
My Hero Academia: A New Generation

This story takes place after the graduation of Deku and the rest of class 1A when a new classroom of heroes takes up the mantle. The world agrees to send young heroes to train and learn customs from all over the world to bring the the world closer together against villainy! you can go to https://www.instagram.com/amethyst_stone93/ For artwork of my new class 1A. Please leave feedback, I want to improve my writing!

Amethyst_Stone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Dorm Challenge

After everyone left the training field we headed to the locker room to change out of our PE uniforms before heading to the dorms. 'All these boys are really fit in this class, I don't know how they would take it if they knew a classmate was gay. I hope they wouldn't treat me any differently', I thought to myself trying to keep my eyes from wondering, but I couldn't help looking at Kage, his pale grey skin, and toned body just called my eyes to him. Worried I'd be noticed I hurried getting dressed and went into the hallway where some of my classmates were waiting to head to the dorms in a group.

"Hey Kyū can i ask you a little bit about your quirk?" Asked Isamu playing with some of his string.

"Sure," I say, "what do you want know?"

"I was wondering, don't take this the wrong way, but I thought because you had a fox head that your quirk was just based on a fox, how is it that you can also fly?" As he asked this i could see some of my other classmates listening to my answer, i guess a flying fox doesn't make much sense.

"My quirk is Kitsune remember from the introductions, the Kitsune were mystical fox spirits in ancient Japanese folklore, they could fly, cast illusions, turn invisible and could even control fire," i say bringing a small blue flame in the center of my palm. I can do all that the ancient Kitsune could, and with every 5 years i gain a new tail and my power grows even stronger, I'll stop gaining tails once i have 9." As i get done explaining my quirk the rest of the class has exited the locker room and heard the last bits of my explanation.

"Your quirk sound pretty awesome Kyū!" exclaimed Isamu, the rest of the class nodding with him.

"Thank you, but I shouldn't be the only one to explain their quirk like this, why don't we take turns on our way to the dorms."

"I want to go first," Akemi said jumping up and down, making a portal she jumped to the front of the class and started explaining her quirk as we walked.

By the time we got to the dorms we got through most of everybody's quirk, and we chose Ryo, Morrigan, and Fotiá to go right after Akemi sense their quirk seemed to need the most explanation. Like how my quirk comes from ancient Japan, Fotiá's comes from Ancient Greece. I kinda want to see her legs transform into a snake, but she says she gets really mean and aggressive when she takes that form. With her legs transforming it makes sense why she always wears a dress.

We walk into the big dorm building and on the dining room table is an envelope. Inside is our room keys that have our name and room number along with our School ID picture on them, and a note from Principal Nezu, welcoming us to UA and that our suitcases should be in our rooms ready to be unpacked. We break off from everyone to find where our rooms are we quickly find out that the girls have the fourth floor and the boys have the second and third, the first floor is the common area. We each got our own separate rooms. I was on the third floor with Ryo, Doku, Kage, Dawit, and Toge. Funny that the snake, bat, and fox all end up on the same floor. Sadly Kage wasn't my neighbor but at least he was on this floor.

"Hey," says Toge, if there are only 6 of us on this floor why are there 7 rooms?"

Dawit goes to the 7th door. "Looks like its a storage room for extra cleaning supplies and the back up generator for the building."

"Well that answers my question," Toge laughs. "Let's go unpack!"

The six of us then head to our respective rooms to unpack our stuff. It takes a while but finally I'm done. I didn't bring very much just normal street clothes, my art supplies and a couple of keepsakes from home. I made sure to put a picture of my family on my bedside table. I then exit my room and head to Kage's door, i thought i might help him unpack and spend some time with him. I lightly knock on his door.

"Who is it?" He calls out.

"It's Kyū, i was wondering if you could use any help unpacking."

Kage slowly opens his door and peeks out. "I'm already unpacked but you can come in if you'd like." He then opens the door wider and lets me inside.

Inside his room was very bright, lights were in every corner and but all the colors in his room were dark, it was an interesting combination. "I thought your quirk was shadow manipulation, why is it so bright in here?"

