
My Hero Academia: A New Generation

This story takes place after the graduation of Deku and the rest of class 1A when a new classroom of heroes takes up the mantle. The world agrees to send young heroes to train and learn customs from all over the world to bring the the world closer together against villainy! you can go to https://www.instagram.com/amethyst_stone93/ For artwork of my new class 1A. Please leave feedback, I want to improve my writing!

Amethyst_Stone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Quirk Apprehension Test!

"Gather around everyone, I'm not going to tell you twice!" Shouted Mr. Aizawa. "The Quirk Apprehension Test consists of 8 tests to see what kind of potential you have as a Hero!

First we'll start with the distance ball throw, the ball has a device in it that tells me how far it is thrown and the results will show up on my pad, then in groups of 4 you'll compete in the 50 Meter Dash, then after you catch your breath you'll grab one of these grip strength devices" he says holding up a box of odd looking devices. "Next will be the standing long jump, I don't care if you can fly you still have to participate! Then will be the Repeated side steps, you'll start from that first white line," he says pointing to a group of 3 lines half way down the field, "then you'll run to the third line and back, your result will be how many times you can do that in under a minute. Next we have the V-Sit Reach, Sit Ups, and then a 1 Kilometer Run.

After that I'll have you ranked from most potential to the least, if you are in last place if I feel you have no potential I'll expel you from my class!" At that we were all shocked, after we went through the entrance exam to even get into this school we could be expelled on the first day!

After we get over the shock we know we have to give it our all, I refuse to get kicked out on the first day! We line up to take turns with the distance ball, each of us using our quirk to better our scores. The flower guy, Toge, actually used his flower to shoot the ball 153 meters, the girls that makes portals, Akemi, used her portals to make the ball go 350 meters. A lot of us had quirks that could help with the ball throw, unfortunately I wasn't one of them. I didn't have enhanced strength or anything like that, so I only got a measly 16 meters. The one with the best result was actually Martim, who got a distance of 670 meters. He stretched his arm very far back then like a rubber band his arm shot forward along with his natural strength, it was amazing!

Next was the 50 meter dash now I don't mean to brag but with my fox like quirk I am faster than average so I got 5.28 seconds, the boy with bat wings, Dawit, was the slowest because his wings gave him air drag, at 9.06 seconds. The fastest however was oddly enough the tattoo guy Ryo, we saw him stab his legs with his needle tipped tail and all of a sudden the Kanji for speed appeared on his legs, his time was 3.17 seconds, 'he'll probably win the kilometer run too' I thought. Then Akemi, the portal girl took her turn. A portal at the start and one at the finish, so she went 50 Meter in just a second, 'NOW I know who's gonna win the 1 Kilometer!'

Once we all caught our breath we did what Mr. Aizawa told us and grabbed a Grip Strength Device, everyone was using their quirk to their fullest the tattoo guy stabbed himself with his tail again the kanji for strength appeared on his arms, but when the bug girl, Ayaka, made another set of arms appear she beat his score, she later told us that she pretty much has the strength of a human sized ant which explained a lot. I was ranked #9, at least I'm in the top half of my class. Willow, the telekinetic, got last place.

When we went to the Standing Long Jump, Mr. Aizawa told us for the fliers he just wants to see us clear the sandbox. 10 of us were able to completely clear the sandbox I was one of them which surprised my classmates. Apparently some of them didn't know Kitsune could fly.

Next we walked toward the 3 lines for the "repeated Side step". The girl that creates portals, Akemi, was well I don't know if I would say the fastest. but because of her quirk she had the most sets completed her portals are pretty useful. My fox like agility got me 6th place. Ronbun got last place.

At the starting line of the 1 Kilometer, we saw a portal appear in front of Akemi and another at the finish line, we knew who was going to get 1st and 2nd place because of Ryo's tattoo quirk, so the rest of knew we were racing for 3rd place! Kikai used his quirk to make a type of rocket powered skates and easily took 3rd place. My foxy speed got me 6th place. Dawit's bat wings really made it hard for him to run quickly, so he sadly came in last place.

At the V-Sit Reach, Martim, the rubber guy, just stretched his arms as far as he could and got almost 230 cm. For us without stretchy limbs the top was Doku, the snake guy, because of how flexible snakes are. The least flexible was Shoji, the boy with the action figures. I finally got out of 6th place and got 5th place, not much of an improvement but still an improvement.

We were all tired at this point and so thankful that we just had one more challenge, Sit ups! Morrigan, the ginger Druid girl, got our best score apparently she has to do sit ups for her boxing workouts so she's pretty practiced at them. I was 9th place. Apparently I was a little more tired than I thought. Kikai was last, with all that heavy tech he just couldn't lift it so many times in under a minute.

We were finally finished with this test, Mr. Aizawa gathered us all together to give is our final results that were on a huge screen behind him. "I have taken your scores from each event and used the average of your scores to give you your placement in this class. "Good job to Ryo, you used your quirk well to come in first place. Now in last place Shoji, even though you were in the bottom half of your class in most events, I could see the potential of your quirk and have decided to keep you in this class but," suddenly Aizawa's hair rose and he eyes started to glow, "if you don't put in more of an effort I won't hesitate to expel you next time!" Mr. Aizawa's hair fell again and poor Shoji looked so scared but also very determined. "Now for the rest of you you'll see your scores on the board behind me," He then clicked a button on his pad and all of our results appeared on the large screen.

Morrigan jumped in the air, "Yes 2nd place, ay tattoo boy, your arse in mine next time!"

"I-I'll accept your challenge." Even though he got the top score he still seemed really nervous, I guess he's the time that his full potential comes out in training, but when it comes to people he doesn't have the same confidence.

"8th place," I whisper to myself. "Not bad but I know I can do better. I then walk over to Kage, the shadow boy 'he's so cute, I hope he's gay' I think to myself. "Hey what place did you get?"

"16th," he says quietly, pointing at the screen.

"That's not too bad, if you want I could help you train" I say to him with a wink.

Blushing he says, "I'd like that."

I look him right in the eyes, "then it's a date." I say watching his grey skin getting red. I walk away and leave him to his thoughts and start mingling with my other classmates. We talked about where we placed and what we could do to improve ourselves. Most of us gathered around Ryo and Morrigan trying to get training tips so we can move up the rankings. Morrigan was more than happy to help us but Ryo is apparently really shy and had to give himself a confidence tattoo in order to handle so many people at once.

"Ok everyone," shouted Mr. Aizawa, "your first day at UA is done, go to your dorms, unpack and get some rest. Someone later will come to your dorms with food for you so you can focus on getting settled in. I want you rested an alert when you come to class tomorrow. Class dismissed!"