
Chapter 6

The doors don't open. "Three!" He repeats. This time the doors do open… behind him, on the wrong side of the tracks. Pwahaha.

"Seriously, Ajumma!" Healer gripes. Min-ja goes whoopsie and corrects her mistake, and then Jung-hoo and his client leap out the correct set of doors, onto the tracks below, while the goons are locked out by closing doors.

As they jog down the tunnel, Jung-hoo asks for "the goods" to confirm that they're genuine, but the client fearfully begs Jung-hoo to save him first. This goes against his policy and time's ticking, with the Double S goons now in the tunnel, continuing the chase. The client clutches his briefcase whimpering that they'll kill him, and the gang is coming at them mighty quickly…

Jung-hoo asks Min-ja for a hand, and she sends the subway train along, losing their light source. The tunnel goes dark and from there, it's simple enough for Jung-hoo to employ his super-fly hand-to-hand moves to pick them off one at a time. All the while, Min-ja counts down the remaining seconds till the next train passes through…


With less than a minute to spare, Jung-hoo tries to tell his opponent to pause to clear out his buddies before continuing the fight, which sounds as silly as you think if not for the very real train heading their way. By the time the lights appear around the bend, he's only got seconds to figure a way out of this.

Jung-hoo breaks free of his hold and knocks out his opponent, only to have the burly guy land on top of him, pinning him to the tracks. Oh shit oh shit! Mooooooove.

The train zooms by, and then a long tense pause as we peer down the tunnel. Are those bodies dead, or just out for the count? And then, Jung-hoo stirs from the pile, having shoved himself and the goon off the tracks at the last second. He gasps that this job is so not worth the price tag.