
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 14

The immediate aftermath cleanup took all the way till morning. Wolfram was taken away in a quirk containment cell by the police.

Professor Shield was sent off to the emergency rooms for treatment immediately, with Melissa following along.

She gave Izuku and the others an appreciative but apologetic look as she hurried away.

They smiled(except Bakugo) at her and gave her a nod. Family came first, after all. Even Momo went to check up her mother. She wasn't too far away, she was hugging her mother and crying in relief.

Before leaving though, Melissa wrapped her arms around Izuku, giving him a tight hug, which Izuku returned.

"Thank you for saving my father," she whispered into his ears, before looking at Bakugo, "You too Katsuki."

The explosive blonde just grunted. Melissa just smiled and followed the doctors who brought her father.

The island police force was crawling all over the scene, talking to victims and the like.

All Might stood someplace in the distance, talking to a few people who appeared to be reporters. Izuku could hear their conversation from here with his rather enhanced hearing.

"…about the attack on I-Tower? What was the motive? Who was the villain?"

All Might responded, "A villain who called himself Wolfram. From what I could tell, he tried, and succeeded on stealing something from the Central Tower vault, a technology that allowed people to amplify the power of their quirks. The villain possessed a quirk that allowed him to manipulate metals."

The reporter gasped, "That's a powerful quirk, especially on I-Island, which is constructed mostly of metal."

All Might nodded, "Thankfully, both the technology and the villain was subdued before they could escape. I am afraid to even imagine the chaos that technology would bring if it falls in the wrong hands."

"Yes, definitely. As always, thank you for the good work, sir."

All Might shook his head with a smile, "Oh no, it wasn't just me. The villain proved to be too much for me to handle. I had help defeating the villain, and someone else shut down the security system, allowing us to call for bacl up and save the hostages."

"Eh?" The reporter looked nonplussed. "What do you mean, All Might? Are there other heroes with you?"

"Yes, the villains knew I was here on the I-Island, so they came up with a plan for restraining me. They also took the entire island hostage by taking over the Central Tower control room, to prevent me from acting. However, they didn't take into account the actions of other heroes."

All Might turned towards Izuku, Katsuki and Momo, "They weren't pros! But they acted more heroic than most heroes I know!"

The reporters followed All Might's sight and gasped when they saw how young they looked.

All Might appeared before Katsuki and Izuku and put an arm on their shoulders, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to introduce to you, Izuku Midoriya, and Katsuki Bakugo! My students! I have been training them for awhile now!"

He then pointed at Momo who was looking at them while hugging her mother, "And Momo Yaoyorozu! The three of them helped me on taking down the villain! Not only that..."

All Might paused and glaced at the tower before looking back at the reporters, "My Niece! Melissa Shield, was the one who shut down the security system and freed us! Allowing us to call other heroes for help!"

He spread his arms and grinned widely, "Truly! The Spirit of Heroism burns brightly on these young ones! I couldn't be more proud of them!"

There was silence.

And a beat later, the reporters bursts into chaos as they began asking questions.


A few days later...

"This suit is uncomfortable..." Izuku groaned while looking at himself in the mirror, wearing a formal attire, "I don't want to wear this."

"Shut it nerd," Bakugo sighed, "Just bear with it."

"Indeed, we need to look presentable for the press." Said Momo, wearing the dress similar to the one she wore for the party, "The conference is live, and is being shown all over the world. Probably hundreds of millions of people will be watching us."

"She's right guys!" Said Melissa, also wearing a dress similar to the one she wore for the party, "We don't want to embarrass ourselves!"

Bakugo glanced at Melissa, "You don't look nervous at all. This isn't your first time with the press?"

Melissa shook her head, "Nope! I also got interviewed when I won my awards, though not to this degree. Just keep calm and answer the questions, don't let them lead you around."

"Guys!" Momo called out as she showed them her phone, "Look, there's a video showing our fight with Wolfram! It already went viral with millions of views in just a few hours!"

"Wait, seriously!?" Bakugo took the phone, causing Momo to frown as she put a hand on her hips and tapped her foot repeatedly in annoyance.

"It's blurry!" Bakugo grunted in annoyance, "Though we still look recognizable at least....hm? Four Stars? Seriously?"

He looked at Momo, who shrugs.

