
My Heart Belongs To You, Mr. CEO

A high school bully, a sexy billionaire ex, a wicked mother and a hot work colleague all entangled around a sweet young lady's life, what could go wrong?! Ariana, a young and sweet lady, lands herself a job in a big company, and life seemed a little too good for her...until she found out that her boss is none other than her ex, Mason Beckham! Mason hates the fact that his ex works at his firm now, but is this because he hates her or secretly, he misses her and wants her back? However their fate will be, there is danger to come as well as secrets that were meant to remain in hiding. Will this change their love for each other, or will it ruin everything?

Blackrose_9388 · Urban
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5 Chs

Haunting Nightmares, Company Problem.

Mason's POV.

It had been ages since I last saw her. I couldn't even think straight running into her at the restaurant. And now, working together in the same firm? No way!

The door barged open as I stepped in. "Mrs. Beckham, we need to talk." I frowned as I saw someone else in the room. "Wait, Williams? What are you doing here?"

He stood firm and gave a slight bow. "I'll leave you two together then."

My mother had a frown plastered on her face. One would not belive she was fifty years already in less than four months. With beautiful long hair and red full lips, she was still as beautiful as ever.

"It doesn't suit you when you frown like that." I said as I pulled the chair towards me to face her.

"And it's still so stupid of you to barge into your boss's office like this."

I rolled my eyes. "You caused this. Guess who I saw just now?" I raised a brow at her.

"How would I know?" She replied so sternly that I sometimes wonder how she could be my mother.

"Ariana! What the hell mom? Why would she be here? Huh!"

If there was ever a tinge of shock in her eyes, she did not show it. "She applied for a job, she passed the test, she was hired. How is that something to worry about?"

"Mom, you know she's my ex--"

"--and you can't seem to get over her? Last I heard, you both broke up. So, what is the problem here?"

I couldn't believe my own eyes. "Did you employ her? Was there even ever a test?"

"Mason, I have work to do. Please meet the head of department, or contact Williams and he'll guide you through the department of those who employ staff into this company. I have enough on my plate already."

"In a nut shell, you want me to get out?"

"Thank you. Tell Williams I need to see him ASAP."

I got up angrily and just like the same way I'd barged in, I stormed outside.

"What is that even supposed to mean? I get to decide who I want back in my life? Why must she be here!"

I needed to find a way of getting rid of her, and fast.


The weather was dark and gloomy. Maybe others seemed to enjoy it, but I just wanted it all to be over.

It was just like yesterday when the most unfortunate incident happened to me. I had only seen guns in movies. And yet, it was staring right before my eyes.

"Mason, please leave already. Mason, no!"

I jumped up as a heavy thunder shook mightily in the air, panting as I tried to catch my breath.

These nightmares would be the end of me. I needed a glass of warm milk.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Rift, the family's butler saw me heading towards the kitchen.

"Rift, you should go to sleep." I knew he wasn't in bed because he knew my nightmare would eventually wake me up.

Every night I pray for a sound sleep, but unfortunately, I still couldn't wrap my poor head around what happened ten years ago. It was sad, because the memory was still so blurry on my mind, but it haunted me ever since then.

"I hope you can permit me to say this, but two years ago, these nightmares reduced." Rift said.

I raised my gaze to meet him. A smile formed on my face. "You mean when Ariana and I were dating."

"These nightmares reduced. But since your break up, they worsened."

"Rift, you can't relate it. I mean, yea they reduced, but it's not necessarily because of Ariana. I worked less back then because mom never pinned this much work on me. Stress, that's why."

"In your own opinion." Rift said stubbornly.

"Just, don't say anything to my mom, okay?"

The next morning, I got dressed and prepared for work. It was still painful to see Ariana in the same company as me. I...

"Sir! There's trouble!" Rift rushed forward to meet me. "We need to leave right now."

"Wait, what? What's going on?"

"Check the news!" He said, his voice sounding urgent.

I dialed my phone and just as he'd said it, the headline was the first thing that popped up on my phone's screen.


"What? Not again!" I wished I was reading wrong. "Hurry up, let's go." I said to Rift.

He prepared the car and the driver was already waiting outside. We arrived at the firm and found the cops gathered around already.

Williams was outside already. "Hey Williams."

"We should head up now. This is not happening again." Williams said and together, we made our way towards the elavator.

"How bad is it?" I asked him.

"Very bad. She's been up there for twenty minutes now. Or more."

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips. "Okay, but the cops are up already, right?"

He nodded. "But she's still crying. And worst is that the whole news city has heard of this."

"We need to be calm. Let's see if we can talk to her, and maybe bribe her with money."

"Hopefully, it will be the same as last time." Williams said.

"Where's mom?"

"She's fine. She shouldn't be here now." Williams said and I nodded. He was right.

We arrived at the top floor and saw her there. I frowned at the woman. She was a few feet far, and was already on the verge of jumping.

The cops were close but neither of them could get closer.

"Who is she again?" I asked Williams.

"Mira Blunt. She's a cleaner."

"Huh? Why would she make attempt to take her own life! Money I guess."

"Maybe." Williams said. "Now we just need to take closer steps in order to make a deal with her."

"But we need to get rid of these reporters first."

"On it." he turned and began whispering to the reporters that had lined up.

Okay, I just need to take a step forward and speak to her. But then, what if I'm not so careful and she jumps?!

Panicking would not solve anything now. I took a few steps forward and she sighted me. Fear was written all over her face.

Before I could open my mouth to utter a word, a swish of wind whistled past my ears and a figure bumped into me. But they didn't stop there. Instead, they continued...wait, she?


"Ariana, no! Be careful! Ariana!"