He ducks his head and smiles, "You kinda answered your own question. My quirk manipulates the shadows, not the darkness. The brighter the light the denser the shadow the stronger my quirk is. So i try to stay out of darkness as much as possible. Also," he then looks back at his bare feet, "I'm a little afraid of the dark." He looks so vulnerable and scared of ridicule.

"May i ask why are you afraid of the dark?"

"With my quirk I'm able to sense the shadows around me, its like i can see 360 degrees in all directions, in the dark there are no shadows so i feel almost blind. Going from seeing everything to seeing nothing is terrifying."

I lift his chin to look in my eyes. "You don't need to be ashamed that does sound terrifying, I'd be scared too." I say putting as much emotion i can into those words. I want to kiss him but I don't know if he's gay like me or if he is I don't know if he is out. So I hold back the urge and take a step back. We talk for a little bit just further breaking the ice taking about or family and what we like to do for fun. Then we hear Morrigan give an announcement over the room intercoms.

"Ay boys, the girls an' I think we all should have a wee competition to see who 'as the coolest room. We are willing to offer that the winner doesn't do chores for the first week! If ye want to participate meet us in the common room!"

I look over at Kage, "Do you want to join the competition?"

"My room is kinda plain, i just have my collection of lamps and flashlights and to a lot if people I don't think that would be very exciting"

"I think its interesting, but i understand what you mean, my room is plain too but," i wave my hand around the room, "i can make small scale illusion," as i say this his room appears to transform into a room with several gaming systems, disco lights, and a huge stereo. "I kept the colors dark but the lights bright like you like them," i said to kage with a wink.

"Kyū we cant use our quirks to win it wouldn't be fair, lets just go down with everyone and have fun, even if we don't win"

"Fine you win," i say as i cancel the illusion and open his door. "Though you have to admit no chores would be pretty awesome."

We then head down to join the girls, all the boys are already down there and the cool room competition begins. The first room we go to is Kaze's his room only had a desk and a mat on the floor for sleeping, he lives like a monk apparently.

Then we went to Shoji's room toys of all shapes and sizes were everywhere, it looked like a child's paradise. He's definitely a contender for the coolest room!

Ren's room was stark white everywhere, it looked like all the color was just taken out of the room, and on closer inspection all of his furniture was made out of bones! "I made all of the furniture myself using my quirk." He says looking proud.

"So are these," Akemi gulps, "your bones?"

"Yes, i made them myself, had to drink a lot of milk to get this much calcium" at Ren saying that most of the girls looked disgusted, and most of the boys looked like they thought it was awesome. I thought it was pretty cool also but by the looks on the girls faces he definitely wasn't winning the contest.

Sekiyu was next, and he had to ward us that because of his quirk his room was a slipping hazard so we could only look from the doorway. His room was pretty simple yet every surface had an oily sheen to it. He walked around his room fine but anyone else would've fallen on their ass as soon as they stepped in the door!

Martim's room was pretty basic soccer posters on the walls and everything was yellow and green. The inside of his door was also made to look like the Brazilian flag, definitely sporting for his home country.

Before Isamu opened his room he warned us that we might think it was creepy. And he was right when he opened his room an entire wall of marionettes looking at us. We quickly shut his door all those eyes on us just made us uncomfortable. He looked kinda depressed that we couldn't get over the puppets but he understood how creepy it was.

The last person on the floor was Kikai his room was amazing. Machines were everywhere. His entire room was automated, even his closet!!! He even had a large workbench that was covered in wires, gears and pieces of metal. And everything sparkled like it was brand new. I don't know who I'm going to vote for so far, Shoji or Kikai.

Now done with the first floor of rooms we went to the next floor, mine and Kage's floor. Thankfully the first room on this floor was Dawit's, his room had darker lighting than all the others so far, and when we didn't see a bed he showed us a special bar that was put up for him so he could sleep hanging upside down. Laying down on a bed hurts his wings and hanging upside down doesn't hurt his head anyway, besides his quirk is bat.

Next was my room, i was tempted to use my illusions but one look at kage and i knew I couldn't. Nobody was impressed by my simple room but i did notice Kage look closer at the details than everyone else.

Toge was on the other side of me, and before we even reached his door the sweet smell of flowers was coming from under his door. When he opened the door his room looked like a greenhouse, there was flowers and plants everywhere. He even had his own spigot to water his plants more easily. He gave all the girls a beautiful flower that seemed to match each of the girls perfectly. I think he was trying to bribe their votes. His room was the most beautiful but Morrigan made the contest about the coolest, so at that Toge lost my vote.