"That's what the public decided to call us. You, Izuku, and I are said to have the highest chance on becoming the next Trinity, after All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks. And Melissa was called a Prodigy who's destined to surpass her father."

Melissa blushed at that and said bashfully, "I-I'm still far from reaching my father..."

"Just take the compliment Mel," said Izuku as he patted her shoulders. The blonde inventor glanced at him before smiling.

"I AM HERE!" All Might declared as he bursts through the room wearing his hero costume, "Alright! Are you children ready!? The conference will start in five minutes!"

Izuku turned towards his friends, "Well let's go guys! We can't let the world wait!"

The four teens walked out and followed All Might to the conference room where they saw David Shield giving a speech.

Upon noticing them, David pointed at them with his hands, "...Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the heroes of I-Island, All Might, and the Four Stars."

Bakugo cringed at their names, wondering if they somehow couldn't come up with a better name so they went with the one that the public called them.

Izuku was nearly blinded as dozens of cameras flashed, and deafened as reporters from across the nation and world stood and started yelling questions. 

They were led to a row of chairs as All Might took the mic from David as he flashed his trademark grin, as the room was suddenly engulfed in silence, "Good evening everyone, and Thank you all for coming here today,"

All Might turned towards the four teens, "I'd like to start this with a very sincere thank you to these young heroes, without you, who knew what could've happened. Maybe Wolfram would've escaped the island to do who knows what. And with the Quirk Amplifier, he has the power to contend to me. So thank you for your efforts on saving everyone on the island."

He spread his arms, "As you all know, Midoriya and Bakugo are my students whom I trained for months only. And I couldn't be more proud by what they achieved at such young age."

"I heard a saying, that heroes and ordinary people can be brave, but heroes are braver for much longer." He continued, motioning at the four teens, "And these four young heroes, have been far braver than anyone else."

All Might bowed his head as everyone else in the room cheered and whooped, giving a standing ovation for the man that became the world's Symbol of Peace.

"Thank you everyone," said All Might, "I really appreciate it. But tonight, the spotlight isn't on me! But to these young heroes sitting here on the stage! Now, I think you ladies and gentlemen have some questions to ask?"

The reporters broke into shouts again, as the four teens mentally cringed at the noise. With Bakugo wondering if it's really worth it to be the number one hero if he had to face these sort of thing again and again.

All Might was still smiling, causing the four heroes to wonder if this wasn't affecting him or is he already used to this?

The number one hero pointed at one reporter, a middle aged man, "You, yes you, fine gentleman! You can now ask your question."

He coughed and turned towards the four teens, "I just wanted to ask, why did you decided on climbing the tower and risk your lives?"

Bakugo, Momo and Melissa pointed at Izuku, while he pointed at Bakugo. Blinking his eyes, Izuku turned his gaze at Bakugo, then to Momo and Melissa before pointing at himself.

The three nodded.

"Oh come on!" Izuku groaned, but he still answered, "Well, we just can't leave the people inside the tower you know? We know it's dangerous, All Might himself ordered us to not get involved. But how could we not? After seeing those people, I just can't find it within myself to ignore them and save my skin. That answered that question, next?"

All Might smiled at Izuke before pointing at another reporter who smiled and stood up, "But have you thought about the consequences of your actions? You haven't even attended a hero school yet, if something went wrong, not only would you endanger your lives, but the lives of the people in the tower too! Not mention you even brought Melissa Shield with you, no offense but she's Quirkless."

Izuku looked at Melissa at corner of his eyes, she was struggling to even keep her smile and looks like she's about to burst into tears, her father, David, was seated next to her, and was holding her hand.

"With all due respect sir," Izuku stared at the reporter, "I believe that a True Hero isn't measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart. Melissa might be Quirkless, but I'll be damned if she wasn't the most helpful. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have easily reached the top of the tower, we would've been caught since we don't know the ins and outs of the tower like she does, and she was also the one who shut down the security system of the tower, freeing the pros who are captured, and made it possible to ask for help. I believe that is already more than enough to prove that she might lack a Quirk, she wasn't any less heroic than most heroes. Next."

Melissa, upon hearing his words, barely held herself back from crying in happiness. Those were the words she wanted to hear the most.

Even without a Quirk like everyone else, she can still become a hero. Not a Pro though, but a hero who keeps people safe through her inventions.

The reporters began screaming and shouting their question as Izuku sighed and looked at his friends.

'It's gonna be a long night.'