions, Ochako dropped her inside.

The fight was rather close one, that if Ochako lasted a little longer, Camie's Quirk would've lost its effect, and Ochako could've won.

The next match is Momo Yaoyorozu versus, Fumikage Tokoyami. The fight was rather short, with Momo easily winning the match after finding out Fumikage's weakness.

She created flash bangs and fires to weaken his Quirk, and proceed to beat him using her fists and kicks. Fumikage mostly relied on his Quirk and his physical strength isn't the best, taking that away then Fumikage is rather easy to beat.

And for the last fight, Bakugo requested to fight Mezo Shoji and Hanta Sero at the same time.

And since the match up was already messed up with Izuku having to fight twice, All Might agreed along with Shoji and Sero. The author probably haven't thought of this when he made Izuku fight twice.

The fight was rather interesting, with Sero being knocked out first and Shoji and Bakugo engaging in close quarter combat. With Bakugo not using his Quirk.

Bad choice. Bakugo couldn't match Shoji's skills and strength and was knocked down twice before he learned his lesson and finally decided to use his Quirk.

Shoji put up a fight, managing to keep up with Bakugo for a few minutes before he was knocked out of the ring and was too exhausted to fight.

"Alright, those who are injured can go to Recovery Girl," said All Might as he typed something on his laptop brought to him by a robot, "I will send you the recordings of your fights so you can study it and see where you need to improve."

He faced his students with a smile, "Now change back to your uniforms and return to your classroom, you still have one last subject before the school ends!"

The students nodded and walked out of the gym, with All Might asking the bots to clean up the place before leaving.

The students then went to the locker room to change. Except for Izuku who went straight to the Support Course to return his costume, he doesn't really need to change since Nanotechnology is a thing.

"Man, this class sure is my favorite!" Said Kirishima with a grin as he began to take off his

"I'm with you there...I can't believe I lost so easily though, I haven't even put a scratch on Shiozaki." Said Kaminari.

"Same here," said Sato, "I couldn't even touch Ojiro and he beat me easily."

Ojiro smiled, "If you haven't suffered from the side effect of your Quirk, you would've beaten me. One hit from you would've sent me out of the ring."

"I still lost though."

Tokoyami was now wearing his school uniform, still in deep thought, 'Such power. Truly someone with the blood of the gods, bending the power of creation on her whim, what a terrifying opponent. To think there is still someone from that accursed bloodline, my power of darkness was extinguished and left me with no way to defend....I need to get stronger...'

"Holy...bro you're ripped!" Kaminari exclaimed, looking at Bakugo who took off his costume, "What'd you do to get that body?!"

"Training." Said Bakugo as he looked at his own body. 'Experiencing that training with All Might really helps.'

"Damn, I'm so jealous." Said Kaminari.

Iida was surprisingly quiet, he was still contemplating about the fights earlier, 'Even though I trained with my brother...I'm probably only around the middle in class when it comes to combat...I thought that I should be on the top with the Four Stars only better than me...But I was wrong, there are a lot of my classmates who are better than me...This is not enough, I need to be better...'

"By the way, where's Midoriya?" Asked Kirishima.

"On the support course," answered Bakugo.

"Oh right, I remember that there is also a hot blonde in your group right? People said that she's going to be one of the best Support Engineer who'd one day surpass her father and leave her name on history." Said Kaminari.

"She can fight too," said Bakugo, "She is physically stronger than you pikachu, and could kick your ass if she wanted too."

"No way!" Kaminari exclaimed, "She's just a Support Engineer right? She doesn't have a Quirk too."

Boom! Katsuki's palm released a small explosion as he glared at Kaminari, "What are you trying to say?"

Kaminari gulped before hurriedly, "I-i don't mean anything bad about it! I swear! I just wanted to say that even though I look like this, I also have some training you know! As an inventor, doesn't she spend most of her time on her workshop?"

Katsuki snorted, "Even I'll have some trouble fighting her if you let her fight with her inventions. That woman love explosions more than me. I remember that one time where she tested her miniature railgun on All Might, he was blasted away and couldn't even stand up for awhile."



"Holy shit!" Kaminari cursed in shock, "Are you for real!?"

"She sounds so manly!" Exclaimed Kirishima.

"She's a girl."

On the girl's side...

"You two are really amazing!" Mina exclaimed, looking at Camie and Ochako, "You were all like "Ha!", "whicha!", "hiyaa!", so cool!"

"Hehe, it was nothing," Ochako blushed and scratched the back of her head.

"Yep, that fight was lit," said Camie with a smile, "It's been awhile since I fought a female who could match me in Martial Arts."

"And let's not forget Yaomomo!" Said Toru, "Tokoyami couldn't even fight back! She dominated the fight!"

"Yaomomo?" Momo looked at her with a confused look.

Mina smiled, "No offense, but Yaoyorozu is just hard to pronounce, so we decided to just combine your first and last name. Yaomomo. Like it?"

Momo covered her mouth with her hands as she stared at Mina and Toru with sparkling eyes, "I love it! Please call me Yaomomo from now on!"

The girls stared at her with a rather satisfied smile, 'What's this creature? She's so pure, and cute.'

Shouko wasn't listening to them though, she was busy replaying her fight against Izuku in her mind.

She clenched her fist, 'Not enough...I'm still not strong enough...'

"Um, Todoroki-chan?"

Shouko snapped out of her thoughts and raised her head, looking at the girls in confusion when she saw them looking at her.

"A-Are you okay?" Asked Toru.

Shouko frowned, "Of course I am. Why?"

Momo pointed at her locker, "You froze your locker."

Shouko looked at her locker, which was frozen in ice, and couldn't help but sigh as she began to melt it. It's a slow process though.

"Want me to help?" Mina offered.

Shouko stared at her for a few moments before nodding. With a smile, Mina walked next to her and began to use her Quirk to melt the ice.

"Are you still upset about your fight with Midoriya-chan, kero?" Asked Tsuyu, now wearing her school uniform.

"No." She lied. She was still pretty upset about it. "I'll just win next time."

Momo paused hearing Shouko's words as she stared at her, 'Win next time huh?'

She look at her locker in a daze, 'I don't know about that.'