Next was Kage's i already knew what it looked like so i stood beside him as reassurement. Everyone wondered why his room was so bright just like i did, and he told them the same thing but left out how he was afraid of the dark, he saved that for just me. I wish i could vote his room as the coolest but it wouldn't be honest.

Dokuhabi's room was beside Kage's, his room was very warm and humid. It also looked like a mix between the desert and the jungle. He also had a hammock instead of a bed and a chemistry desk with all sorts of chemicals, 'I wonder what they are and what they're used for.'

Last on this floor was Ryo's room. His room had graffiti all over the walls and pictures all over in an 'Ed Hardy' type style. On the back of his door was a pin up of a red haired girl surrounded by clovers and Celtic knot work. He and Morrigan both blushed redder than a tomato when we saw the pin up. Looks like I'm not the only one with a crush.

When it came time for us to go to the girls floor they tried to weasel out of it, but we felt it was only fair because they saw all of ours. So when we got the girls floor the first door on the floor belonged to Fotiá. Her room looked as though it was talked from a Greek painting, it even had a bowl of grapes and other fruit. She also redesigned the door frame to look like Greek coulombs.

Hari's room was beside hers. Her room was sparse and so tidy as if she was in the military! There wasn't really anything to look at.

In Willow's room it was really girly with stuffed animals all over her bed and and a poster of 'Best Jeanist' on her wall.

Then it was time for Morrigan room. It looked almost like Toge's room but she only had a medium sized tree, grass instead of carpeting and a few boulders here and there as furniture. The boulders themselves had Celtic knot work carved into them which she told us made them light enough to easily lift but still just a hard.

Ayaka's room was next in line, she also didn't have a bed in her room. What she had looked like a giant octagon shaped bean bag chair. And her walls were black and yellow with painted ladybugs. There were also several books on different insect species on her shelves.

Ronbun was after her. Her room was mostly bare except for her desk and book shelves. Her desk was covered with art supplies, pencils, charcoal, and kneaded erasers. Her desk was also stained in graphite, probably from the graphite like skin on her hands. The bookshelves however were filled to almost bursting with sketchbooks of different shapes and sizes. You couldn't tell which ones where new and which ones were old but they still looked like there was some type of organization to them. I just couldn't tell what is was.

Akemi was the last room to be looked at in this contest her entire room was colored in pastel blues and pinks. It looked at if you licked the walls they'd taste like cotton candy. Her room was just as girly as Willows just in a different color pallet. The only thing that stood out though was a signed picture of 'The Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu'. 'I wonder, does she have a crush on Ryukyu or is she just and idol of hers? Maybe ill ask later.'

Sense Akemi was the last room, it was time to cast our votes for coolest room. I ended up voting for Shoji's room because i really wanted to play with all of those toys, and Kikai's stuff just seemed too complicated. 6 votes were made for Toge's room, 1 for Ryo's, 3 voted for Fotiá's room, 6 for Kikai's and the last 3 were also for Shoji's. With 6 for Toge and Kikai they were tied, with a tie breaker Toge won, so it was a best room competition instead of a coolest room, o well, his room did look really good!

After the competition was over i went back over to Kage, and handed him a piece of paper with my phone number, and asked him to message me later. With that we all talked in the common room about everyone's room, Ryo and morrigan were given a hard time for the pin up on Ryo's door making them blush all over again. Isamu was asked to do an impromptu puppet show with his marionettes which he said he'd only do it if Shoji would do it with him using his toys as well. The show they put on was so funny and had everyone laughing, Hari even smiled which was a shock to us all. Soon we realized how late it was and we knew we needed to get to bed all of us headed to the elevator to get to our rooms.

As I'm laying in bed wondering if Kage will message me or not my phone gets a ping. It was a short and simple message but that didn't matter. It said "'Good Night Kyū, I'm glad we got to talk like we did before the contest started. I'll see you tomorrow'"

"'Goodnight Kage, I'm glad as well, C U tomorrow'" not tonight, but soon I'll ask him if he's gay, and if he is I'll ask him out on a real date on our days off!