
My Heart Belongs To You, Mr. CEO

A high school bully, a sexy billionaire ex, a wicked mother and a hot work colleague all entangled around a sweet young lady's life, what could go wrong?! Ariana, a young and sweet lady, lands herself a job in a big company, and life seemed a little too good for her...until she found out that her boss is none other than her ex, Mason Beckham! Mason hates the fact that his ex works at his firm now, but is this because he hates her or secretly, he misses her and wants her back? However their fate will be, there is danger to come as well as secrets that were meant to remain in hiding. Will this change their love for each other, or will it ruin everything?

Blackrose_9388 · Urban
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5 Chs

I'm Not A Stalker!

I shook my head in denial as the doctor went on. What? Cancer?

"Miss Radley, are you still with me?" The man before me asked.

I was still trying to catch my breath. Tears were dropping down my eyes now, uncontrollably.

One minute I was having an argument with my mom and the next minute, we're in the hospital speaking plans of how to save her life.

"Miss Radley, I know it's a lot to handle, but this is serious and I need your undivided attention."

Slowly, I managed to raise my head up to face him. Tears had gathered and filled my eyes, blurring my sight.

I heaved in a heavy breath. "Y-yes. Yes, I, I can hear you sir." I lied. Everything he was saying sounded so foreign to my ears.

In conclusion, we needed urgent fee for surgery, else, my mother's cancer would worsen. I couldn't deal with that, not right now.

My sister Lola frowned as she walked towards my side. She hated me. No matter what happened, I will always feel it was my fault. I got us into this mess, and I'm the only one who can save us.

Monday morning came in a flash. I resumed my job at Beckham Royal Event Center, in short term; BREC.

A tall man in a poise manner made his way over to me. He had a smile on his face, and I was forced to grin like an idiot too. Williams Halls, the man I was suddenly crushing on...

"You're early." He said, his voice bold with authority.

"Good morning, sir."

"Please, skip the formalities." Williams said. His brown hair was neatly styled, and there was this aura he carried that just seemed to put me at ease.

"Just call me Williams."

I nodded. There was a way he studied me with his brown eyes that made my stomach churned.

"You look nice today." He said at last, taking his eyes off me. It was nice to hear.

"Come, we have a lot of work to do. And I hope you haven't forgotten about your meeting with Mrs. Beckham today."

"It's today? I thought you said next tomorrow?" I flared.

His lips curved into a grin. "She's a busy woman and apparently, has chosen to fix the meeting today." he explained. "Come on now."

Mrs. Beckham is the mother of my ex, and also the CEO of the company I worked at. Yes, I knew of that, but after many months of searching for a job, I had no choice but to jump on the offer I got.

I also knew that my ex boyfriend, Mason, worked here. Well, at least I hope not in this exact branch. BREC had branches scattered all over the world.

The Beckham family were big. Very influential and very rich.

I had ran into him days ago without getting the opportunity of telling him I worked in a the Beckham company now. He never gave me the opportunity anyway, with his new girlfriend smooching all over him...Sharon Diaz, my high-school bully.

"I'll be introducing you to the staff members, officially." Williams said. "Remember my advise last week. You need to be calm, and raise your head up high. You're the manager, and it's time you started acting like one."

"Thank you." I returned his advise with a smile. It was genuine.

He led me to the lobby and suddenly, I saw him frowning at his phone.

"Is everything okay?" I was forced to ask.

Williams stared at me with surprise. "What?"

"No, I mean, are you okay?"

There was a frown on his face. Then it slowly melted, "yes. I, there's somewhere I need to be now. I'm afraid the introduction will come some other time."

"Oh okay. It's fine. I can find my way back to my office." I reassured him with a smile. That was when he finally took his leave.

"Ariana?" a voice called from behind. My heart skipped a bit at the sound of that voice. What was he doing here?

Oh how I wished his job would be fixed in another branch. Heaving in a deep breath, I turned around slowly to face him.

He was the same as ever. Tall, thick brows that now seemed to furrow most of the time. He held a look in his eyes that made me feel intimidated.

"Ariana? What are you doing here?" he questioned, brows furrowing.

"Hey, I, um,"

Mason rolled his eyes and now, his frown returned to be even more fierce than before.

"Are you stalking me?"

My eyes widened to his accusation. "What? Why would I do that!"

"Then what are you doing here? Even after meeting at that restaurant, you just couldn't let go of me now, could you?"

I swallowed as I summoned the confidence to speak. "Mason, I work here now."

He chuckled. "Oh yea? And I'm Dwayne Johnson. What the hell does that even mean, Ariana?"

"It means I'm a staff here now. The new manager actually."

"You're not stupid. Why would you agree to an offer to come work at the same firm your ex works at?"

"Maybe I am stupid. I have no other choice, so, let's get along fine okay?"

"Bullshit." He frowned. "You can't work here. Not after everything we've been through. You left me, Ariana. And now you think you can just walk back into my life?"

His tone held a tinge of sadness in it and I couldn't help but feel bad. But my mind was made up. If I loose this job, I am at risk of loosing my mom as well!

I held my head up high, fixing my gaze at him. He was tall so my neck had to be towering as high as I can make it.

"I don't have a choice, Mason. I received the offer to come work for the Beckhams. Do you think I'll be stupid enough to give it up? No."

"So you still go around chasing dreams that are too big for you." He said and bit his lips, realizing by now the deadly mistake he'd just made.

I felt rage inside of me like hot lava ready to erupt!

"Oh yea? Well yes. I'm still the same old stupid Ariana! Chasing dreams too big that I feel I would nearly die of the heavy weight. So you must know that I'm here to stay, mason! And nothing will change that."

There was silence all of a sudden. I turned and saw everyone staring at me. With a blink of regret, I returned my gaze to Mason and saw him staring at me.

Green eyes glinting, dimples crinkling as he tightened his lips and in that moment, seemed lost in his thoughts.

Finally, his lips moved as the words I never thought I'd hear, played out.